" BLOSSOM HOUSE " said Arora with a baffled expression. She couldn't understand why he brought her there.

" yhaa, let's go " saying that, he leaded her towards the entrance where there are many people surrounded, waiting for him.

" oh ! Jason is here. Let's start " said Nathan with a relief. And then he saw Arora behind him.

He welcomed her with a bright smile, " hi, it's been a while Miss Avelon. "

She smiled back, " yhaa "

It's the opening of the flower shop named BLOSSOM HOUSE, which was designed by both Nathan and Jason. It is the first project of STARLITE after its establishment.

Mr. David offered scissors to Jason to cut the ribbon and open the shop.

But, Jason rejected him politely saying, " this shop is the result of your hard work Mr. David. It's only right for you to open the shop. Now come on... " saying that he handed back the scissors to him.

Arora was a little bit impressed by his act. And she thought to herself, ' his personality seems to be not that bad than I thought. '

As Mr. David cut the ribbon, everyone applauded and entered the shop.

Entering the shop, Arora was astonished by the architecture and was amazed by the designs which were well suited with the flowers in the shop. She then understood why Aaron insisted to collaborate with them.

Seeing her amazed, Nathan went and stood beside her and she then told him, " this shop is really pretty. It's so beautiful "

He smiled and said, " most of it was designed by Jason. "

Listening to his words, she unknowingly searched for Jason and saw him conversing with Mr. David. He then suddenly turned around and she quickly shifted her gaze avoiding his. He walked towards her and gave her a bouquet of WHITE CLOVERS.

She was surprised, why did he give her flowers. Watching them, Nathan left from there to give them some space.

Jason smiled and said, " as it's the opening of the shop, we should buy something. And I found out that these flowers have a special meaning. Knowing that, you were the first person I thought of. So... these are for you "

She took the flowers from him, " these are really pretty. But, what does they mean? "

He moved closer to her and said in her ear, " if you are really curious, then try to find it "

She just stared at him and thought to herself ' he wouldn't miss a single opportunity to flirt. Knowing that, why did I even agreed to come with him. I must have lost my mind '

He smiled brightly and said, " Let's go to have some lunch. "

She was puzzled, " don't you need to be here? "

" No. Nathan can manage. Now let's go " saying that he took her arm and pulled her out of the shop.


Jason brought Arora to FUNSTERS and they sat at the table where he first met her.

She just sat silently staring at him.

He then asked, " why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face? Or can't you get enough of me. "

She felt speechless listening to his words. When she was about to say something, a girl came to take an order. She remembered him immediately and asked, " sir, did you find the girl you were searching for? "

Jason stuttered, " ah... well... "

The part-timer interrupted him, " ma'am, you must be the girl. You are exactly as what he described. "

Arora questioned, " what did he say? "

The girl answered brightly, " sir said that you are the most beautiful girl that he ever met. "

Jason was stunned by her statement. How could she spill the beans so easily. He tried to stop her but she didn't.

She then continued, " for the last two months, he came here every day in the hopes of meeting you. I don't know what happened between you two, but I'm happy that you finally made up. You really are made for each other. "

Jason was afraid if he didn't stop her now, what else would she say. So, he ordered food quickly and sent her away. He thought, he would definitely receive a scolding. He even prepared himself mentally. But she didn't speak a word. She just sat there staring at the flowers he gave her before.

He then gained back the confidence that he lost a while ago and said, " well... "

But he couldn't say, as the food they ordered arrived and they started eating.

He then mustered his courage, " I... "

" Thankyou for saving my sister back then. I'm really indebted to you. I couldn't even imagine what would have happened if you were not there. Thankyou so much " said Arora with a smile.

" you already thanked me before. You don't need to be so formal with me. " he then continued, " well, I... "

This time, he was interrupted by a phone call, " ha Fiona, what's the matter? "

Fiona, who was on the other end of the call asked him out for lunch to celebrate his first successful project.

But he rejected her saying, " I'm already out eating. Let's meet this weekend along with Kevin and Eric. I'm busy right now. Call you back later, bye "

After disconnecting the call, he tried to say something, but Arora said, " if you are done, let's leave. I have lots of work to do. "

Jason was a bit disappointed, he couldn't say what he wanted to. Actually, he planned a lot for their first date. Well, at least for him, it's a date. But, all his plans were shattered. They then paid the bill and left the restaurant.


... to be continued ...