Chapter Five

When Tara wakes up from her nap she sees Jay on the phone.

"Yeah. I told you I was going to." "Oh good. I just thought you were saying that because you were out of it." "No dude I'm joining. Just no threats to me and my family and I'm yours." "Alright you got a deal. By the way it wasn't me that made those threats in the first place."

Jay smiles.

"I know. Fathers are a pain. Always gotta do what they say."

Alexander chuckles.

"Exactly. So when will I be expecting you for the test?" "Tomorrow morning. Is that okay with you?" "Yeah that's fine. Oh and Jay?" "Yeah?" "Before you go can I ask you something?" "Sure. What's up?"

Alexander clears his throat.

"What's it like being a lone wolf?"

Jay chuckles.

"It gets boring sometimes. Trust me. You're better off sticking with your crew." "I just meant without having to take orders from your dad." "Oh."

Jay scratches his neck.

"It's nice. Not having to deal with. There are times where I wish my dad had just understood me but then again I don't really care either." "Hm. I see. So you have dual personality disorder?" "Yep. Sometimes it's fun. Others not so much. Either way I don't really care. I'm also part sociopath and psychopath. That's why I can kill with no remorse." "I see. Maybe one day you'll outrank my dad and become boss."

Jay chuckles at that.

"Yeah maybe. Well I gotta go. My fiancé is signaling me she needs me."

Jay winks at Tara. Tara rolls her eyes and giggles.

"Alright I'll see you." "Mhm. See you tomorrow morning."

The call ends. Jay puts his phone down and puts his hands behind his head. "I'm all yours baby." Tara laughs and straddles Jay's lap. "Who was that you were talking to?" "Alexander. He wanted to make sure I meant what I said to him earlier." Tara nods. "Ah. I see. Hey by the way." Jay sits up straight. "What's up?" "Isn't your birthday tomorrow?" Jay groans. "Yeah. Don't say anything to anyone. Please." Tara looks confused. "Why not? Don't you like your birthday?" "I used to. It's now just a reminder of what Aiden went through with the bombing." Tara nods in understanding. "Okay. So what is this test you have to do tomorrow?" "You heard that part huh?" Tara smiles. "Yep." Jay shrugs. "Just some shooting practice and how well I can handle myself in a fight." Tara shakes her head. "You're still doing it after you hurt your ribs?" Jay chuckles. "You know who you're talking to right?" Tara rolls her eyes. Jay gets up and throws himself on top of Tara and holds onto her wrists. "Stop doing that! It makes me angry." Tara nods. Tara squirms in Jay's grasp. "Jay you're hurting me. Let go." Jay stares at Tara wide eyed and gets off the bed. He then goes to leave. "Jay." Tara puts her hand on Jay's shoulder. "Babe it's okay." Jay walks away from Tara. "No it's not." With that Jay leaves the room and goes outside in the backyard. Jay sits on the stoop and lights a joint. As Jay blows the smoke out Sean comes out and sits beside Jay. Jay takes a puff of his joint and blows out the smoke. He offers it to Sean. He takes it and takes a puff. As he blows out the smoke Sean coughs. "So what makes you need to be out here smoking?" Sean takes another puff and hands it back to Jay after blowing out the smoke. Jay shrugs as he takes a puff of the joint and blows out the smoke. "Just needed to be out here for fresh air." Jay offers the joint to Sean. He shakes his head. "I've had enough for today." Jay nods and finishes off the joint. Sean puts his hand on Jay's back. "Look. No matter what you did to her I know you didn't mean to okay? You don't have to keep beating yourself up for this." Jay hugs Sean. "Thank you." Sean smiles. "No problem bud." "Oh by the way she said yes." Sean beams with pride. "She did?" Jay nods. Sean gets up and starts dancing. Jay laughs. "Okay easy there. Don't hurt yourself." Sean sticks out his tongue at Jay. Jay chuckles and the two go in. A little later Tara comes downstairs and sits on the couch. Jay moves his arms from his lap and Tara sits on Jay's lap and Jay wraps his arms around Tara's waist. Around 3 am Jay carries Tara upstairs to bed. He tucks her in and closes the door. Jay then goes downstairs and goes to the door. He opens it and Sean looks up. "Where you off to?" "I need to get some of my stuff from my mums." Sean nods and goes back to watching his movie. Jay leaves and closes the door. He locks it and gets in his car. He starts it and drives to his mums. Once there Jay exists the car and quietly goes up the stairs to his old room. Jay goes in his closet and packs up the boxes he has in there. He then hears a knock on his door. He whispers, "Come in." Aiden opens the door and walks over quietly. "You need some help with those?" Jay smiles. "Sure bud. I'm sorry about having to cancel bowling." Aiden shrugs and helps Jay carry the boxes to his car quietly. Once that was done Jay hugs Aiden. "Thanks for the help." Aiden nods. "No problem." Aiden goes to go back inside when Jay grabs his arm. "Get in." Aiden looks confused. "I want you to meet someone. Get in." Jay gets in the car and starts it up. He then waits for Aiden to get in. Once he's in and has his seatbelt on Jay speeds out of the driveway and down the road onto the highway. "Grab my phone and go through my contacts. Look for Alexander." Aiden grabs Jay's phone and goes through his contacts until he finds Alexander and hits call. Aiden puts the phone to Jay's ear.

