Chapter Seven

A few days later. Jay gets up and has a shower. After showering and drying off Jay gets dressed. As he finishes getting dressed Tara wakes up and stretches. She smiles when she sees Jay. "Morning." Jay walks over and sits on the edge of the bed and kisses Tara softly. "Morning. Did you sleep okay?" Tara nods. "I had the strangest dream though." Jay raises an eyebrow. "Oh?" Tara gets out of bed and goes on her computer. Jay walks over. "Are you not going to tell me?" Tara turns her head and smiles. "Nope." Jay sighs. "Come on please? You know how much I hate this." Tara giggles. "Fine. My dream was about you and Alexander." Jay gets confused. "Huh?" Tara laughs at Jay's confused face. "I know right? Weird." Jay shakes his head. "Well he and I aren't doing anything together. I mean besides working together." Tara looks at Jay seriously. "Oh come on Jay. Not even a little bit of sexual tension? We all know you're bisexual and poly." Jay makes a weird face. "No. Not even a little bit. He and I are just partners. Besides I only have eyes for you." Jay smiles. Tara giggles. "I know that but if something were to happen." "It won't." "I'm just saying if something did I wouldn't mind. Alexander is not the person I thought he was." Jay chuckles. "I love you." Tara smiles. "I know. I love you. Now go on. Do your thing." Jay grabs his phone and lays down on the bed. He goes to his texts with Alexander. He sends a text.

Jay: Hey Alex you up yet?

Alexander: Yeah what's up?

Jay: Fancy some drinks later?

Alexander: Yeah sure. I just gotta do something and then I'll meet you at your place. Cool?

Jay: Yeah that's cool. Oh hey another thing Alexander: Yeah?

Jay: Are we going to make our own crew? Alexander: Yeah bro. I just gotta talk to my clients and shit first. I'll message you when I'm on my way okay?

Jay: Yep that's cool. Later

Alexander: Later. ♥️


Jay raises an eyebrow. Tara looks over. "What?" Jay hands over his phone. "Look at the last text Alexander sent me." Tara giggles. "I knew it. He has a thing for you." Jay takes his phone back. "Chillax. He could have sent that by mistake or something or maybe he means it as like a bro thing." Tara shakes her head. "Oh my dear sweet handsome husband to be, you're blind." Jay puts his hands behind his head. "You think so?" Tara nods. "Do you like him back?" Jay shrugs. "I don't know. I mean he's actually a cool guy to hang with. I just don't know what I feel towards him." Tara nods. "It's okay to like him you know." Jay smiles. "I know love." A few hours later Tara giggles at her computer. Jay looks over. "What's up?" "Look at Alexander's Facebook profile." "What the fuck you doing on his Facebook?" Tara shrugs. "Just curious." Jay looks at the screen. "Holy shit he's only 24? I thought he was older than that." Tara rolls her eyes. She points at the middle of the screen. Jay looks shocked. "Well then. I didn't see that one coming. It must have been before him and I met." Tara smiles. "Probably. You're jealous." Jay smacks Tara's shoulder playfully. "Am not!" "Are too. Look babe it's in the past. They're over." Jay nods and sits on the bed and sighs. "Fuck me." Tara smiles and hands Jay his phone. "Call him. Ask him." Jay calls Alexander.

"Hey Jay I'm on my way to your place." "Okay. There's something I wanna ask you." "What's up?" "I think it's better if I wait until you get here." "Come on dude. Ask. I know you're dying to know."

Jay sighs.

"Did you and Root used to date?"

Jay hears Alexander chuckle.

"Yes. Back when I was 17." "So okay then." "Jay look. I know you have Tara and everything okay? I just can't help but feel drawn to you."

Jay smiles.

"I know and it's okay. I'll see you soon?" "I'll see you soon."

