Curiosity Kills The Cat

Jason went to the library which is near Arora's dormitory. He searched for her everywhere and finally saw her sleeping on the table with a pencil in her hand. She must have dozed off while drawing.

He silently went to her and sat down in the chair next to her. He then thought to himself, " how can she be so beautiful even while sleeping ? "

Thinking that, he took out his phone and took some pictures of her. She's just like a sleeping beauty which suits for her name Arora. He wondered how she looked when she was a little girl.

Just then a girl who was passing beside them, dropped the books in her hand which resonated the whole corridor. Arora woke up by the sound and was startled to see Jason staring at her.

She asked him coldly, " what are you doing here ? How did you know that I am here ? "

" well, I have my own ways. " he said with a relaxed tone.

She just ignored him and started drawing her design. He took a look at it and said, " wow ! It's so beautiful. Just like you " saying that he stared at her.

She said indifferently, " really "

" of course, why would I lie to a beautiful young lady "

Unknowingly, her lips turned into a curve.

He then said, " but then, what is the name of this design? It's really beautiful "

Arora said excitedly, " it's called BEAUTIFUL SUNSHINE. It means that it would bring a shine and make the one who wear this even more beautiful. These spaces here will be filled with diamonds which represents elegance and beauty. "

No one can stop her from excitement when asked about her designs.

" wow ! Stones have a meaning behind them. Then what stone represents love? "

She said without thinking, " rose quartz" and then realized, " what... " saying that she glared at him.

Jason covered up, " I'm asking for my mother. Did you think, it's for you? " saying that he smiled wickedly.

She didn't cared about him and drew her designs.

He then said, " I think it would be nice if you add a few more stokes here. And how about adding a flower design in this place? I think it would look perfect" pointing a few places in the drawing.

" do you mean this "

" ah haa... yhaa perfect "

She looked at him in surprise and asked, " how did you know about these things? " she then continued, " well, Not so bad. It does look beautiful than before "

He scratched his head and said, " well, I just imagined how would it look if you wear this necklace. You are so pretty, you know " saying that he winked at her.

She raised her brows and said, " do you expect me to believe you "

He relaxed in his chair and said, " why not ? "

She folded her hands and asked him, " do you flirt with every girl in the same way "

" what do mean every girl? You are the only one. "

She smirked and asked, " why did you come here ? "

He leaned forward and said, " why do you think? I heard you like your sister a lot "

" of course I do "

" you should be very happy that your sister was saved from the accident "

" of course I am. What about it? "

" then you should be even more grateful to the person who saved her. Am I right? "

" of course, I'm gratef... " saying that she glared at him.

" why, don't you like that I saved your sister? "

" what nonsense. Of course I'm grateful to you for saving my sister. Its just that you are asking that on your own "

" well, you want to thank me for saving her. Am I right? "

She rolled her eyes and said, " yhaa... I wanted to thank you. Now I'm thanking you. Thankyou so much. Are you satisfied now "

He said adamantly, " not at all... if you really want to thank me, then come out with me tomorrow "

Arora was baffled, " what !! You want me to go out with you? Hah... You must be out of your mind "

Jason didn't quiver and said, " so you don't like your sister a lot. Those must be just hollow words. "

Arora glared at him, " what do you mean "

" I thought you will be thankful to me as you liked your sister so much. I must be wrong "

Arora said with a stern look, " no, you are not. I'll come with you tomorrow "

He was extremely happy, he thought his plan finally worked out.

" don't change your word again "

" of course, I won't "

He exchanged his contact number with hers and told her the appointed place and time. He then left the library joyfully.

She stared at him until he disappeared and thought to herself, " let's see, what plans you have got up your sleeves. "


" what !! You agreed to meet him tomorrow? " both Ivy and Nisha were baffled by her decision. They dragged their wheelchairs near her bed who were at their respective study tables.

" yhaa " said Arora calmly who was about to go to bed.

Nisha yelled at her, " are you crazy, he kissed you abruptly last time. What if he takes next step tomorrow "

Arora was stunned by her statement, " what nonsense "

Nisha asked her, " you called him pervert, didn't you? "

Arora explained, " that was before I knew about him "

" then, what do you think about him now ? " asked Ivy with a calm voice.

Arora thought for some time and said, " well, I too don't know exactly. But I can say that he's a gentleman. "

" how can you say that ? "

" he made some one like my sister to open up to him. He's definitely not a playboy. But, I'm so curious what kind of person he is? "

Nisha ridiculed, " curiosity kills the cat " who was swaying in her wheelchair.

" what do you mean "

" don't be so curious. It may lead to something else. It might even make you fall for him " saying that Nisha winked at her.

" don't just talk nonsense. Good night " saying that, she covered herself with a blanket. Soon the lights were off.

But she couldn't sleep thinking what might happen tomorrow.


... to be continued ...