Chapter Eleven

A few days later. "Dad stop. " Jay laughs at his dad. Lyle chuckles and does another face. Jay rolls over laughing. "Okay okay I'll go. Just stop making faces." Lyle smiles. "Okay. Deal." Jay and Lyle get ready to go out. "Here." Lyle helps Jay do his tie. "You'd think I'd know how to properly do it by now." Lyle chuckles and finishes Jay's tie. "There. It took me almost ten years to master it." Jay raises an eyebrow. "Really?" Jay puts on his suit jacket and does up the buttons. Lyle smiles. "Yes. Alright lets go." Jay nods and follows Lyle to the limo. The driver closes the door and then gets in the driver's seat and drives off. A few minutes later. "Here is good Fredrick." "Sir." Fredrick pulls over and stops. He then exits and opens the back door. Lyle and Jay get out. "Keep it running. We'll only be a few minutes." Fredrick closes the door and nods. "Sir." Jay chuckles and follows Lyle into the club. "Why does he always say that?" "It's the only word he knows in English." Jay nods. "Okay." Lyle and Jay take their seat. "How does he understand English then?" Lyle crosses his leg over the other. "He doesn't. That hearing aid he wears is a translator. It translates whatever I say to him in his language." "Ah. I see." Two people walk over and Lyle shakes their hands. "Evening. This is my son Jayden. Jayden James Ruth Luthor." Jay shakes the two men's hands. "Nice to meet you." "Likewise. Now. Down to business." Lyle sits up and nods. The group talk business. Back in the car. "To the strip club down the way Fredrick." He nods. "Sir." Fredrick drives off. He stops in front of the strip club. Fredrick opens the door and Lyle steps out with Jay following. Fredrick closes the door. The two get to the club door. "Dad I can't. I'm married remember?" Jay shows off his necklace. Lyle throws his arm over his shoulder. "I'm sorry son. I forgot. Do you want to walk to the beach instead?" Jay sighs. "Fuck it. Lets go in." "Yes! My man." Lyle and Jay do their handshake and go in. Lyle comes over with drinks and two women. Jay chuckles and shakes his head. He takes one of the drinks. "Of course." "They're willing to give you a lap dance in one of the private rooms if you wanted to later." Jay smiles and drinks his drink. Jay sits back and watches all these women dance on and around Lyle. He just enjoys the show while drinking. After awhile. One of the girls takes Jay's hand and pulls him up. Jay looks to Lyle. Lyle gives two thumbs up. Jay smiles and walks away with two women wrapped around him. In one of the private rooms. Jay drinks and watches the women dance. He occasionally touches the one. He then realizes why he prefers the one over the other. Once the dance was over and the one girl leaves. "Hey you off now?" The man smiles and nods. "Why?" "Come home with me." The man looks shocked. "You're bold." Jay gently grabs his wrist. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to sound like that. I just. I want to get to know you. What's your name?" The man flips his hair over his shoulder. "Destiny." Jay offers his hand. "Hello Destiny. I'm Jayden. Everyone calls me Jay though." Destiny shakes Jay's hand. "Just give me a minute to grab my stuff and I'll meet you out front with your friend." Jay nods. Jay and Lyle go outside and wait. Lyle gets in the car first. "After you." Destiny smiles. "Such a gentleman." He gets in and then Jay gets in. Fredrick closes the door and then gets in the driver's seat. "Sir?" "Home Fredrick." He nods and drives off. "So Jay, what do you do?" Jay clears his throat. "This and that. I sometimes help out my dad here with business stuff. When I'm not doing that I'm doing deals and protecting my city." Destiny laughs his deep laugh. "I know what you mean. You're a gangster. It's cool." "What about you? I mean besides the obvious." "I'm a journalist. Well. Private journalist." Jay smiles and nods. "That's awesome." Fredrick stops. He comes and opens the door. Jay gets out and puts out his hand. Destiny smiles and takes it. Jay helps Destiny out of the car and then lets go of his hand. Jay and Destiny go in the house and go to Jay's room in the basement. The two spend the night just talking and getting to know each other. A few months go by. Jay has spent a lot of his time with Destiny when he's not helping Lyle with business things. Jay collapses on his bed and takes out his phone. He goes in his texts.