"Hello?" "Hey what are you doing right now?" "Nothing just chilling. Why what's up?" "I'm gonna stop at my house and drop off some boxes and then I'm gonna pick you up. Cool?" "Yeah that's cool. I'm at the Starbucks." "Alright I'll see you soon." "See you soon."

Jay stops at his house and him and Aiden carry the boxes into the house. Sean waves at Aiden. "Hey Aiden." "Hey." "Just leave the boxes by the stairs. I'll carry them up when I go up to bed." Jay and Aiden nod. Once all the boxes are by the stairs the two get back in the car and Jay drives to Starbucks. Jay gets out and goes in. Aiden waits in the car. Jay goes in the back and finds Alexander. "Hey." Alexander looks up and smiles. "Hey. Just give me a minute. I'll be out in a minute." Jay nods and goes back to the car. He waits with Aiden for Alexander. "So. Why are you wanting me to meet this guy?" "Well I'm not always going to be able to protect you. I might be busy doing something at work or just busy with Tara and her family. So if you need help he'll be there for you." Aiden nods. "I see." A few seconds later Alexander comes out and locks the door. He then walks over to the car and gets in the back. Jay turns in his seat. "Aiden Alexander. Alexander Aiden." The two shakes hands. "So you're Jay's brother?" "One of them yes." "One of them?" Alexander looks at Jay. "You have more?" Jay nods. "Two more. They live with my dad and step mom." Alexander nods. "Ah. So Aiden. What do you do?" "For work you mean?" Alexander nods. "Nothing right now. I was working for a contruction company but then I injured my back so I had to quit." "Ah I'm sorry to hear that. Ever thought about making video games?" Jay chuckles. Alexander looks at Jay. "What?" "He'd love to be able to do that. He's a major nerd." Aiden punches Jay's shoulder. "Am not!" Jay and Alexander laugh. Once Jay stops Alexander smiles. "So you're gonna do it now?" Jay nods. The three get out and walk into the old warehouse. Alexander gives Jay a gun and then grabs Aiden's arm and pulls him away. "Cover your ears bud." Aiden does so. Jay starts shooting at the target Alexander has set up. Once the gun runs out of ammo Alexander claps his hands. "Damn. Now for the next." Jay nods. "Hit me." Alexander chuckles and hits a button. Jay runs around the warehouse and shoots all the targets that come up. Once that's over Alexander gives Jay another task. Alexander times Jay. Jay runs over to the platforms and does a front flip and picks up the weapon there. Jay does all the tasks Alexander throws at him. Once done Jay comes over to Alexander breathing heavily. "Damn dude. You did all those tasks in less time than my dad did back when he did them. Hell you even beat me!" Jay walks over and checks the board in Alexander's hands and smiles. "Ready for the the last one?" Alexander hesitates. "Oh come on Alexander. Come at me." Alexander takes off his hoodie and gets Aiden to hold it. The two go into their fighting stance. Alexander goes to attack and Jay blocks his hits. Jay hits Alexander in the face. The two fight for a good twenty minutes. Jay has Alexander pinned. "Ahhhhhh." Alexander taps out. Jay lets go. Alexander chuckles and takes Jay's offered hand and Jay pulls Alexander up. "So you're a fighter?" Jay shakes his head. "I had to learn everything myself to protect myself from my step dad. He used to beat me." Alexander growls. "I know how that feels." Jay looks at Alexander confused. "Promise me you won't tell anyone?" Jay shakes Alexander's hand. "Swear." "I don't want my brother out of prison. He is the way he is because him and I used to get beat by my dad. I still do from time to time. Only when I don't do what he asks of me." Jay balls his fists and growls. Aiden comes over and gives Alexander his hoodie back and grabs Jay by his arm. "Come on." Jay walks outside with Aiden. Alexander follows a few seconds later. "What's wrong?" Aiden lights a joint and gives it to Jay. "Here." Jay takes the joint and takes a huge puff. He blows out the smoke. Jay takes a deep breath. "I'm going to show you something but you can't tell anyone about it. Cool?" Alexander nods. "Cool." Aiden goes into the car and covers his face. Alexander looks confused. "He hates when I show this part of me." Alexander nods. Vik takes off the glamour. Jay takes off everything minus his boxers. Jay takes a large puff of the joint and then puts it out to save for later. Alexander gasps. "Did your step dad do that?" Jay chuckles. "No I did it to myself when I burned him alive. I ended up burning the house down with him. Luckily my mum was nearby." "I'm sorry. If I one day disappear and don't answer your call feel free to kick my dads ass because it'll be his fault." Jay nods. The three leave once Jay gets dressed again. Jay drives Alexander home and then drives to his house. "What are you doing?" "You're sleeping here for now." Aiden nods. "Okay." The two get out of the car and into the house. Jay and Aiden walk up the stairs quietly and go into Tara's and Jay's room. Jay goes over to the drawer and takes out a pair of pants and shirt and hands them to Aiden. "Get changed in the bathroom in here if you like." Aiden nods and goes into the bathroom to get changed. Once Aiden is changed Jay takes his dirty clothes and puts them by the couch. "Goodnight bud." "Goodnight." Aiden lays down on the couch and falls asleep. Jay chuckles and gets comfortable in bed. Jay plugs in his phone and puts it on the nightstand. He falls asleep soon after. Later on that morning. Jay hears Aiden get up off the couch and leave the room. Aiden goes outside and answers his phone.