The call ends. Jay smiles like an idiot. Tara giggles. "So I guess he admitted it." Jay nods. "I feel weird." Tara looks confused. "What's wrong?" Jay looks at Tara and smiles maniacally. Tara looks scared. "Oh I know that look. Babe don't." Jay shrugs his shoulders. "What?" "What what?" Jay starts laughing. "I can't believe you fell for it." Jay rolls over laughing. Tara slaps Jay's arm playfully. "It's not funny." "Yes it is." Tara lays down on the bed next to Jay and cuddles into his side. Jay wraps his arm around Tara. "You know that I'm just playing with you right?" Tara smiles. "I know. Alexander should be here soon." Jay smiles and looks over at Tara. "What is it about him and I you love so much?" Tara shrugs. "You're cute together. You're both badass and both gangsters." Jay chuckles. A few minutes later there's a knock on the door. Jay gets up and goes to answer it. He opens the door and smiles. "Come in." Jay moves out of the way. Alexander walks in. Jay closes the door. "Nice place. You staying here forever?" Jay chuckles. "No. It's just for now. Until I can find a place for Tara,Aiden and I." Alexander nods and walks out into the back yard carrying a beer with him. Jay joins. The two sit by the pool and drink and chat. "So I'm okay with what you said earlier." Alexander nods and takes a sip of his beer. He then looks over at Jay. "Question." Jay smiles. "Shoot." "Do you think we could be you know fwb?" Jay chuckles and puts his arm around Alexander's shoulders. "Dude that's not up to me. That's up to you. If you want that then I'm down. You just gotta know that Tara will always come first." Alexander nods. He puts his head on Jay's shoulder. "Don't tell anyone about this side of me okay?" Jay chuckles. He puts his arm behind Alexander. "Your secret is safe with me." Alexander smiles. Tara comes out. "Awwwww." Alexander looks behind him. "Holy shit where you come from?" Tara chuckles. "I just came out for a smoke. Don't mind me." Jay leans in close to Alexander's ear and whispers "You wanna get outta here?" Alexander looks over and smiles. He nods. Jay stands up and offers Alexander his hand. Alexander takes it and Jay pulls him up. Jay kisses Tara and leaves with Alexander. "I think we should take my car." Alexander nods and gets in along side Jay. Jay starts up the car and drives off. "Where we off to?" "You and I are going to get some food and then it's up to you." Alexander nods. "Ok." Jay drives to a drive thru and orders some food. A few minutes later the two are eating in the car in a abandoned parking lot. Alexander finishes first. "So I have a question." Jay finishes his burger. "Okay." Jay eats his fries. "Um." Alexander fidgets in his seat. Jay smiles. "It's okay dude. You don't have to ask. Just give me a minute." Alexander nods and scratches the back of his head. Jay finishes his fries and then put his seat back. Just as Alexander's mouth makes contact with Jay's dick Jay's phone rings.

"Hello?" "Hey. Have you seen my brother?"

Jay grunts.

"Yeah he's with me at the moment. Why what's up?" "Tell him I need him to call me." "Okay. Is everything okay?" "Please Jay. Just get Alex to call me."

Jay breathes heavily.

"Yeah okay. I'll let him know." "Thanks. Ciao." "Ciao."

Jay runs his fingers through Alexander's hair. "Fucking hell." Alexander smiles and swallows every last drop of Jay's cum and sits back in his seat fully. Jay pulls his pants up. "Your brother called me." Alexander raises an eyebrow. "What he want?" "I don't know. He wouldn't tell me. He just told me to tell you to call him." Alexander swears under his breath. Jay looks confused. "One sec." Jay nods. Alexander calls his brother.

"Hey Alex." "What's the matter?" "Dad has lost it. Like completely. He won't let me see you. He's keeping me here captive. Everytime I say your name he kicks me and says you're a disgrace to the family."

Alexander growls.

"Which house?" "Mum's house in the forest by the river. Please Alex. Let me be with your crew. I hate it here."

Alexander sighs.

"I don't know dude. You're only 16. I'm not comfortable with it." "Alex please. I don't want dad around me anymore."

Alexander rubs his temples.

"I'll discuss it with Jay. That's all I can do for right now."

Brandon sighs in relief.

"Thank you." "Don't thank me yet. I'll be with you shortly." "Okay."

