Chapter Four

Root wakes up to his cell going off.

"Hello?" "Root. I need you and your friend to come by right now. Something has gone down and I need the two of you to help me what."

Root gets up and gets changed.

"I'll call you when we leave." "Fine."

The call ends. Root goes to Tara's room and knocks. Tara comes to the door and opens it. "What's up?" "I need you to wake Jay. He and I need to take care of something." "Okay one minute." Tara closes the door and goes over to Jay. She shakes his shoulder. "Babe. Babe get up." "Mmmm." "Root needs you to help him take care of something." Jay growls and runs his hands over his face. "Okay I'm up. Tell Root I'll meet him downstairs." "I can hear you Jay. Okay." Root goes downstairs and sits on the couch and waits for Jay. Once Jay is ready he meets Root downstairs and the two leave. Root calls Alexander.

"Hello?" "We just left. Where we meeting?" "Go to the Starbucks near the mall. I'll be in the back." "Alright. Be there shortly." "Yep."

The call ends. Jay drives to the destination Root gives him. Once there the two get out of the car and into the back of Starbucks into a little office. "Hello again." Jay flings his head. "Hi." Alexander chuckles. "You don't like me do you?" "Is it that obvious?" Root nods. "Anyways. Down to business." Jay and Root sit. "Right." "So one of our men was sent to pick up a shipment of electronics two hours ago and this was what we got from his cell." Alexander plays the recording. "Please! I didn't know. Please don't hurt me." "I don't think you're telling the truth. Who sent you?" "I can't tell you." There's a loud scream. "Who sent you!?" "It cuts off after that. I need you two to go down there and see what's up. If for some reason the guys end up dead I'll consider you for the mission Jay." Jay and Root nod. "Oh and don't call me until you reach back here. They can't tap into the lines here." The two nod and head out. Jay drives to the destination Alexander texts him. "Here we are." Root nods. Once Jay sees one of the guys come out of the warehouse he grabs Root's arm. "What?" "Stay here. I know these guys." "What do you mean?" "I used to run with these douchebags. Stay in the car. Please." Root huffs and stays put. Jay goes into the glove compartment and grabs his desert eagle and sticks it in his waist band. He then leaves the car. Jay looks at Root and points at him like saying stay put. Root nods. Jay walks into the warehouse. A guy behind him chuckles. "Back again huh Jay?" Jay turns. "Shaun. I'm not back. Your boss has a friend of mine." Shaun laughs. "A lot has changed since you left Jay. I don't have a boss anymore. I am the boss." Jay claps his hands. "Good for you. You finally made it. Finally outranked me but can you beat me in a fight yet is the question." Shaun snickers. "Winner takes the boy." "Fine." Jay discards his gun and puts it far away from reach. Shaun does the same. The two start throwing punches. Jay catches Shaun's fist and kicks him in the stomach. "You still haven't learned." Shaun huffs. A little while later they both have knives and start cutting at each other. Jay does a backflip and cuts the rope binding the boy. "Run!" The boy nods and runs out of the warehouse. "That wasn't the deal." "I stopped making deals a long time ago." Shaun yells and goes to stab Jay in the side but Jay stabs Shaun in the heart first. "I'm sorry dude. I really am." Shaun falls to the ground and bleeds out. The rest of the guys chase Jay out of the warehouse. Jay opens the back door and the boy rushes in. Jay closes the door and hands Root the keys. "You drive." Root takes the keys and moves over to the drivers seat. He starts the car and drives off. The guys behind them get into their car and start chasing them. Jay growls. He leans out the window and starts shooting at the other car. He runs out of ammo. "Hey kid you know how to load a gun?" He nods. Jay passes the boy his gun. "Here." The boy takes the gun and loads it and then hands it back. He smiles at the boy and then leans back out the window and gets shot in the shoulder. Jay screaches. "Ow! You fucking bastards!" Jay has had enough and decides to shoot out one the cars tires. It goes flying into the air and explodes once it hits the ground. Jay gets back in the car. Root looks at Jay. "What?" "You don't seem to care you're bleeding like a faucet." Jay shrugs. "Stop at the next gas station. I need to clean up." The boy speaks up. "Alexander has some experience with patching people up. You should let him help you." Jay growls. "Yeah fine whatever." Once back at the Starbucks. Root yells for Alexander. "What what?" Alexander looks at Jay. "Oh shit. Alright bring him back here." Root and the boy help Jay to the back room. Jay sits down in the chair and lets Alexander clean him up. Once done. "Do you not feel  pain or do you just not care?" Jay shrugs. "I just don't care enough to really react to it." Jay stands up and takes a large gulp of the alcohol Alexander used to clean his wounds. "Well thanks for patching me up." Alexander nods. "No problem." Alexander gives Jay his gun back. "You have a nice gun there. Ever thought about joining us?" Jay chuckles. "Not in a million years." Jay throws his leather jacket on and goes to leave with Root. "Oh by the way. You don't have to prove yourself to me. I saw what you did. For my little brother here. You saved his life. I owe you." Jay shrugs. "Its not a problem. You don't owe me anything. See you around." Alexander nods. Root leaves with Jay. The two drive home. In the driveway. "Not a word." Root nods. Root goes to get out when Jay grabs his arm. Root closes the door again. "Was that your first shootout?" Root nods. Jay chuckles. "I could tell." "Because of how scared I looked?" "I don't think you looked scared. Just worried you would die." Root nods. Jay puts his strong hand on Root's shoulder. "You'll always have me protecting you buddy. No matter what. As long as I'm alive I won't let you die." Root smiles. "Thanks." Jay and Root hug. They then go into the house. Later that night. "So what did you have to do earlier?" Jay rolls over onto his side and looks at Tara. "Just had to save someone from getting into some serious trouble." Tara hums. "Okay. Can you stay?" Jay chuckles and pulls Tara on top of him ignoring the slight pain in his shoulder. "I can stay forever." Tara kisses Jay deeply and falls asleep on his chest. A little bit later Jay's phone buzzes. He grabs it and reads the text.

