
Grandpa shaked his head and said, " That means they do not want you to know about it. You will know someday. So don't think too much about it."

Jason got disappointed. Every parent would love to tell their child about their story happily. But they would reject him every single time. And now, after listening to his grandpa, he decided not to bother about it anymore.

" Not only his marriage, even in your uncle Marcus's and aunt Samara's marriages, there were many huddles." He sighed and continued, " It had been so difficult for me to settle them since they were so stubborn. I hope at least my grandchildren would not make any more troubles."

He just smiled not knowing how to react. May be he would also bring some trouble.

After a while when he was about to leave, grandpa said that there's going to be a party tomorrow evening and he wanted to introduce him to his friends.

Then he just nodded and left the room.


During lunch, everyone ate together happily. The butler John, made Jason's favourite dishes to welcome his return. Just then, the topic of him moving out of the house came back again. His father strongly opposed it. But then, his grandfather supported him and said, " Did I ever stop you, when you wanted to move out? Just let him be. It's his own life. "

After that, his father did not stop him again. Just like that, he got his freedom.


In the evening, everyone got back. But, the cousins went to Kevin's place to hangout, as it has been a while.

Eric raised his eyebrows and said, " Don't you think, there's something going on "

Kevin said surprisingly, " What do you mean? "

" You mean about the party tomorrow? " Jason asked.

Fiona scoffed at Eric and said, " What's wrong with it ? Don't tell me, you feel offended because, grandpa didn't invite you. "

Eric scorned, " Huh, it's you who's feeling that way. Only Kevin and Jason are invited and his one and only granddaughter has been forgotten. "

" Come on, it's just a party. And moreover, it's about the company. It's just another boring party. Don't quarrel over a small thing like that. " Kevin tried to calm them.

But they didn't care about him and continued.

Jason went to balcony to have a clear view of the city. It's a double bedroom flat which is spacious, with fancy furniture. And one can see a beautiful view of the city from the balcony. It's a cozy place, for one's who like to have their own world.

Ever since Kevin joined the company, he started living by his own. Even though he is the vice president of the company, and would become the president in the future, he was never happy with it. He only finds peace and happiness when he is sitting in the balcony and painting, watching the splendid night view out there.

Yes, he once dreamed about becoming a great artist. But life would never be as we expect it to be. Which was once a dream, has become a hobby now.

Kevin joined Jason who's admiring the view.

Jason asked, " Brother, do you think, there's really another meaning behind the party."

Kevin just smiled and said, " What reason can there be, it's just a simple get together"

Even though he said that, he's worried about what his grandfather said to him, before they left.

... to be continued ...