Jay: Hey

Tara: Hi Jay

Jay: What are you doing?

Tara: Taking care of our son right now. What is it you want?

Jay: I'm sorry I hurt you

Tara: It's okay. You finally know who you are

Jay: I still get to be a part of our son's life right?

Tara: Of course. Just because you figured yourself out, doesn't mean you're not still part of this family

Jay: Thanks. Can I tell you something?

Tara: Sure. I just put Jayden to sleep

Jay: You named our son after me?

Tara: Yep. Now what did you want to tell me?

Jay: Right. So I met this stripper

Tara: And?

Jay: He's super cool to hang with. Wants a lot of the things I did before I transitioned

Tara: That's great. That you met someone similar to you

Jay: Yeah. Problem is that he can't afford the things he needs to do which is why he still refers to himself as he/him/his which doesn't make sense to me

Tara: Me neither. So what is he going to do?

Jay: He does private journaling and stripping for cash but not enough. Do you think I should help him?

Tara: 100%. I would if I could

Jay: I know you would. So how's the house?

Tara: It's good. Aiden and Brandon spend a lot of time together

Jay: Does Brandon know Aiden is gay?

Tara: Yeah. They went out on a date the other day and Alexander wasn't too happy about it

Jay: Why not?

Tara: He said something about Aiden being a lot older than Brandon and whatnot

Jay: Well you tell Alexander to give me a call or shoot me a text

Tara: Alright. Hey so when you coming home?

Jay: Not this weekend but next. I'm going out with Destiny the night before to say goodbye and stuff

Tara: That's great. So you like this Destiny?

Jay: Yeah. He and I are just really great friends though

Tara: One question before I have to go

Jay: Shoot

Tara: Is Destiny into only men?

Jay: No actually. He does like men but he prefers women. Men are just for fun

Tara: Cool

Jay: Why?

Tara: No reason ;)

Jay: I can introduce you to him sometime while I'm here

Tara: Okay. Maybe Friday?

Jay: I'll see what he's doing that day and I'll get back to you

Tara: Okay. Good night Jay

Jay: Night Tara

Jay plugs in his phone and does his nightly routine. The next morning Jay gets up and stretches. He makes himself some breakfast and eats it out on the deck. Lyle comes out a few minutes later. "Morning dad." Lyle stretches. "Morning bud. What's on the agenda for today?" Jay shrugs. "Not much. Destiny and I are going to the movies later. What about you?" Lyle pours himself a cup of coffee and sits next to Jay. "Just a chill day. Want to go to the mall for a bit?" Jay finishes his coffee and his joint. "Not today. I don't feel too great right now." Lyle nods. "No problem. Hopefully you'll feel better for later." Jay nods. "Yeah. I really want to see the movie we're going to go see so I hope so too." Lyle stretches again and goes back inside with Jay following. Jay washes and puts away all the dishes. He then goes down to his room and lays on his bed. Jay's phone buzzes a few minutes later. He grabs it and unplugs it.

"Hello?" "Hey. How's it going?" "It's going. How's the gang?" "Good. We're all doing good. So. You wanted to talk to me?" "Yeah. What's with you not being okay with Brandon and Aiden?" "I honestly don't know. At first I thought it was because Brandon is only 17 but now I'm not so sure." "You do know that Aiden is gay right?" "I know he is. He told me one night when it was just him and I drinking by the fire pit." "Isn't it cold there now?" "Yeah but we were well dressed. We just sat by the fire and talked until like midnight." "Nice. So I have a question for you."

There's rustling on the other end of the call.

