" well... thankyou for spending your time with me today. And sorry, I asked you out by making a lame excuse. But I'm really happy that you came. " said Jason.

They have already arrived and are in front of Arora's dormitory.

Arora smiled and said, " hmm, it really is a lame excuse. But I had a great time as well. " she then pointed to the bouquet and said, " And also thankyou for the flowers. "

" I'm satisfied that you enjoyed today. Then... I'll take my leave... bye... " saying that he turned to leave.

" Jason Graner " called Arora

Hearing that, Jason turned back, " haa... !! "

Arora asked him with a soft voice, " why did you take me to those places? "

Jason was surprised, " what do you mean... "

" you must have a reason for me to take to those places. What is it? "

Jason smiled and said, " as you know, that flower shop is my first project after establishing STARLITE. I wanted you to be a part of my success and share my happiness with you. "

Arora didn't utter a word, she just blankly stared at him.

He then continued, " And as for FUNSTERS, it's where we met after our first encounter. I was really happy when I was waiting for you all those days. Even though you never showed up, at least you were in my memories. "

She didn't expect those words from him. She sure was a bit touched.

He then said with a broad smile, " did you remember what I told you last time? If I ever meet you again, I'll never let you leave me again. Be ready to accept me. You surely will fall into my charm. "

She then snapped back to her senses who just got carried away by his sweet words before.

She said with a stern look, " don't get ahead of yourself. It's Arora Avelon you are going to deal with. So, be careful of what you speak. Humph, Who would fall for you " saying that she turned back and went into her room.

He was smiling from ear to ear. He couldn't believe he finally said those words to her. He was so happy that he came back jumping and dancing to his flat.


" what did you do today? " asked both Nisha and Ivy at the same time with expectant eyes. They were really curious.

Arora who just laid on the bed, sat up and explained everything.

Ivy exclaimed, " wow!! he's really amazing. He even brought you along to his work. "

Arora rolled her eyes and said in a hopeless tone, " I don't know "

" why? Isn't he handsome? "

" of course he is. That's what the problem is. He has many girls surrounding him. " said Arora who just remembered the call that he received while they were having lunch.

" but he really has a unique way of expressing his feelings. " said Nisha who just saw the flower bouquet which was placed beside Arora's bed.

" what do you mean? " asked Arora who didn't understood her words.

Nisha asked, " those flowers WHITE CLOVERS, what do you think is the meaning behind them? "

Ivy said with a puzzled look, " isn't it happiness? "

Nisha said with a stern look, " of course it's one of the meanings. But when a boy gives WHITE CLOVERS to a girl, then it means that he's asking her to think about him. "

Ivy was surprised, " whoa, how did you know about that? "

" of course, you know my mother runs a flower shop " said Nisha proudly.

" yhaa, right. I totally forgot... "

As they were happily chatting, Arora went into deep thoughts.

He sure is attractive and has a good personality. But those things attract a lot of women around him. She really hates to get involved with that kind of stuff.

She took the flowers in her hands and thought, ' did he really meant what Nisha said '

Just then she remembered what he said when he gave her those flowers.


" I found out that these flowers have a special meaning. Knowing that, you were the first person I thought of. So... these are for you "


She thought to herself, ' does he really like me? Or is he just flirting? '

She shook her head, " ah... whatever " saying that she pulled the blanket over her and cuddled herself to sleep.

Both Nisha and Ivy stared at each other and wondered, " what's wrong with her "


" Susan ! what a coincidence " said Sonia Harper who was elated by meeting Susan Ryder.

" Yhaa, did you come alone? " asked Susan Ryder who was surprised to see her alone. They met in the shopping mall which was opened recently.

Generally, she would never go shopping alone. She always take someone along with her for company. So, Susan Ryder was indeed surprised to see her alone.

Sonia Harper said in a low tone, " hmm, to get some fresh air. "

She just couldn't forget the incident from two days back. So, she came out to clear her head. But all she could think is about the past.

Susan Ryder saw her dejected and understood something had happened. So, she took her hand and said, " then, let's go have some fresh air "

Sonia Harper smiled and followed her.

Even though they were sisters-in-law, they always regarded each other as own sisters and so they knew each other's bitter past.

Later, they went to a café nearby and had a nice chat. Just then they heard a group of people cheering and applauding. And they soon shifted their attention towards them and saw a boy proposing to a girl and their friends cheering for them.

That reminded Sonia Harper her own past and the night Marcus Graner proposed to his junior.

... to be continued ...