Getting Curious

Eric could no longer hide his purpose, " yes, you are right. I guessed it's you, who's Aaron is going to meet. So I made Fiona call you and disturb your date. "

Kevin couldn't understand him, " but why, I could have dealt it in my own way. You shouldn't involve in this. "

" do you think, she will just agree to you. You should make it clear to her, that you will leave her anytime and go back to your loved ones. Only then, will she completely avoid you. "

" but... "

Kevin was interrupted by Eric, " don't think so hard. I did this for your own sake. Now leave everything to me, and get back to your work. "

Before kevin could say something, he already disconnected the call.

Kevin finally understood, why he joined in the Avelon Group. He was worried, what will happen in the future.


Arora went to Aaron's room and saw her staring blankly. She thought something's wrong with her.

Arora sat beside her and said, " sister, is something bothering you "

Aaron came back to her senses and said, " you are here. How are you now, is everything alright "

" I already said that I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me. Now tell me what happened. You even forgot you have a car and went against the signal. " said Arora with a troubled expression.

Aaron didn't talk for a while. Later she explained everything that happened.

" what !!! He really left you there. He must be seeking a death wish. I won't let him go easily. Back then when you said about him, I thought he was a gentleman. I must have lost my judgement " Arora was so aggrieved at the thought of him.

And then she continued, " But then, why did you lie to grandpa. " Arora wondered why.

Aaron said with a calm expression, " you know, our grandfather and his grandfather are friends. I don't want to affect their relationship because of me. And also, you know about grandpa, he wouldn't let this matter go easily, if he knows about it. "

Arora shrugged her shoulders and said, " you really worry about everything. "

She then asked in a low voice, " ah.. who is the man in the hospital. You seemed to be close to him. "

Aaron laughed and said, " you also would have met him, if you came to the party last time. He's also one of the Graner's. He is Kevin Graner's cousin named Jason Graner. But he is different from him. I don't know why, but I felt so comfortable around him, just like an old friend. "

Arora was totally baffled. She never saw her sister, talk about someone for this long. Even when she was in relationships back then, she would never tell her what they are like. She only knew that, they all left her behind and wounded her heart.

But this time around, this man seems different. So, she was curious about him, to know what kind of person he is.

When she tried to ask something, they heard noise from downstairs. And so, they headed down.


... to be continued ...