Sonia Harper was from the same class as Marcus Graner in the college. They were good friends. But the fact that he doesn't know is that she loved him from the moment they met. She tried many times to express her feelings towards him but she didn't have the courage to. So, she was only treated as a friend by him.

She finally gathered her courage and decided to propose to him as they would soon leave the college. And she planned to express her feelings at the group dinner, as it might be their last get together and they would soon be busy.

After the dinner, everyone started to take a move and she quickly went to the ladies room to adjust her makeup. She wanted to be the most beautiful woman in his eyes.

And when she returned, she saw the man she loved whole heartedly for all these years proposing to another girl. She couldn't believe what she witnessed. It was the day, she could never forget in her life. As she couldn't get herself to face him, she just stayed behind the window.

Watching the man she loved crying for another girl, made her heart crumble and she too silently joined him. She couldn't even remember how she came back home. She passed out while crying and some one else brought her home.


Seeing her spaced out, Susan Ryder thought something must have really happened and asked, " is everything alright. You know, I'm always there for you. "

Sonia Harper composed herself and smiled, " of course I know. But don't worry, there's nothing for you to worry about. Its already late, let's go back "

Saying that, she got up from the chair to leave. Susan Ryder, who was not sure if everything's alright, followed her and they both left the café.


" Sara ! Why do you bring so many chocolates whenever you come. The ones that you brought last time are not even completed " said Sister Jennifer with a doting smile.

Sara smiled back and said, " I promised the kids to bring them their favorite chocolates next time I come for a visit. "

Sister Jennifer said with a caring expression, " you are really spoiling them. "

Sara Cooper went to the orphanage SWEET HOME where she was brought up. She visits the orphanage every now and then when she has free time. It's a home to many, who were abandoned by their parents into this ruthless world.

Sara asked, " Sister, how are the arrangements going on, for the 50th anniversary. Should I chip in some more money. "

Sister Jennifer refused her saying, " No. Everything's been already set. And also, you should not spend your money carelessly, you should save it for your future " she was worried about her.

" how can it be careless. I'm spending for my home and for the people that I love. "

Sister Jennifer assured, " don't worry, we already have a sponsor. Do you remember me mentioning a person who visits here frequently. He's the only person other than you who visits the kids regularly. "

Sara exclaimed, " really "

" by the way, he's now with the kids. Come on let's go. I'll introduce him to you. " saying that sister Jennifer took her to the room where the kids were playing.

Just before entering the room, sister Jennifer was called for other things and she said she would be back in 5 minutes and left.

Then Sara entered the room where the children were playing.

Seeing her enter the room, the kids came running towards her. They were smiling cheerfully.

Sara upon seeing those innocent smiles of the kids, her face lit up with a wide bright smile. Only few can witness that smile. But there was one more person, who witnessed it now.

Sara was happily chatting with the children and soon a voice came from her behind, " What a pleasant surprise, Miss Cooper "

Sara turned her sight towards the voice and was flabbergasted to see the owner of that voice. Indeed astonished. She twitched her eyes twice in awe as she couldn't believe that she saw him there.

Seeing her bewilderment, the owner of the voice said, " Miss Cooper, your actions are quite hurtful. "

" oh! I'm sorry. I couldn't control my astonishment. But, what a pleasant surprise meeting you here Mr. Parker. I never expected to meet you here. "

Well, no one would ever believe that the most reputable playboy in the city was in a small orphanage to pay visit to these kids. It's kind of a surprise indeed.

Eric raised his brow and asked , " Miss Cooper, what's there to be so surprised for me being here? Are you saying that, I shouldn't be here. "

Sara was speechless. How can he decipher her words in his own way.

" no, I didn't mean it that way, I'm...… " but her words were interrupted by sister Jennifer.

" oh, you both were here already. Let me introduce you to each other. But it seems like you already know each other. " said sister Jennifer seeing them talking when she entered the room.

" yhaa, we both work in the same company. " said Eric with a lovely smile.

Sister Jennifer likes Eric Parker a lot. Literally she is a fan of his. If she was not a nun, she would have become the president of his fan club.

Seeing his lovely smile, she said, " wow, really... I'm so glad that you know each other very well. " and the smile wouldn't leave her face.

Witnessing the on going scene, Sara chuckled to herself.


... to be continued ...