"Shoot." "If I for whatever reason decided to start sending you pictures, what would you do?" "I'd reply with some type of funny remarks and then send you pictures too. Why?"

Jay rolls onto his back and scratches his face.

"I have the urge to." "So do it. It's not like anyone is going to see them but me." "Yeah I know but we made an agreement remember? Nothing past friendship." "Yeah I know. I honestly don't care anymore." "Yeah?" "Yeah. I mean I know you're legally still married but you guys are separated now." "True. Hey one more question before I go." "Shoot." "Have you been with anyone since I left?"

There's rustling on the other end of the call and then a door closing. Then more rustling.

"Not really. I mean I've been out on dates but no one interested me enough." "Who just came in?" "Oh just Brandon. I should go though. I have to help him with this project for school." "Alright. Talk later." "Talk later."

The call ends and Jay sighs. He goes to his texts with Destiny.

Jay: Any chance you're free right now? I'm bored

Destiny: I'm with a client right now but I'll be finished in about ten minutes. Come to mine?

Jay: Alright. See you soon

Destiny: See you soon

Jay gets up and goes for a shower. As he's showering Jay's phone rings. "Dad you get that for me!?" Lyle comes downstairs and grabs Jay's phone.

"Jay's phone?" "Hi. I need to speak to him please." "He's in the shower at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?" "Just ask him to call me when he's done please." "For sure." "Thank you. Bye." "No problem. Bye."

Jay comes into the room with his towel wrapped around his waist. "Who was that?" "I'm assuming Brandon. I'm not sure. Asked to tell you to call back." Jay nods. He takes his phone from Lyle and goes to recent calls. He then nods and clicks on it. "It was Brandon." It rings. On the second ring.


"Hi." "Hey. What's up?" "I have a serious question to ask you."


Jay finishes putting on deodorant and puts on his shoes.


"Okay." "Would you be okay if I dated your brother?" "Yeah. Why?" "Alexander doesn't like the idea for some reason." "Don't worry about him. Just go for it if he makes you happy. I'll talk to Alex." "Okay. Thank you. Oh and Jay?" "Yeah?" "For the record, Alexander has been crying himself to sleep ever since that day you left for Amsterdam. Don't tell him I told you that." "Really?" "Yeah. When I ask him about it he just shrugs and goes back to being the over protective dick brother." "Is he not there with you right now?" "No he went to the store for supplies for my project." "Ah. Okay I gotta go bud. I'm at my friend's house now." "Okay. Ciao." "Ciao."


Jay chuckles after he hangs up. He gets out of the car and walks up the driveway to the door. He knocks. Destiny comes to the door and opens it. "Hey. Come on in." Destiny move out of the way and Jay walks in. Destiny then closes the door. "So." Destiny claps his hands together. "What do you want to do?" "My dad asked me if I wanted to go to the mall but I told him I wasn't feeling well." "Oh so you lied?" Jay nods. "I just don't like going shopping with him. He looks at something and then asked me if I think he should wear it or not. It's annoying." Destiny laughs. "I get what you mean. My dad used to be the same way. My mother too. Until I came out to them of course." Jay nods. "Now they want nothing to do with you. That's just." Jay looks angry. Destiny pats Jay's shoulder. "It's okay love. I'm used to it." Jay just sits down on the couch. "Hey can we watch your favorite movie?" Destiny smiles brightly. "Sure. I'll get the popcorn." Jay nods and waits patiently. Destiny turns on his TV and puts in his favorite movie into the DVD player. The movie starts and the two get comfortable on the couch. Midway through the movie Jay pauses it. "Sorry. I have to use your bathroom." Destiny nods. "Just down that hall." Jay nods and thanks Destiny. As he's in the bathroom. "Jay you got a message." "You check it?" Destiny picks Jay's phone and looks at the message. "Damn. Someone sent you a picture of their dick." Jay finishes washing his hands and comes running. He looks. "Holy fuck. That's not Alex." "Alexander your boyfriend?" Jay shrugs. "I don't know. We shall see when I go back home." Destiny nods and unpauses the movie. A little after the movie ends. Jay smiles when he sees the text sent.

