Chapter Ten

Jay comes home to Tara sleeping on Alexander's lap. Jay comes over and rubs Tara's back. "Hey babe. Come on. Let's get you to bed." Tara groans. "No. I'm comfy." Alexander chuckles. "Just leave her. I'll be fine here." Jay shakes his head. "No." Jay lifts Tara up into his arms and carries her to the bed. She whines. "I was comfy." Jay shrugs. "He's mine tonight." Tara pulls the covers over her and goes back to sleep. Alexander raises an eyebrow. "I need a favor." Alexander nods. "Anything." Jay lays down on the couch bed and stretches. He then pulls Alexander on top of him. Jay takes off his pants and underwear. Alexander gets the hint and does the same. Alexander then pushes into Jay's ass. They both moan. Jay wraps his arms around Alexander's neck. "God damn that feels amazing." Alexander chuckles and nods. "How long has it been for you?" Jay lets out a deep throaty moan. "Too long. You?" Alexander grunts. "Three years." Jay lets out a little gasp moan. "Six." Alexander thrusts faster. "Well you're in for a wild ride then." Jay nods and grips the sheets. "Fuck!" Alexander chuckles and kisses and licks up and down Jay's neck. "Relax dude. Let me all the way in." Jay shakes his head. "I can't. I need you to do something else." Alexander nods and smiles. Jay moans when Alexander started jerking his hand up and down Jay's dick. "Fuck yes." Jay starts to relax and then he really grips the sheets. "Holy fucking shit!" Jay lets out multiple deep throaty moans. Alexander grunts as he cums. Jay cums seconds later. Alexander smiles at Jay while sucking his fingers clean. Jay groans and pushes Alexander gently. Alexander chuckles. Alexander sucks the tip of Jay's dick clean and then lays down beside him. Jay takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "Damn." Alexander chuckles. "I know. So I have a question." Jay sighs and throws on a pair of sweats and then lays back down again. "What?" "It's about the day Brandon found out about you and Aiden being ball players." Jay gets up and motions for Alexander to follow. The two go outside and sit on the front porch. Jay lights a smoke. "What's your question?" Alexander clears his throat and then scratches the back of his head. "Did you get seriously hurt or something?" Jay blows out smoke. "Or something. I don't actually really want to talk about it." Alexander nods. "Yeah okay. Sorry. I just. I wanna know what's made you so angry about then." Jay puts out his cigarette and then stands up and stands in front of Alexander. "You really want to know?" Alexander nods. "I do." Jay sighs and turns around. He leans over the porch railing a bit. "It wasn't baseball that fucked me up. It was basketball. One basketball game in particular. I was the shortest of the team so they always bullied me. So, one day I decided to show the team what I could do. It worked for awhile." Alexander sits up on the porch railing. "October 17th 2000. We were out celebrating our win at this bar. I went to the bathroom and the next thing I remember is my teammate Jeremy getting beaten to death by this drunk and high fucking lunatic. I went over to help him." Alexander puts his hand on Jay's shoulder as Jay starts crying. "I grabbed the man's bat and just starting going ham on him. It took four of my teammates to pull me off him. By the time I realized what was going on the man I was beating on had died. He was just a kid. Barely 18. He was barely 18 and I killed him." Alexander hugs Jay tightly. Jay hugs back but pushes away after a few seconds. "That's not even the worse part." Alexander hums. "What happened next?" Jay wipes his face. "My teammates and I made a promise to each other. That we'd never talk about it again or even think about it again. About two months later a guy came looking for me. Said his name was Kieran Marks. Turns out the boy I killed?" "Yeah?" "It was his cousin and he was so pissed. He wanted me dead. So I ran. I ran and never looked back. Shortly after that I joined my very first real gang. The rest is history." "When did you play baseball?" Jay chuckles as he finishes wiping his face. "All through high-school and then my first year of college." "What happened?" Alexander jumps up on the railing. "Nothing. I just got bored. Shortly after I played my first game of basketball at a park of all places, I was drafted into the NBA. Almost 7 years I played." Alexander nods and looks at Jay. "You miss it?" Jay sighs. "All the time. I can never go back though." Alexander looks off into the distance. Jay smiles. "Something else is on your mind. What is it?" Alexander shrugs. Jay gently pushes Alexander. "So this means you are older than me. Right?" Jay chuckles and crosses his arms across his chest. He leans against the pillar. "Yes. Yes it does. How old are you? 25?" Alexander nods. "Yeah." "I'm 11 years older than you dude. Aiden is six and Tara is 12." Alexander looks shocked. "Tara is older than you?" Jay laughs. "Only by a year. Not even a year. 11 months and 28 days." "So her birthday is November 2nd 1986." Jay nods. Jay goes to go inside. "Jay?" Jay hums. "Sup?" "Was any of that story you told me true?" Jay smiles. "Every bit. Except for the last part. I didn't run away. I left because I got booted out." Alexander nods and grabs Jay's wrist. "What dude? I'm tired." "Just one more thing." "What?" "Is that what started the whole no remorse thing?" Jay chuckles and then shakes his head. "I've always had it in me. Just. With kids and teenagers its sometimes dormant. Hell even with certain adults. If I really feel for them." Alexander nods. "Okay. Good night Jay." "Night Alex." Jay goes inside and Alexander drives home. The next two days Jay stayed with Tara taking care of her. Jay's phone starts ringing. He picks it up.

