Chapter Nine

The next morning. Alexander hears a car pull into the driveway. He goes downstairs to meet with the person. Outside. "Hi. You must be Alexander. I'm Ryan." Alexander and Ryan shake hands. "So here are the keys." Alexander takes the keys. Ryan follows Alexander in the house. "The keys are just there." Alexander points. Ryan looks and takes them. "Thank you. It was nice meeting you." "You as well." Ryan leaves. Alexander puts the keys in the bin by the door and goes back upstairs to bed. Jay chuckles when Alexander lays down. "I didn't expect you to be up yet." Alexander groans. "I wish I wasn't. I'm tired." Jay laughs. "Well have a good sleep. Tara and I are on our way out." Alexander nods into the pillow. Jay and Tara leave the house. A few hours later. Jay comes in the room running and jumps on the bed. "I win!" Tara comes running in and gasps for air. "You are faster than me." Jay smiles. "I told you." Alexander groans. "Dude." Jay gets up. "Sorry I didn't see you there." Jay goes to get up but Alexander stops him by hugging him. "I didn't say you had to get up." Jay chuckles. "Dude I'm against you right now." Alexander shrugs. "So?" Tara laughs. "Babe remember what I told you when we first started dating?" Jay smiles and nods. Alexander looks confused. A few minutes later Jay grunts and Alexander moans. "Fuck. You gotta warn me when you do that." Jay chuckles. Tara sits in her computer chair and keeps recording. Jay thrusts harder. Alexander moans and grips onto the back of Jay's shirt. "You feel so amazing Jay. Like holy fuck." Jay smiles and kisses Alexander deeply. Jay grunts. "Fuck I'm gonna cum." Alexander moans and kisses the side of Jay's jaw. "Go ahead. I don't mind." Jay's grip on the sheets gets tighter. "Fuck." Jay cums hard. Jay jerks off Alexander until he cums on his chest. Jay pulls away from Alexander and licks his fingers and then Alexander's chest. Alexander watches. When Jay finishes he smiles up at Alexander and licks the tip of Alexander's dick. He then kisses it and lays down next to Alexander. They make out for a few minutes. Tara stops recording when Jay and Alexander stop making out. "You going to post that on our account?" Tara smiles. "You not okay with that?" "You know I don't care babe." Jay and Tara look over at Alexander. "What?" "Do you care?" Alexander shrugs. "Not really. I'm cool." Tara nods and then plugs the camera into her computer. Jay and Tara do their thing with the video while Alexander has a shower. Once Alexander finishes his shower he comes in the room with just his boxers on. Tara giggles. "You really not shy are you?" Alexander shrugs. "Not really. I never have been." Tara nods. Alexander looks around. "Where's Jay?" "He went out with Root. So I have a question for you." Alexander sits on the floor by the couch. "Sup?" Tara sits up on the bed. "Don't get offended or anything but are you gay?" Alexander smiles. "Why would I get offended by you asking that?" Tara shrugs. "I don't know. I just got a vibe." Alexander chuckles. "No I'm not offended and yes I am." Tara hums. "That explains a lot." Alexander smiles. "It does, does it?" Tara nods. "I know a few people who are gay and they don't give a fuck who sees them and who doesn't either. Well. With me there anyways. If it was me and Jay then they'd care." Alexander hums. "True. My turn to ask a question." Tara nods. "Go on." "Does Jay like me?" Tara laughs. "Almost as much as he likes me." "Is that why he did that?" Tara scratches her leg. "No. He did what he did because he needed someone to do that with. I won't let him with me. You talking about the whole ass fucking?" Alexander nods. Tara nods. "Then yeah. That's why. Also because he likes you." Tara winks and then goes over to her computer and puts on a game. Alexander finishes getting dressed and then goes downstairs to get something to eat. A few minutes later Jay and Root come into the house. Jay sees Alexander and smiles. "Hey." Alexander looks up from his phone and smiles. "Hi. Want some?" Alexander offers his plate to Jay. Jay takes a few bites of the food and then kisses Alexander's cheek as he walks past him. "I'm