Jay: You gotta be careful who you message that stuff dude

Brandon: I know and I'm sorry. I meant to send it to Aiden cuz he asked me to

Jay: All good bud. Hey you think Aiden would let me try it?

Brandon: What?

Jay: I've always wanted to try a bigger dick so

Brandon: Uhm

Jay: If it makes you uncomfortable then forget I asked

Brandon: No no. It just shocked me. We're not really exclusive just yet so I don't think he would care

Jay: It's just that he's not like me. He's like your brother. He hates sharing

Brandon: Well like I said. He and I are not exclusive just yet

Jay: He say that or you did?

Brandon: He did. He wants to go out on a few more dates before he makes his decision which is okay cuz I'm doing the same

Jay: Men and women or just men?

Brandon: Men and women. So where's your friend?

Jay: In the bathroom. Why?

Brandon sends a picture.

Jay: You little rascal

Brandon: ;)

Jay: Send me a video of you cumming. I'll do the same for you if you want me to after

Brandon: Okay. Brb

Jay: Okay

A few minutes pass. Jay gets a video message. He clicks on messenger and opens the video.

"Holy fuck this feels so amazing. I'm so hard for you right now Jay. I wish I could feel your mouth around me right now."

Brandon grunts in the video.

"Fuck I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum so hard for you. Open up so I can cum down your throat. Fffuck."

Jay watches Brandon cum all over himself and his bed.

Jay: Damn that was so fucking hot. You can really dirty talk. Fuck I'm super hard now

Brandon: I'm glad you enjoyed. Do you have to go?

Jay: Not yet. Still got another 30 or so minutes. Why?

Brandon: Cuz now it's your turn. Don't worry. I won't get hard again

Jay: Okay. Just give me a minute

Brandon: Yep

Jay gets himself situated and then takes and sends a picture. He then hits record on his camera app. After a few minutes Jay stops recording and sends the video to Brandon on messenger. A few minutes pass.

Jay: Did you like it?

Brandon: Hell yeah. You have a big dick like me. You're amazing at dirty talk too. Like god damn. Hey I have a question

Jay: Shoot

Brandon: Alexander said I can come to Amsterdam for a few days. Can I stay with you?

Jay: That's not up to me dude. Its my dad's place

Brandon: I know but if you get his permission can I?

Jay: Yeah. I wouldn't mind that. I'll ask him later tonight when I go home

Brandon: Okay. It won't be until Wednesday night

Jay: That's tomorrow. Just stay until I leave

Brandon: Alexander said only a few days

Jay: Tell him you'll be with me

Brandon: Okay. Have a good rest of day Jay

Jay: You too bud. Bye

Brandon: Bye

Jay and Destiny leave and go to the movies. They get their snacks and drinks and sit in their row. The movie starts a few minutes later. About halfway through the movie. "I'll be back." Destiny nods. Jay gets up and goes to the bathroom. He does his business and washes his hands after flushing. Back in the theater room. "What I miss?" Destiny eats a handful of popcorn. "Not much." Jay nods and continues watching the movie. As soon as the movie finished. Jay and Destiny take turns going to the bathroom and washing their hands. "Do you want to play a game of air hockey?" Destiny shrugs. "Sorry dude but I'm kinda tired." Jay nods. "All good. Lets get you home." Destiny wraps his arm around Jay's.  "So I have a question for you." Destiny hums. Jay stops walking so he's looking at Destiny. "Have you ever asked anyone to help you with the transition process?" Destiny looks away at the lake. "No actually." Destiny looks back at Jay. "I don't really have anyone." Jay lifts Destiny's chin up with his fingers. "I can help you. If you want." Destiny quickly hugs Jay. He chuckles and hugs back. Destiny pulls away first. "Are you sure? It's a lot of money." Jay shrugs. "I have a lot of money. Oh question while I have you." The two continue walking arm in arm. "Sup?" Jay scratches the back of his neck. "What are you doing Friday?" Jay and Destiny stop in front of Destiny's door. "Hm. I'd have to check my calendar. I'll text you in the morning." Jay nods. "Okay. Have a good sleep." The two hug. "You too." Jay gets in his car and drives off once buckled and ignition starts. On the drive home, Jay's phone rings. Jay connects his phone to his car.

