
When they stepped inside, everyone was having their tea and talking cheerfully. seeing him, his uncle Marcus Graner, Kevin Graner's Father hugged him and welcomed him warmly. Followed by Zachary Parker. Listening to the noise, his aunts Sonia Harper and Samara Graner, who are in the dining room along with his mother Susan Ryder also came.

Samara took his hands into hers and said, " Why did you come only now. I have been missing you." He just smiled.

Hearing that Sonia Harper stepped up and said, " Not only her, everyone is missing you. See your mother's face. How happy she is."

Hearing that he went towards Susan Ryder hugged her around the shoulders and said, " Well, I'm not leaving her anymore"

" And I'm not allowing you to leave the house either " said his dad James Graner with a pouty expression.

" What's all this about James ?" asked his aunt Samara Graner.

James Graner said, " Sister, convince him for me. He wants to live on his own."

Jason went to his father who sat on the sofa. " Dad it's just an hour journey from home"

Marcus patted on the shoulder of his brother and said, " James Graner, don't be like a baby. He's already 26. He can manage himself. What are you worried about ?"

" Brother, I just don't want him to live alone. Why should he, when he have us? "

Hearing that Jason said, " Come on dad, I'm not alone. Even Nathan will be there. "

Zachary Parker who sat beside them said, " Brother-in-law, just let him be. He's not like my idiotic son. So you don't need to worry."

Hearing this Eric who is at corner of the room cried out,""

Samara Graner interrupted him saying, " Hubby, how can you say that to your son? "

" It's because of your support that he became useless."

" What did you say..." and they started arguing.

Everyone thought that this would take forever to end, if they don't stop them.

The elders are trying to convince them both. But it seemed like, it's not going to end quick. Where as the youth came to a corner, away from the discussion as they got used to it.

Zachary Parker and Samara Graner married out of love. they married each other by convincing their parents who opposed their marriage in the beginning. But they always fight now and then.

Just then a voice came from upstairs.

" What's going on here ? Why is it so noisy downstairs? "

Its Jason's grandfather Richard Graner. He is a gentle and a capable man who established the R.G company. It's now being run by the Graner brothers. Everyone in the family respects him. Moreover they are afraid of him.

"Did you both start fighting again. How many times should I tell you not to act this way before the children. "

Samara said in a disappointing tone, " Father, it's him who started first. "

" Who ever might have started it, you shouldn't always lose your temper. Its not right to quarrel before others. You should at least maintain your dignity."

Samara thought of saying something, but stopped and said, " I'm sorry fathe. I would keep that in mind. "

Zachary Parker did not say anything but nodded his head in unison with his wife.

He saw Jason and said, " Jason Graner, follow me to my study " and went to his study. Jason quietly went upstairs.

He knocked the door and entered.

People who were downstairs, took their breath and continued what they were doing.


... to be continued ...