
" Grandpa, I'm here "

" Come here. Sit before me. Let grandpa have a good look at you. " said his grandfather dotingly.

He went and sat before him and said with a smile, " Grandpa, how's your health? I missed your beef stew so much. you should cook for me when you are free."

" Ha Ha. You still act like a small child. I've spoiled you so much."

" I heard that you have been unwell these days. I'm here now. I'll take care of you."

" I'm fine now. You don't need to worry about me. I'll keep my health in check. I need to see my grandson's and granddaughter's marriages and should hold my great-grandsons."

They both chatted happily as it has been a while since they met.

It's just like, when he was small. He would always come here right after finishing the school. His grandfather would make some delicious dishes for him. He would eat them along with his grandmother and grandfather, happily telling them about his school and friends. Nothing changed, after all these years. They were same as always. Even the study room where his grandfather spends his most of the time also didn't change. The same table, same chairs, sofa, books, everything remained same, except for the fact that his grandmother passed away.

" Jason, what are your plans for future. Grandpa seriously wants to know, what you are thinking. " said grandpa Richard calmly.

Silence filled the room.

After a while, Jason looked straight into his eyes and said with a slow voice, " Grandpa, if I say, I want to start from the foundation and build up my own career. will you support me? "

" I know you are different from others. You don't like to follow others, but want to create your own path. I appreciate your will power. But, do you really have to do this? You can take an easy way. "

" I know it would be difficult. It's not easy to be an outstanding person like you. But I want to make myself strong and face it. One day, I want to be like grandpa who rose like a phoenix from the ashes. Even if I fail, I want to learn from my failures."

Grandpa saw a determination in his eyes. A zeal to achieve something.

He just smiled and said, " You will be even more greater than me. I have confidence in you. You are just like your father. It's not easy to change your decisions one's you decide something." Saying that, he patted his head dotingly.

Jason was confused by his comment and said, " Why? did dad also opposed about his joining in to the company? "

His grandfather sighed and said, " No. its about his marriage. Your mother and father faced many things while undergoing for marriage. It was not easy for them to be together. But they faced them with courage and never gave up. I hope you would do the same and do not leave your loved one's. "

Jason was truly surprised at what grandpa said. He never expected there to be a story behind their marriage.

" Grandpa, can you please tell me what happened. They would never tell me about their story how many times do I ask."

... to be continued ...