Acting Crazy

When Aaron and Arora went down to see what's happening, they saw Aayon being scolded by his grandfather and father.

Derrick Avelon tried to stop them, but then, it is of no use. The on going sight just looked like a little boy being scolded for his Mischievous behaviour.

Arora went to them and stopped them saying, " grandpa please, I said I'm really fine now. Now please let go of brother "

" you are going to support him even now. Today we are lucky that nothing big happened to you. If something really happened, then what should we do. " saying that her grandfather went to his room.

Edwin Avelon who's still angry said, " I'm letting you off, only because Arora asked to. Never ever repeat this again. Understood " saying that he also left the room.

Everyone relieved a sigh and then Aaron said, " why did you help him. He has the right to be scolded. "

Aayon approached Arora and said, " I'm really really, really sorry. I totally forgot about that matter. I was in the press conference when I got the call, so I must have lost my senses. "

Arora assured him not to worry about it anymore.

He then continued, " My little sister went through so much because of me. Now tell me, what do you want as compensation. I'll do anything for you "

Arora smiled and said, " hmm, then I'll use it in future. You should fulfil it whatever it might be "

" sure. Anything for my sweetheart "

Everyone smiled and the problem finally solved.


Jason who was laying on the bed the whole time was smiling brightly and laughing to himself. Nathan wondered what happened to him.

From the moment he came back, he was thinking for some time and then laughing and then thinking hard. And again smiling. He's done that for the whole day.

Nathan finally guessed what might have happened and said, " you met her today. Am I right "

Jason nodded his head while smiling brightly.

Nathan was even more excited, " wow... you finally met her. Come on man. Your hard work finally paid off. Did you get her number "

" no "

Nathan bursted, " what !!! Are you crazy. It took a month for you to meet her again. How can you let her go "

Jason said with a calm voice, " cool man. Do you know, who she is "

Nathan wondered, " who "

Jason said with a broad smile, " She's one of the Avelon's "

Nathan was flabbergasted, " what, really. No wonder she has got the guts to call you pervert "

Jason glared at him.

" ok ok. I won't call you that again. Now, tell me what happened exactly "

Jason explained everything to him what has happened in the afternoon.

" so she's the youngest daughter of Avelon's that everyone is wondering about. "

" yhaa "

" but, how did she manage to keep her identity a secret for all these years. She's really something " said Nathan who was always troubled because of his family status.

Wyatt family is also a well known family in city A, who had settled down in states. Nathan is the only heir of this well established family. Because of his family status, he was always surrounded by many girls. So he always hated this kind of stuff.

Jason ridiculed, " are you being jealous right now "

" of course. Do you know how hard it was for me to get rid of all those girls in high school "

" don't act so pathetic. I was even more popular than you "

Nathan snikerd, " yes you were. But you always acted cold. And they used to get scared to approach you "

Jason rolled his eyes saying, " then, why did you act so sweet towards them. "

Nathan was taken aback, " acting sweet... who acted. I'm just being myself. "

He then continued, " anyway I hate girls who deliberately act to be delicate. Girls should be tough. They should be able to handle their own things not depending on others. "

" is that the reason, why you don't like Fiona. "

" it's one of the reasons. I don't know why, but I just hate her. Anyway we have lots of work to do tomorrow. So, stop acting crazy and get some sleep. "

Jason sniggered, " you are jealous of me, aren't you? "

" don't get ahead of yourself. I would never be jealous of you. Now get some sleep. Good night " saying that Nathan left the room.

He went back to his room and laid down to sleep. And he thought to himself, " even this hard core got a girl. When will I meet my only one " while thinking about it, he fell asleep quickly.


... to be continued ...