Chapter Eight

The next morning. Jay wakes up to his cell ringing. He sits up and wipes his face after grabbing his phone.

"Hello." "Hey dude. I have the keys. You want me to drop them off to you or do you want to come get them?" "Come by. The door is unlocked. Leave them on the mantlepiece." "Okay." 

The call ends. Jay goes back to sleep. The next time Jay wakes up Alexander is laying next to him on his phone. Jay smiles. "Where's Tara?" Alexander chuckles. "She went to the store." Jay rolls over. "What you watching?" Alexander moves his phone so Jay can see too. "You know this movie?" Jay smiles. "Yep. My brother is in that." Alexander looks confused. "Aiden?" Jay shakes his head. "The guy named Alistair in the movie. That's my oldest brother." Alexander nods. He continues watching with Jay. "Do you want to watch it on the tv?" Alexander smiles and pauses the movie. Jay gets up and goes downstairs with Alexander following. Jay turns on the tv and switches the input to HDMI 3. Alexander hands over his phone to Jay and he broadcasts the movie to the chromecast. Jay then unpauses the movie and turns off Alexander's phone. Alexander lays down and puts his feet across Jay's lap. The two watch the movie. A few minutes later Tara comes in the house with her dad. Tara looks over and smiles. "What you two watching?" Jay turns and smiles. "Hey babe. Rest in Pieces." Tara helps her dad put away the groceries. "Is that the one we saw on our first date?" Jay smiles. "Yep. Alan is in it." Tara nods. "I remember." Alexander goes to move but Tara stops him. "You don't have to move." Tara kisses Jay and goes upstairs. Sean sits in his chair and watches the movie. Once the movie was over. Alexander sighs contentedly. "Well. That was an awesome movie. Your brother did well." Jay smiles. "You should check out some of his other movies then." Alexander nods. "I shall do that. So question." Jay looks over. "Shoot." Alexander scratches the back of his neck. Jay chuckles. "Come on." Jay switches the input to tv and hands the remote to Sean before he leaves the house with Alexander. In the car. Jay grunts. "Fucking hell." Alexander goes faster. Jay runs his fingers through Alexander's hair and thrusts up every spurt of cum that spurts out of his dick. Alexander sits up right after swallowing. Jay's phone starts ringing. He looks at it and sighs.

"What's up bud?" "Jay I need your help." "What's going on?" "Remember a few years ago I got into a fight?" "Yes." "Well it's caught up with me. Please I need you." "Okay okay relax Al. Where are you?" "Down by the old mill." "Okay I'm coming. Stay calm."

