Missed Accident

He got back to his senses and saw that he was about to knock into the vehicle before them and pulled the brake immediately.

Fiona cried out, " What were you thinking about ? you didn't even saw the signal. "

" I'm sorry. I just got lost in thought " Jason said apologetically.

He then drove carefully until they reached their grandfather's house.


It is a big house with three stairs. A colourful garden in front, just like a palace. It is an old house, filled with lots of memories. It has a spacious living room with Italian marble and expensive furniture. It is connected to kitchen, a big dinning hall and two guest rooms. The stairs in the middle of the hall, leads to the second floor, which has two bedrooms on either side and a study in the middle, where grandpa mostly spends his time. Just like the second, the third floor also contains two bedrooms. It's more than enough for the whole family to live together. But unfortunately, only his grandfather lives here. His three children took their own nest.

When Fiona and Jason entered the garden, Kevin saw Fiona and asked why they look haggard.

Fiona said, " He just freaked me out. He didn't see the signal. We almost had an accident. "

Jason joined his palms and said in a guilty tone, " I'm really sorry, I just got carried away by my thoughts. "

Fiona stared at him, heart filled with disappointment.

How could he get carried away, when she was Talking to him. This boy never cares about her.

Kevin said patting on his shoulder, " it's ok, but be careful next time. It's really dangerous. "

Jason saluted to him saying, " Yes sir "

Everyone laughed and the atmosphere became pleasant.

Just then Eric Parker came out to tell them that everyone is waiting for them inside. When they were about to go inside, Fiona stopped him by catching his hand who could no longer resist and asked, " What were you thinking back then? you were smiling dotingly."

Jason was puzzled. " Did I smile? "

They looked at him. He was surprised.

He didn't even know that a smile appeared on his face at the thought of her. It's a feeling that he never experienced before.

Eric said merrily, " Jason Graner, don't tell me you were thinking about a girl."

Fiona's face became black. Of course it would, because she loved him since she was like ten.

jason punched him lightly in the stomach and said, " Don't talk crazy. I'm not like you."

"Hey, what's wrong in thinking about girls?"

Kevin interrupted him and said, " we are not playboys like you. Now come on let's go, everyone is waiting."

Kevin and Jason entered the house.

Eric spread his arm around his sister's shoulder and said, " Don't you think he's a bit different today ? Just forget about him. He might already have a girl "

Fiona pushed his hand. Glared at him and said, "SHUT UP "

Then she also entered the house and Eric followed her shrugging his shoulders.


... to be continued...