going to shower and then you and I are going out." Alexander nods. "Okay." Jay goes upstairs to shower. As Jay is showering Alexander goes into the bathroom. "Hey Jay?" "Yeah?" "Where we going?" Jay finishes rinsing and turns off the water. Alexander passes Jay his towel after he opens the curtain. "Well first we're going shopping for you and your brother." Jay dries off his face. "Then after that come back here and drop off the clothes." Jay finishes drying off and wraps the towel around his waist. Jay and Alexander walk out of the bathroom. Jay gets dressed. "We can do whatever you want after that. Oh and I gotta go to my old work and grab a truck. I'm helping Aiden move into the house at some point today." Alexander nods. "Okay. Can we just go there too?" Jay shrugs. "Sure. Yeah. I'll have to buy new washer and dryer too. So remind me." Alexander nods. The two leave. Brandon looks at a pair of pants. "What about these?" Jay looks over. "Go for it dude." Brandon puts the pants in his cart. "Do i have a limit?" "Yes." Jay pushes Alexander gently. He chuckles. "No you don't. Just like your brother." Alexander looks shocked. "What?" Jay shrugs. "What? Go ham. Come get me when you're done." Jay leaves the area of the store and goes over to the person in the back. They chat. About an hour and a half later. "Jay. We're ready." Jay smiles and hugs the guy. "I'll see you at the barbecue." The man nods. Jay walks over to the cash. "Hi there. Find everything okay?" Alexander and Brandon nod. "Yes sir." "Your total comes to $860.50." Jay takes out his card. The cashier types away on the machine and then hands it over to Jay. He taps his card on the screen of the machine and it beeps. "Would you like your receipt?" "Yes please. I can return and exchange if something doesn't fit right?" The cashier nods and gives Jay the receipt. "Of course. Have a good day." "You as well. Lets go." Alexander and Brandon follow Jay out if the store and to the car. On the road. "Where we off to now?" "The house and then we gotta go to Jay's old work to pick up a truck." "What for?" "New washer and dryer first and then helping Aiden move." Brandon nods. Jay pats Alexander's knee. "Thank you." Alexander smiles. "You're welcome." At the house. Alexander whistles. "Damn." Jay chuckles. "Wait until you see your and your brother's room." The three carry the bags of clothes to the bedroom. Alexander and Brandon whistle. "Holy shit this is huge." Jay chuckles. "I know. the room next door is just a little smaller so I thought you'd want the bigger one." Alexander and Brandon take turns hugging Jay. He smiles. "Your welcome guys. K now lets go get these machines. I need to go shopping for other stuff as well." Alexander and Brandon nod. "Can I stay here? More room in the car and stuff." Jay looks at Alexander. "Up to you dude." Alexander sighs. "Fine. But don't touch anything. Please." Brandon nods. "Okay." Alexander and Jay leave. Once they've gotten the washer and dryer, Jay and Alexander put them in the laundry room across from the second room. "Dont plug them in yet. Gotta redo the piping and stuff." Alexander and Brandon nod. "Okay. You need me or Brandon to come with you to help Aiden?" Jay smiles and shakes his head. "But if either one of you wants to come id be fine with that." Brandon scurries up the stairs. Alexander and Jay laugh. "Okay then. I'll be back shortly." Alexander nods. Jay goes to leave but Alexander grabs his wrist. "What?" Alexander kisses Jay softly. Jay chuckles and kisses Alexander deeply and then leaves. At his moms house. "Can I come in?" Jay chuckles and nods. "Come on. I have more stuff of mine here too." Brandon follows Jay into the house. Aiden smiles when Jay goes into his room. "You ready?" Aiden sighs happily. "Yes sir." "Now you do know I'm not moving in just yet right?" Aiden nods. "I know. We have to come over to Tara's to shower, go to the bathroom and do laundry for now though right?" Jay nods. "Right. Except for the going to the bathroom part. There's a place next door you can use to go." Aiden and Brandon pick up Aiden's dresser and carry it downstairs to the truck. Jay carries