"What?" "Don't get all snippy and whatever but I kind of did something." "Oh my god. The fuck did you do now?" "I kind of stole from the guys that rule this city. Your guys's old gang." "The fuck Root! Where are you?" "Somewhere downtown. Not quite sure where." "Are you hiding?" "Yeah." "Good. Stay there."

Jay hangs up. He then calls Alexander. It rings.

"Ello?" "Alex I need a favor." "I'm on my way over." "No its not that. I need you to go find Root. I can't leave Tara's side." "Okay yeah sure. He have his phone on?" "Yeah. So you should be able to pinpoint his location from that." "Alright. Bye for now." "Ciao."

Jay holds Tara's hair back out of her face and rubs her back. "I'm sorry babe." Tara looks up. "For what?" Tara throws up again. "For not being able to help." "You are helping." Tara throws up. Jay continues rubbing Tara's back. "Yeah but not in the way I want to." Tara flushes the toilet and stands with Jay's help. Tara rinses her mouth out with water and then after brushing her teeth rinses with mouthwash. "Ya know. Alex really really likes you. Hell, he may even love you." The two leave the bathroom. Jay lays down in the bed. "What do you mean?" Tara rolls over onto her side. "You know. He feels a lot for you." Jay hums and plugs in his phone. "I'm tired." Tara nods and wraps Jay's arm around her. The two go to sleep. The next morning Jay gets up and goes downstairs. He texts Alexander.

Jay: Hey you awake?

Alexander: Barely. Sup?

Jay: We need to talk

Alexander: Okay. What about?

Jay: Just make sure you're dressed. I'm coming over

Alexander: Okay

Jay grabs his keys and drives to his house after locking the house door. Jay parks into the driveway and Alexander comes out. Alexander gets in after Jay unlocks the doors. "What's wrong?" Jay turns in his seat and sighs. "Do you love me?" Alexander looks shocked. "What? Why are yo" "Yes or no Alex?" Alexander sighs. "Yes." Jay swears under his breath. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean for all of these feelings to" "It's fine. Not your fault." "You're with Tara though. I mean I know you're poly and are okay with sharing but I'm not. I'm too jealous." Jay nods. "I know." "So we can't work." Jay nods and sheds a few tears. "I know." Alexander holds Jay's hand. "So what now? We go our separate ways?" Jay shakes his head. "We keep working together but don't let it go past that anymore." The two are crying now. "I don't know if I can do that." Jay puts his forehead against Alexander's. "You'll have to if you still want me in your life." Alexander sighs. "Yeah. I do." The two wipe their faces. "So it's official. You and I are no longer anything other than friends and gang partners." Alexander gets out of the car. Jay turns off the car and gets out. "Alex." Alexander turns when he gets to the door, tears streaming down his face. Jay walks over quickly and kisses Alexander deeply. Once they pull apart. "I love you too." The two hug for some time. Jay kisses Alexander's neck and leaves after getting back in his car.  On the drive back to Tara's Jay cries. He wipes his face as he pulls into the driveway. Tara looks worried when she sees Jay walk past her sad. "What's wrong?" Jay keeps walking towards the backyard and goes outside. He lights a joint and smokes away. Tara comes out and sits next to Jay. She takes the joint from him and takes a puff. She hands it back. "Alexander and I can never happen." Tara puts her hand on Jay's back. "Why not? You guys love each other don't you?" Jay nods and wipes his face. "He doesn't want to share me. He wants me all to himself." Tara smiles. "I see. I get it. Do you remember what I told you if this were ever to happen?" Jay finishes his joint and nods. He then sighs. "No. I won't choose him over you or you over him. I'm just." Jay gets up and offers his hand to Tara.  She chuckles and takes it. Jay takes both of Tara's hands in his. "I'm sorry love. I need to go. I need to figure out some stuff." Tara nods and goes to take off the ring on her finger. Jay stops her. "Don't. Not yet." Jay hugs Tara. Both are crying. Jay kisses Tara's forehead and goes upstairs. A few minutes later Jay comes back with a bag over his shoulder. Tara and Jay hug once more for a long while. "I'm sorry baby." Jay leaves. Tara cries harder. Jay hears her but keeps walking to his car as he cries too. He throws the bag in the backseat and starts up his car. He then drives off. A few hours later. Jay gets comfortable in the motel bed and then goes on his phone. He goes to his texts.

Jay: You are gang leader until I get back

Alex: Okay. Where you going?

Jay: Amsterdam. To visit my dad

Alex: You driving?

Jay: To a certain point and then taking a boat

Alex: How come you never told me you owned a yacht?

Jay: I don't. My dad does. I have a jet though

Alex: How come you never use it?

Jay: My brother does. To get to and from movie sets

Alex: Oh okay. So why are you going?

Jay: Just need time to think and spend time with my old man

Alex: Is he sick?

Jay: Has been for a long time now ;)

Alex: You know what I mean

Jay: Yeah I know. No. Not anymore

Alex: Well that's good then

Jay: Yeah. Well I should get some sleep. I have a early morning boat to catch J

Alex: Okay. Have fun. Good night

Jay: Good night Alex

Jay plugs in his phone and then goes to the bathroom to do his nightly routine. He then goes to sleep.