The Photo

At night, Marcus Graner went to home early, as he has lot of things running on, in his mind. He stood beside the window and took out the photo from his locker and started staring at it. It's a picture when he was in his college days. It was taken on the fare well party of their club, before he was graduated.

In the picture, he was staring at a girl, who's smiling brightly. Seeing her, he was reminded of their past and he recollected the day that they took that photo.


Everyone was having fun at the dinner party, as it's the last reunion of all the four year students of the club, before the seniors get graduated. They took a photo together to commemorate their last days in the college.

Marcus Graner was a senior year student who's about to graduate. He liked a girl, who is his junior for almost three years. But he never had the courage to express his love to her. But then he decided to propose to her that day, as it might be their last get together.

After the dinner, everyone started to leave. And he asked her to stay behind as he had something to tell her. When everyone left, he gathered his courage and proposed to her.

As he said those words, the smile on her face instantly disappeared and she replied, " I'm sorry senior. I already have a boyfriend. I'm so sorry if my behaviour had misled you. I have always thought of you as a reliable senior whom I felt comfortable with. I'm sorry, I can't accept your feelings. "

Saying that she left the room hurriedly. He doesn't even remember how long he stayed there crying his heart out.


Just when he was staring at her picture, Sonia Harper entered the room. She saw the photo in his hand and felt a tight knot in her heart.

" did you ever considered me as your wife ? " asked Sonia Harper who was vexed up with his behaviour.

Marcus Graner placed back the photo in his locker and started to leave, even without having a glance at her.

She stopped him, by catching his hand and said, " don't you feel sorry for me after all these years ? Can't I even expect some care from you ? " she was desperate for him to look back at her.

He turned back and said coldly, " if I never cared, then how can you enjoy this wealth and fancy jewellery "

" all I want from you is love. " saying that she held back her tears.

He freed his hand from her's and said without even batting an eye, " I already said that you can have anything but my heart. " saying that he left the room.

Her legs gave up and she started to tremble. She could no longer stand and collapsed down. As she couldn't hold back her tears anymore, she cried desperately for him to come back to her.

It has become a common thing for them, ever since they were married. They can't get hold of the ones they love dearly.


" I heard, she daily goes to library at this time. I have to talk to her today, no matter what " said Jason who was on the phone.

Nathan, who was on the other side of the call murmured, " do you really have to meet her today? Leaving me all alone to handle the meeting. "

Nathan Wyatt went to AVELON GROUP, to have a meeting with MEDUSA about their new project and to know about their requirements.

Before the meeting started, Nathan called Jason to ask him, if he could join him, but it resulted in vain.

He muttered himself, " hah... he made me work with the boss and went to flirt with her sister. "

Aaron, who sat beside him, observed that he was dejected and asked him, " is there anything wrong? "

He instantly changed his mood, replied to her with a smile, " nothing "

And the meeting continued...


... to be continued ...