Aiden's nightstands to the truck. Once everything from Aiden's room is put into the truck. "You ready for this?" Aiden nods. Brandon looks confused. Aiden smiles. "Just wait." Jay opens the garage and as soon as its visible Brandon gasps. Jay and Aiden chuckle. "No way!" Jay smiles. "Way. And you sir get to ride it." Brandon looks shocked. "Me?!" Aiden chuckles and hands Brandon the keys. "You dude." Brandon gets on the bike and starts it up. Aiden grabs Jay's tv and gaming stuff and puts it in the backseat of the truck. Jay and Aiden get in the truck and drive off after closing the garage. Brandon follows. At a red light. Sirens. Brandon starts freaking out. Jay and Brandon pull into the parking lot across the way and stop. The cop follows and exits the car. Jay comes over to Brandon quickly and secretly hands Brandon two cards. Brandon takes them and puts them in his pocket. Jay goes back over to the truck and leans against the door. "What seems to be the problem officer?" The officer stops beside Brandon. "License and registration please." Brandon takes the two cards out of his pocket and hands them to the officer. She looks them over. "You realize your back headlight is broken right?" "Oh yeah. Sorry officer. I've been meaning to get that fixed." The officer gives the cards back and then walks over to Jay. "License and registration." Aiden hands Jay his wallet. Jay takes the two cards out and hands them over. Jay scratches his beard as he waits. "I'm sorry officer. I don't mean to rush you but I really gotta get back to work. My brother and I are already on thin ice with the boss." Aiden nods when the officer looks at him. She sighs and hands the cards back. "Very well. Go on. I'm letting you off with a warning. Your friend here needs to get his light fixed and you need to talk to your boss about getting the back of his work truck fixed." "Yes ma'am. Thank you." The officer goes to leave. She turns back around. "Wait hold on. Is your brother Aiden?" Jay looks confused and nods. The officer comes running back over. She looks at Aiden. "Can I get your autograph?" Aiden smiles. "Sure. Name?" "Lily. Lily Smith." Aiden writes the name down on the back of the card Lily hands him. He hands the card back. Lily thanks him and goes back to her car and drives off. Back at the house. Brandon grabs Aiden's hand. "What was that about?" Aiden shrugs. "I guess she was a fan of mine back when I used to play football." The three walk into the house. "Wait really?" Jay chuckles and nods. "Yes Brandon. Was really good too. Got drafted twice." Brandon nods. "What happened?" Aiden puts his one nightstand down. "I tore my acl and that was that. I was 18." "I see." Aiden and Brandon bring all of Aiden's stuff upstairs. Jay puts his TV and gaming stuff in the room in the basement. Jay goes upstairs. "Thats your room bud." Aiden nods. Brandon helps Aiden move the stuff into the room. "You surprised I played football?" Brandon nods. "I just thought you played on teams for fun. Not as an actual football player." "Then you'll be even more shocked to know what Jay did in his years." Brandon looks over to Jay. Jay punches Aiden gently. "Really dude?" Aiden shrugs and goes downstairs. Brandon continues to stare at Jay. Eventually he sighs. "I used to play basketball and baseball. There happy?" Jay walks away and goes downstairs to his private room and closes the door. A few minutes later. Knock knock. "Go away Aiden or Brandon." "It's me." Jay sighs. "Come in." Alexander opens the door and walks in. He then closes the door. Alexander sits next to Jay on the floor. "What's going on?" When Jay doesn't answer Alexander bumps his knee into Jay's. Jay sighs again. "You want to sit with me and just chill that's fine. Otherwise please kindly fuck off." Alexander nods. "Okay." Jay takes out his cigarette case and opens it up. He takes a cigarette out and then hands the case to Alexander. "Mm?" Alexander takes out a cigarette and then Jay closes the case and puts it back in his pocket. Jay lights Alexander's cigarette and then his own. Jay sticks his zippo lighter back in his pocket. The two smoke away in silence. After that