The call ends. "Where to?" Alexander does up his seat belt. "Take the highway to the forest by the old river." Jay nods and drives off. On the drive. "So do you want me to say I'll protect your brother or do you not want him in the crew?" Alexander sighs and shrugs. "I just don't know. I mean he's only 16." Jay turns off the road that Alexander points to. "How old were you?" "17. You?" "15. I was dragged into it by my ex." Alexander looks shocked. "Seriously?" Jay nods and stops in the driveway to a house. "Seriously. He was a piece of shit. Major drug addict." Alexander and Jay get out of the car and walk up to the house. "Just be careful where you step. There's landmines everywhere." Jay shrugs. "I'm not afraid." Jay climbs up the side of the house and climbs into the window in the bathroom. He quickly runs to the bedroom across the hall. Brandon looks up and smiles. Jay puts a finger to his lips. "Shhhh." Brandon nods and quietly follows Jay. Jay helps Brandon through the window. Once Brandon is out the window Jay turns around just in time for a guy to punch him. The two fight. "Jay?" The guy from before goes to run to Alexander but Jay catches his ankle. "No you don't." The guy kicks Jay in the face but that doesn't stop Jay from getting on top of the guy and start punching him. The two fight for the gun on the floor. The guy grabs it first and shoots Jay in the side. The guy goes to shoot again so Jay pushes on the guys hands to angle the gun towards his mouth. Jay pulls the trigger. Alexander comes running in. "Jay!" Alexander runs over and helps Jay up. "Hang on dude." Jay smiles. "I knew you were going to be the one saving me again soon." Alexander gets to the car. Alexander takes the keys from Jay's jacket pocket and hands them to Brandon. "You drive." Brandon takes the keys and starts up the car. Brandon drives away. Alexander takes off his shirt and ties it around the bullet wound in Jay's side. "Just hang on Jay." Alexander cradles Jay's head in his lap. "Drive faster!" Brandon steps on it. "Turn this corner." Brandon turns. "Turn right." Brandon does so. "Now left." Brandon obeys. "The house at the end." Brandon nods and pulls into the driveway and quickly stops. Brandon takes out the keys and helps Alexander bring Jay inside. Once in the house. "Tara!" No answer. "Tara!" Root comes out of his room. "What's with the screaming?" "Is your sister home?" "Should be. One sec." Root knocks on Tara's door. When he doesn't get an answer he walks in. Root taps Tara on the shoulder. "What the fuck Root." Alexander screams. Tara comes running. She gasps. "Jay! Bring him up to the bathroom." Alexander and Brandon bring Jay upstairs to the bathroom. They carefully sit him down on the toilet. Alexander quickly grabs the first aid kit and goes through it. "Pass me the gauze." Alexander does so. "The bullet might still be in there." Tara looks at Alexander and then at Brandon. "You pass me the tweezers beside you please?" Brandon nods and hands them over. Tara smiles and then focuses on getting the bullet out of Jay's side. Jay groans. "Almost got it." "Stop it." Tara gets a grip on the bullet and pulls it out. She throws it in the sink. Once that's done Tara patches up the wound. Jay sighs in relief. "Can I have a joint?" Tara, Alexander and Brandon all chuckle. "Of course you dork." Alexander helps Jay up slowly. Jay groans. "Fuck." "Sorry." Jay leans on the wall. "Not your fault." Alexander sits by the stairs. "Yes it is. I dragged you with me." Jay slowly walks downstairs. Alexander follows. The two go out in the back yard. Jay lights a joint. "I didn't go because you made me. You didn't make me. I asked you." Jay takes a puff of the joint and hands it over to Alexander. He takes a puff. "I know but still. I should have stopped you from going in that house." Jay sighs. The two go back and forth with the joint and then a blunt. "There's a bed and a couch in the basement if you and Brandon want to stay. I'm sure Sean won't mind." Alexander smiles. "Thanks but it's okay." Jay looks over at Alexander. "Dude I'm not letting you and your brother sleep in your car. Hell take the couch in Root's room and Brandon can take the one in mine and Tara's room." Alexander smiles. "Can I take the one in yours and Tara's room?" Jay chuckles and then groans. "Go ahead. That one actually pulls out into a bed so if you want Tara can help you set it up." Alexander nods. "Night Jay." The two hug. "Night. Tell Tara I'll be up shortly." Alexander nods. He goes upstairs and Tara helps Alexander set up the fouton couch into a bed. Jay takes out his phone and hits call on his best friend. A few rings later.

"Hello Jay." "Hey Oliver. I need a favor." "Shoot." "Could you find a place for two of my crew members for me?"

Jay hears Oliver typing away.

"How about the house down by the lake?"

Jay smiles.

"Perfect. How many bedrooms?" "Let me check."

Jay hears Oliver humming.

"Ah here it is. It's four. Two in the basement and two upstairs. There's also a pool in the back yard." "Send me pictures." "For sure."

Jay's phone vibrates. He looks through the pictures. He smiles.

"I'll take it. Just make sure to use my private account." "Of course. I'll send you the keys soon."

Jay smiles.

"Thanks my dude. I'll chat with you again soon." "You and I should get a beer sometime. Catch up." "For sure. I'll call you." "Later bro." "Later. Thanks again." "No sweat."

The call ends. Jay goes up to bed. He falls asleep soon after plugging in his phone.