Alexander: So you two gonna do the mission or just you?

Jay: Root doesn't have the guts to. You're better off letting me

Alexander: Alright then. I'll text you the details night before the mission

Jay: Cool

Jay plugs in his phone and goes to sleep. The next morning Jay is gone when Tara wakes up. She goes looking for him around the house to no avail. She goes upstairs and knocks on Root's door. He answers. "What's up sis?" "I can't find Jay. Have you seen him?" "No I haven't. I'm sure he's just out shopping or at work." "Probably. Can you text him to make sure? Please?" Root smiles. "Of course." Tara hugs Root and goes back to her room. Root texts Jay.

Root: Hey where are you?

No answer. Root tries calling. It goes straight to voicemail. Root calls Alexander.

"Hello?" "Have you seen or heard from Jay?" "Not since last night why?" "He's not here and his cell is off. He never has it off." "Fuck." "What?" "Give me your address. I'm coming to get you." "920 Adalaid St." "Be out front in 5." "K."

The call ends. Root waits outside. Alexander pulls up seconds later. "Get in!" Root jumps in and Alexander speeds off. "Where we going?" Alexander does a sharp turn. "A warehouse. Up by the old Adam's family property. Jay will be there." "How do you know?" "Cuz I know who has him." Alexander speeds around four corners and stops in front of an old mansion. The two get out and run to the warehouse. Root grabs Alexander by the arm. "Stay here." Root goes in. Jay laughs maniacally. "You can't hold me. I'm too strong for you. You can't control me." Jay breaks the chains and the guy just stands there in shock. Jay takes him down. Jay keeps punching him and then Root runs over and pulls Jay off him. Jay pushes away and screams maniacally as he punches the shit out of the guy who kidnapped him. Root yells for Alexander and he comes running in and pulls Jay away and holds him off. Jay squirms. "Let go of me! Let go of me!" Jay screams maniacally and keeps trying to pull away from Alexander but gives up after awhile. Root grabs Jay's arm and wraps it around his neck and Alexander did the same and the two help Jay to the car. "I accept your offer." "Shh don't worry about that right now. Right now you need to heal." Alexander drives Root and Jay home. Once there Root and Alexander help Jay into the house. "I got him from here." Alexander nods. "Text or call me when he's better." Root nods and goes upstairs. Alexander leaves. Root opens the door to Tara's room. "What the hell Root! I told you to knock." Tara gasps when she sees Jay. "Lay him down." Root lays Jay down on the bed and Jay growls. "Easy!" "Sorry!" Jay pushes himself up to the pillows and grunts. "You can leave now Root. I'm good." Root hesitates. Tara nods. "He'll be fine." Root nods and leaves closing the door behind him. "What hurts?" "Nothing." Tara looks at Jay seriously. "Fine my ribs. I should have torn that asshat apart." "I'm glad you didn't. Then you'd be a on the run fugitive too just like Root." Jay chuckles and then groans. "Stupid fucking ribs!" "Stop that! You're not invincible. You're going to feel pain." Tara takes a look. "Damn. He got you good." Jay groans. "Yeah no shit. Chains wrapped around his hands will do that." Tara looks mad. "Now I'm upset you didn't kill him." Jay smiles. "There's my girl." Tara chuckles and rolls her eyes. Jay pulls Tara onto his lap and starts kissing her neck. Tara moans. "Stop that." "Why? You don't want to?" Tara gasps and moans once Jay reaches Tara's spot on her neck. Jay moves his hand underneath Tara's shirt and plays with her nipple. Tara moans and moves into the touch. A few seconds later Jay is on top of Tara. Jay pulls off Tara's pants and starts stroking her slowly. Tara moans. "Stop teasing me." "I'm not. I'm getting in the mood." Jay goes down and starts sucking on Tara's clit. Tara moans loudly. She tangles her fingers in Jay's hair. "Baby don't stop." Jay does as he's told. Tara moans heavenly as she cums super hard all over Jay's face. He chuckles and wipes his face clean with his long tongue. Jay then lays down beside Tara and puts his hands behind his head. "Is it your turn now?" Tara goes to unzip Jay's pants. Jay grabs her hands. "No. I'm good." Tara sits up and looks at Jay. "Okay what's up?" "Nothing. I'm just good. That was all about pleasuring you not me." Tara places her hand on Jay's upper thigh. "I know but usually when you get like this you're hiding something. So. What's up?" Jay sighs. "Your brother got himself tangled up in the gang that rules this city." Tara sighs. "Of course he does. What about you?" Jay nods. "I'm only doing it to protect you guys though." "Then I understand." Jay looks at Tara seriously. "No you don't. You hate them with a passion." Tara smiles. "That is true." "But?" "But if you need to join them to protect Root then I understand. Just please don't get yourself anymore hurt then you already are." Jay smiles maniacally. Tara rolls her eyes. "Okay tough guy. Just make sure you come back to me every night." Jay nods. "Come here." Jay holds his arms out. Tara cuddles into Jay's arms and the two fall asleep.