Jay goes back to his old work and drops off the truck and gets his car and drives towards Tara's. A few months pass. Jay has gotten all the piping and ducts redone and working at the house. Jay is fixing the shower when Alexander comes upstairs. He leans against the doorframe. "So." Alexander takes a sip of his beer. "When are you and Tara moving in?" Jay drops the wrench on his foot. "For fuck sake!" Jay grunts. "God damn that hurt. Probably around the end of the year. Still got lots of things to do up here." Alexander nods. "I can help take some things off your list." Jay finishes fixing up the shower and pats Alexander's shoulder. "Thanks but no. I like to do things myself." Alexander nods. "Okay then." Jay grabs Alexander's wrist. "Hi." Jay chuckles and moves a piece of hair out of Alexander's face. "Hi. You really should let me trim your hair." Alexander kisses Jay softly. "No. If we're doing anything with my hair we are shaving it all off like Root. Actually. You cut my hair like yours?" Jay smiles and kisses Alexander deeply. "Sure. Later." Alexander nods. Jay grabs Alexander's wrist. "Ah ah ah. Come." Alexander follows Jay to his private room in the basement and closes the door with his foot. Jay chuckles when Alexander lays down quickly. "That excited huh?" Alexander smiles. "Always for you." Jay kisses Alexander deeply and then they rip each other's clothes off and make passionate love. A little later. "Sit still!" Alexander giggles. "I can't. It tickles." Jay laughs. "Okay seriously. If you don't stop I'm going home." Alexander stops. Jay smiles and finishes doing Alexander's hair. "All done." Alexander looks in the mirror. "Damn. I look hot." Jay smiles and raises an eyebrow. Alexander elbows Jay in the stomach gently. "You know what I mean." Jay nods. "I do. I'm just messing with ya. Alright. I really should get going. Tara wants me to get her some Taco Bell." "How much longer now?" Jay hums. "About three months. Give or take. Honestly I can't wait for this to be over. She's a pain in my ass right now." Alexander laughs. "I know what you mean. One of the few reasons why I'm gay." Jay checks his phone. "Ah fuck." Alexander looks at Jay. "You need me to get the Taco Bell?" Jay smiles and kisses Alexander softly. "You're awesome." Jay leaves. Alexander sighs and goes to get Taco Bell. At Tara's. "Thanks so much Alex. Jay had some place to be." Alexander nods and sits next to Tara. She offers Alexander some of her food. "Mm?" Alexander shakes his head. "All yours. I'm not a big fan of Taco Bell. Bad experience." Tara nods and continues to eat. "So." Tara swallows her food and wipes her mouth with a napkin. "Has Jay said anything about the baby?" Alexander shrugs. "Talks about how excited he is for him or her to be born. That's pretty much it." Tara nods and finishes her food. Alexander takes all the garbage and throws it out. Tara smiles at him. "You don't have to help me with stuff you know. I can tell it makes you uncomfortable." Alexander shrugs. "Not really. Not much anymore anyways. It did at first. Now I'm cool." Tara nods and pats Alexander's knee. She then winces. Alexander looks worried and puts his hands on Tara's arms. "Are you okay?" Tara nods. "Just very active today." Alexander nods. "I see." Tara winces and nearly falls over. Alexander is there to catch her though. "Maybe you should sit down on the couch with the pillows around you." Tara nods. "That's a great idea." Alexander helps Tara to the couch and then places the pillows around her back and bum. Tara sighs with relief. "Thank you." Alexander nods. Tara groans a minute later. "What?" Tara looks up at Alexander. "I have to pee now." Alexander nods and helps Tara up and to the bathroom. "You don't have to stay." Alexander closes the door. "I told you. Nothing really bothers me anymore." Alexander helps Tara pull down her pants and underwear. Tara sits and goes pee. "Ahhhh." Alexander chuckles. "I know." Tara finishes wiping and Alexander helps her up and pulls up her underwear and pants. Tara flushes and washes her hands. Alexander opens the door and helps Tara back to the couch.

To be Continued in Chapter Ten