The call ends. Jay puts on his seatbelt. "You coming?" Alexander nods and does up his seatbelt. Jay starts up the car and speeds off. Jay reaches in the glove compartment and grabs his desert eagle. Jay makes a sharp turn and stops. The two get out. Jay growls. Alexander looks confused. "What?" "Go find my brother." Alexander nods and does so. The guy turns around just in time for Jay to punch him in the face. "I told you to stay away from my brother Johnathan." Johnathan smiles. "Well you know me. I never listen." The two fight. Alexander and Alan come out of a house and Alan runs over. "Jay no!" Jay pulls the trigger. Johnathan screams. Jay looks over at Alan. "He deserves it for what he put me through." Alan takes Jay's gun and then rubs his shoulder. "I know. He's not worth it though." Alexander looks confused. Jay sighs. "Remember that ex I told you about?" Alexander nods. "That him?" Jay nods. Alexander grabs the gun out of Alan's hand and shoots Johnathan in the head twice. Alan looks shocked. "What was that for?" Alexander shrugs and gives the gun back to Jay. He puts it in his pants and smiles. Alan looks confused. "Am I missing something here?" Jay shakes his head. "Just get in the car." Alan does as he's told. Alexander and Jay get in the car and Jay drives off after doing up his seatbelt. "What were you thinking?" Alan sighs. "I don't know okay? I just thought I could maybe figure out a way to expose him." Jay shakes his head. "You could have been killed. Please don't do that again." Alan nods. "Okay. I'm sorry." Jay sighs. "I know. It's okay. You were just trying to help." Alan nods. "I really was." Alexander gets a text. He reads it. Jay looks over. "What's wrong?" Alexander shakes his head. "Root is such an idiot." "What's he done now?" Alexander finishes reading the text. "He's gotten himself in shit again." Jay screeches to a stop. "What?" "He's gotten himself stuck in a shootout." Jay hits the steering wheel. "Fuck fuck fuck. Where?" Alexander hacks into the camera system of the city. Alexander points on the screen. "There." Jay speeds off. Once there. "Alex take over." Jay opens the sunroof and climbs out after Alexander takes the wheel. Jay gets into a jumping position. He then jumps onto the hood of Root's car. Root opens the sunroof. "What the fuck Root!" "I'm sorry! I didn't know they had guards!" "What have you done?" "I may or may not have stolen from these guys." Jay looks in the backseat. "Alexander is gonna kill you." Jay dodges a few bullets. Jay reaches his hand in and Brandon grabs it. Jay gets shot through the shoulder and falls off the roof of the car. "Jay!" Alexander stops the car and speed turns around. Alexander shoots the car tires and it crashes into a pole. Root stops the car and jumps out of the car and runs to Jay with Alexander following. "Jay?" Jay grunts and spits out blood. "Fucking assholes are dead." Jay grunts and takes Alexander's offered hand. Alexander helps Jay up. Root gets back in his car and drives off. Alexander helps Jay to the car. Jay groans. "You drive. I'm too sore." Alexander nods. Alexander helps Jay in the car and then shuts the door. He then gets in the driver's seat and drives off. "You okay?" Jay groans. "Define okay." Alan rolls his eyes. "You know what I mean." Jay smiles. "I'll be fine. Vik is already on it." Alan nods. As soon as Alexander pulls into the driveway Tara is on Jay. She slaps him. "You gotta stop doing that." Jay grunts. "I can't exactly help it all the time Tara. It comes with the job." Jay walks up the steps and Alexander follows. "Is he alright?" Alexander shrugs. "Why you asking me? He's right in front of you." Tara sighs and hugs Jay. He hugs back. "It's okay baby. I'm okay." Tara pulls away. "I just don't want to live without you." Jay smiles. "I know. Probably a bad time to tell you but I got us a house." Tara looks shocked. "For real?" Jay nods. Alexander goes to leave. Jay grabs his wrist. "You and Brandon have to share a room." Alexander smiles and hugs Jay. He grunts. "Easy." Alexander pulls away. "Right. Sorry." Jay chuckles. "It's okay bud. Now I need a nap." Tara kisses Jay and goes upstairs. Jay goes over to the couch and lays down. He puts his arm behind his head. "Hey Alex?" Alexander hums. "What's up?" "Can you go in the freezer and get an ice pack?" Alexander nods and does so. Jay takes the ice pack and puts it on his dick. He sighs happily. Alexander looks worried and walks over and sits on the coffee table. "Let me see." Jay moves the ice pack and pulls his waistband down. He winces in pain. Alexander feels around and squeezes Jay's dick every few inches. When he reaches the top Jay balls up his fists. "Oww." "You definitely injured your dick in the fall." Jay whines. "Make it stop." Alexander smiles. "You sure? It's gonna hurt. A lot." Jay grabs the pillow and nods. He puts the pillow over his face. Alexander stands up and tugs on Jay's dick. Jay screams into the pillow. "Fuck!" Alexander chuckles. "I told you. Now keep the ice pack on for a few hours to keep the swelling down." Jay nods and pulls his pants up and puts the ice pack back on his dick. Jay groans. "Hey Alex?" Alexander hums. "Do you think I'll be able to use it again?" Alexander laughs. "Of course. Once it's fully back to normal." Jay nods. "Thanks. I'm going to pass out now." Alexander nods. "Okay." Jay falls asleep. Alexander goes upstairs to Jay and Tara's room. "Hey Tara?" He knocks. "Come in Alexander." Alexander walks in. "So I have a question for you." Tara turns in her computer chair. "Sup?" Alexander scratches the back of his neck. "You don't have to answer but how far along are you?" Tara looks shocked. "How'd you know?" Alexander smiles. "The mood swings. It happened to my mom when she was pregnant with Brandon." Tara nods. "About two weeks." Alexander nods. He sees Tara struggling with a mission on GTA V. "Do you want some help?" Tara smiles and rolls away from the desk. She gets up and sits on the bed. Alexander sits in the chair and plays the mission. Tara looks shocked. "How?" Alexander chuckles. "You really have to ask?" Tara smiles. "I guess not." Tara watches Alexander play the mission without dying again. Once he's done Alexander gets up and goes to the bathroom. Tara sits in the chair and plays. Once Alexander is done in the bathroom he comes out and sees Jay laying on the bed. "Hey you okay?" Jay nods. "All good. So I made a few calls." Alexander raises an eyebrow. "Brandon and Root are a part of the crew now. So is my friend." "Which friend?" "Oliver. He's my money handler. My go to guy." Alexander nods. "I don't think I've met him." Jay chuckles. "You have. Just not recently." Alexander looks confused. Jay notices. "His dad and your dad used to be best friends. According to him he used to play with you." Alexander shrugs. "I have a bad memory." Jay laughs. "That's okay. I do too sometimes." Alexander goes to the bed and lays down next to Jay. "Hey Jay?" He rolls over. "What's up?" Alexander rolls over. "Do you have any other cars?" Tara giggles. Jay rolls his eyes. "Yeah. Tara's favourite and the one in the driveway." "What's the other?" Tara rolls away from the desk. "2008 dodge Viper." Alexander looks shocked. "For real?" Jay smiles. "For real." Alexander sits up straight. "Can we go for a ride in it?" Jay shakes his head. Alexander looks sad. "Why not?" Tara rolls around. "It's not protected like the one in the driveway." Alexander nods. "Okay." Jay sighs. "You're going to keep bugging me about that aren't you?" Tara and Alexander smile. Jay groans and grabs his phone. He calls his brother. A few minutes pass.

"Hey Jay. What's up?" "You busy?" "Kinda. I'm in the middle of something."

Jay chuckles when he hears moaning in the background.

"That's my bro. Alright I'll leave you. Call me when you're done." "K."

The call ends. Jay and Alexander watch Tara play her game. About two hours later. Jay's phone rings.

"Hello?" "Hey Jay. What's up?" "I need a favor." "Anything. What you need?" "That car I told you to keep in your garage, you still have it there right?" "Of course. I haven't used it or anything." "Okay good. I need you to go to Alec and get it detailed. He'll know what you mean when you say you need The Special Treatment. Cool?" "Cool. Want me to bring it to you after?" "Tomorrow." "Okay. First thing or?" "Up to you. Just park it in the driveway and come through the back of the house and take the keys for my camero." "Okay then. Night." "Night."

The call ends. Jay plugs in his phone and lays down with Tara and Alexander. The three go to sleep.