"Hello?" "What did you say to Brandon?" "I don't know what you're talking about." "Amsterdam! He wants to go now. What did you say to him?" "Nothing! I just said he could stay with me and my dad if he came cuz he asked me." "There's more. He's never been this excited about anything. Why?" "Dude how the fuck should I know? All I did was tell him I'd have to talk to my dad about it." "So you didn't say to stay until you leave?" "Fuck. That. Look I'm sorry dude. I didn't mean to cause trouble." "Oh no no. You didn't. I'm glad he wants to go for longer. Gives him a chance to experience another country." "So you're not mad at me?" "Hell no! I'm over the moon. Fuck I really really love you Jay. You're amazing." "Uhm. Thanks. I gotta go now. Oh and tell Brandon he can use my boat to get here." "You sneaker! I thought you said you didn't have a boat." "I didn't when we talked about it last. I bought it last week." "Oh. Okay. Well talk tomorrow or whenever." "Yep."

Jay ends the call before Alexander could say anything else. A little after midnight. There's knocking on the door. Lyle gets up off the couch and stretches. He then goes over to the door and opens the door. "Oh hey Destiny. Come in." Destiny shakes his head while crying. Lyle goes to put his hand on Destiny's arm but stops when he notices Destiny flinch. "Can you" Lyle nods. "Jay!" He comes running up the stairs. "Yes?" Lyle walks away. Jay goes outside and closes the house door. "What's wrong?" "I thought it would be a good idea to try and get my dad to come over so we could make up and whatever." "What happened?" Destiny starts crying again and hugs Jay. Jay hugs back. "He sent friends to tell me to stop texting him and to stop hoping he'll change." Jay pulls away first but keeps his one hand on Destiny's arm. "Let me see." Destiny shakes his head. Jay gives him a look. Destiny sighs and lifts up his skirt. Jay gasps. He then growls. Destiny grabs Jay's hand. "Jay please don't." "Oh fuck no. You are not defending those pieces of dead meat." Destiny shakes his head. "I'm not. I just don't want to see them again." Jay nods. "Go lay in my bed. I'll be back." Destiny sighs and nods. Lyle stays with Destiny. Jay finds the men. He lights a smoke and smokes away. "I'm sorry you can't smoke here." Jay ignores the man and continues smoking. "You deaf?" Jay smiles and shakes his head. "I just don't give a fuck what you say." Jay smiles and finishes his smoke. "Do you have some kind of death wish?" Jay shrugs. "I could kill you just for being a prick." "Take your best shot." The man smiles. "With pleasure." The man calls his men and they all go to attack. Jay smiles when some back away in fear. All emotion falls from Jay's face except anger. "You hurt my friend. Now you must die." Jay kills off the men except for one. The man backs away in fear. "Please. Please don't hurt me." Jay picks the man up and throws him in his trunk. Back at home. "This the man that attacked you?" Destiny looks and nods. "Yes. That is him. What about his partner?" Jay smiles. Destiny nods. "Okay. You going to finish him too?" "Unless you want to." Destiny shakes his head and hugs Jay. "I'll see you soon." Jay nods and pats Destiny's shoulder as he walks past him. The man tries to escape but Lyle grabs him. "Ah ah ah." Lyle smiles at Jay. "We having fun?" Jay shrugs. "Eh. You go. I'm done for the night." Lyle nods and goes to the backyard. Jay collapses in bed.