
Meanwhile in the hostel, Arora and Ivy are busy in their college work.

Nisha who was packing her luggage asked, " you two are really not going to your homes. Its weekend yaar "

Ivy said disappointingly, " I really want to go, but we have to submit our designs for the upcoming completion. Tomorrow's the deadline. " and sighed.

Seeing her dejected expression Arora tittered.

" don't laugh, okay... " Ivy cried out.

Nisha asked in confusion, " but you said you are not going to participate in it. How come you are doing it now? "

Ivy was dispirited and couldn't say a word.

Arora chuckled and said, " she thought she could escape from it. But our professor made it mandatory for everyone. You could get your project marks only if you participate in this. "

Nisha finished her packing and said, " oh, I see. But isn't it a good opportunity to participate in this. I heard the prize is something valuable. "

Ivy spoke with a cheerful voice, " the winner gets to exhibit their design in the ' Jewelers Emporium ', one of the biggest jewelry exhibitions in the country, where you can sell your designs and make it into a real piece. "

" wow... wonderful. But why are you dejected when you are so happy about the prize? " asked Nisha who's ready to go.

" well, had I known it earlier that everyone should participate, I would have designed something beautiful. Now at the last minute I just couldn't come up with one " said Ivy with her forehead in her hands.

Nisha laughed and said, " don't worry, just give it your best " saying that she patted Ivy's shoulder encouragingly.

She then continued, " I'm gonna go then. I'll stay in my home for a few days. My mom's not feeling well. "

" yhaa, take good care of aunty. You don't need to rush back, since you already submitted your project. " said Arora. Ivy nodded in unison.

They then exchanged their parting words and Nisha left the room. Both Ivy and Arora continued on their work.


" what are you thinking about? You seem to be deep in thoughts " asked Derrick Avelon to James Graner.

Both Derrick Avelon and James Graner are childhood friends as their fathers are friends. They knew each other very well and also shared each other's shoulder when needed.

They are always busy in their work and meet once in a blue moon. But when they plan to meet, they go outside the city for fishing as it is their common hobby and relieve their stress and get refreshed for the next day.

Like always, they both went for fishing as its been a while. But James Graner was occupied by other things in his mind. Its rare to see him engrossed with other issues.

James Graner didn't notice Derrick Avelon and was in deep thoughts.

Seeing that, Derrick Avelon thought, it might not be a small issue. He shook his shoulder and asked again, " why are you so occupied today. Is something bothering you? "

James Graner came back to his senses and said, " recently, I have been reminding of the past "

Derrick Avelon was confused, " past. " he then remembered something and cried out, " past... "

He then continued, " you mean... the things that happened before your marriage? " he seemed flustered.

Even James Graner was distressed, " I'm anxious that the past incidents might repeat again. "

" what do you mean? Why will they? Is your brother again scheming something? " Derrick Avelon couldn't control his frustration.

James Graner said in sad tone, " I'm worried that our kids have to pay for what we did back then. Do you think, I can stop it from happening. "

Derrick Avelon patted his shoulder and said, " don't worry. Nothing will happen. You shouldn't blame yourself anymore. "

James Graner sighed, " I hope that would be the case. I don't want the kids to suffer. "


Later Sara took Eric out to show him around the orphanage.

" I heard, you come here quite often. But you never had a visit around? " asked Sara in bewilderment.

Eric shrugged his shoulders and said, " well, somehow that's what has happened. " he then continued, " I just come and spend some time with the kids. I never had a chance to look around. I'm glad that you are here today. It doesn't feel like a foreign place anymore. "

Sara stopped walking, turned towards him, folded her arms and stared at him.

Eric explained to her in a hurry, thinking that she might misunderstand him, " hey, I didn't mean it that way. Even though I'm known as a playboy, I don't flirt with every one ok. "

She then continued her walk. He followed her and stood before her, blocking her path.

... to be continued ...