"Hello?" "Hey what are you doing?" "Uh I'm at my brothers house. Why?" "We're going out right now. Give me the address and we'll pick you up." "I can't." "Why not?" "I'm going out with my brother for lunch. Later?" "Sure whatever."

The call ends. Jay comes downstairs and goes outside in the backyard and jumps into the pool. Aiden looks sad. Jay swims over to the edge and props his arms up on the ledge. "What's the matter bud?" Aiden goes over and sits down beside Jay's arms. "I miss you. I miss hanging with you. So much has gotten in the way and I hate it." Jay pats Aiden's knee. "I know and I'm sorry dude. We can chill today if you want. I don't have to do anything until tonight." Aiden smiles and splashes water in Jay's face. "Hey!" Aiden laughs. "Oh yeah?" Jay gets out of the pool and goes over to Aiden. "No no no I'm sorry." Jay picks up Aiden and jumps into the pool. Aiden swims up to the surface with Jay and they start splashing each other. The two are laughing at each other when Tara comes out for a smoke. Jay swims over to the edge and gets out. "Those'll kill you ya know." Tara smiles as Jay lays down between Tara's legs. Tara lowers her cigarette to Jay's mouth and Jay takes a long drag and blows the smoke out. Aiden chuckles and swims to the edge and gets out. He lays down in the chair beside Tara. "So." Aiden looks over at Tara. "When am I gonna be an uncle?" Jay punches Aiden's leg. "Dude!" "What?" Tara chuckles. "Pretty soon actually. I'm taking these pills to keep me from harming anything inside me. I tested while Jay was out with Root the other day and I tested positive." Jay looks up at Tara. "I'm gonna be a dad?" Tara smiles down at Jay and nods. "You're gonna be a dad." "Promise me we'll raise him or her right. We'll let him or her do what they want but to a safe extent." Tara nods. "Of course baby." Aiden gets up and hugs Tara and Jay before going inside. Jay and Tara follow soon after. Upstairs a few minutes later. "Cool if I use your shower?" Tara nods. "Go ahead." Jay goes to his drawer and takes out some clothes for Aiden. "Here." Aiden takes the clothes. "Just use my towel. It's the blue one." Aiden nods. "Okay." Aiden goes in the bathroom to shower. A few minutes later Tara knocks on the door. "Come in." "Sorry I just need to pee. Don't come out." "Okay." Tara goes pee and Aiden waits for her to leave so he can get out and dried. After Tara leaves Aiden gets dried off and dressed. He then leaves the bathroom and Jay goes in to shower after. Aiden sits on the bed waiting for Jay. "So what games do you play?" Aiden looks at Tara. "Hm?" "What games do you play?" "Oh mostly GTA V Online and Call of Duty games. I used to play MInecraft but it got boring." Tara nods. "I see. You don't play Harry Potter?" Aiden shakes his head. "That's Jay. He plays God of War games as well. He also used to play Minecraft but he got bored. He plays Call of Duty games too from time to time. Just not very much." "Does he play GTA too?" Aiden nods. "He's played almost every game." "In the GTA universe?" Aiden nods. "Cool. I would play if I had a PS4." "You can play GTA on your computer." "All of them?" Aiden shakes his head. "Just IV and V. They're the most fun anyways. In my opinion anyways." Jay comes out of the bathroom with just his towel on. "I'll leave you." Aiden leaves the room and closes the door. Jay gets dressed. Once Jay and Tara are showered and dressed they go downstairs. "Aiden can you start up the car please?" Aiden nods and takes the keys from Jay. Aiden leaves the house and starts up the car. Jay goes to the bathroom and Tara goes and waits in the car with Aiden. "So Tara do you want me to get you GTA on your computer?" "Oh sure. I'd love that." Aiden nods. Jay comes out of the house,closes the door and locks it. He then gets in the car and puts his seatbelt on and then speeds off.