Chapter Twelve

Jay gets woken up by fingers tickling his nose. He swats at the hand. Brandon smiles. "Afternoon sleepy head. Jay groans and stretches. "When did you get here?" "About twenty minutes ago. Your dad went and got me from the airport because I had to also take a plane here." Jay sits up straight. Brandon sits next to him. "So I have a question." Jay chuckles. "Give me a few to fully wake up." Brandon looks shocked. "How'd you know what I was going to ask?" Jay looks at Brandon seriously. "Come on. I know you by now. You're as bad as your brother." Brandon smiles. "You know. It might actually help you wake up." Jay laughs. "Can I have my coffee first? Like shit." Brandon nods. "Right. Sorry. I forgot you need coffee before anything else." Lyle brings Jay a cup of coffee. "Oh. Thanks dad." Lyle smiles and nods. He then leaves, closing the door behind him. Jay chuckles and takes a sip of his coffee. "Ahhh." Brandon laughs and Jay chuckles. Jay checks his phone. "Okay hurry up. I have to meet Destiny for something soon and I need to shower." Brandon nods and goes to work. Jay scrolls through Facebook. Jay gasps. "Oh fuck. Just like that." Brandon nods and continues. Jay grips the sheets with his free hand. "Oh shit." Jay puts his phone down. "Get on if you're doing so. I'm not going to last much longer." Brandon shakes his head and jerks his hand. "Not yet." Jay nods and cums all over Brandon's face and tongue. "Fuck." Jay chuckles. "Look at the mess you made. Better clean it up." Brandon nods and does as told. Jay moans. Brandon gets up and wipes his face clean. Alright I'll leave you to shower." Brandon goes to leave. Jay grabs his wrist. "Ah ah ah. Get back here." Jay throws Brandon on the bed. Jay pulls Brandon's pants and underwear off. Then his shirt. "What are you doing Jay? Holy fuck." Brandon moans. "Jay you need to shower." Jay continues sucking off Brandon. Brandon has a death grip on Jay's hair. Brandon grunts as he cums down Jay's throat. Jay then lifts Brandon up and over his shoulder. Brandon laughs. "Jay. Put me down." Jay shakes his head and walks to the bathroom. Jay gently slaps Brandon's ass and then puts him down. Jay gets the water ready. Brandon goes in first. Jay grabs another towel and then gets in as well. The two quickly wash and then dry off. Jay turns off the water. The two get dressed. "You want to come with me?" Brandon shrugs. "Sure. Why not. Got nothing else to do." Jay and Brandon go upstairs and put on their shoes after putting on deodorant. Jay puts on his hat and then leaves the house with Brandon following. The two get buckled in the car and Jay starts up the ignition. Jay drives off. At Destiny's. Knock knock. "It's open!" Jay opens the door and walks in with Brandon following close behind. "Hey Destiny this is my friend Brandon. Brandon my friend Destiny." The two shake hands. "Nice to finally meet you." Destiny smiles. "You as well. " "Oh and I'm sorry about yesterday." Destiny raises an eyebrow and then nods. "Oh that. Ha. No worries." "So you ready for this?" Destiny takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "As ready as I can be." The three walk out of the house. "So what are we doing?" The three get in the car and buckle up. Jay starts the ignition and drives off. "Destiny is going to get their M2." Brandon claps his hands. "Yay. It's amazing." Destiny chuckles. "I bet. I'm just scared I'll fail." Jay pats Destiny's arm. "You'll do fine babe. Especially with the instructor." Destiny smiles. Jay winks. Brandon looks confused. "Who's the instructor?" "You'll see." Brandon nods. Jay pulls into a parking lot and parks in a spot. "Come on." Destiny nods and gets out with Jay and Brandon. Jay holds Destiny's hand. "You'll do great." Jay kisses Destiny's forehead. "For luck." Destiny smiles. "Thanks." Brandon follows Jay to an area and sits down. "So?" Jay points to the person in front of a bunch of people on bikes. Brandon looks shocked. "No way!" Jay chuckles. "I know. He came shortly after I did." Brandon waves to Root. He smiles and waves back. "Alright everyone. Start your engines." Everyone turns on their engines and revs. Jay and Brandon watch Root teach all the people how to ride and everything in between. A little later. "Alright. When I name names and say green, it means you passed. If I say your name and say red, you failed. Sara Marshall. Green." Sara cheers. "Henrik Jacobs. Green." Henrik smiles and bows. Jay and Brandon chuckle. "Krystal Waters. Red." Krystal storms out. Jay and Brandon laugh. "Kendra Waters. Green." Kendra throws her arm up in the air. "Woo!" "And last but not least." Jay and Brandon cross their fingers. "Destiny Fairbanks. Green." Destiny screams happily and hugs Root. He chuckles. "Alright alright." Destiny backs away. "Sorry." Root pats Destiny's arm. "You're okay. Alright guys. Have fun with your new freedom." They all cheer. Jay and Brandon wait outside for Root and Destiny. Destiny jumps into Jay's open arms. "Congrats!" The two hug for some time. Destiny gets down and fixes his hair. Root chuckles. "Hey Jay. Brandon." "Hey. So how you liking being a instructor?" Root takes a sip of his water bottle and shrugs. "It's going great. Better than doing nothing." Jay chuckles. "True. We'll have to have a drink sometime while I'm here again." Root nods. "Just shoot me a text." Jay nods. "Will do." Root leaves. Brandon and Destiny follow Jay to the car. On the road. "Hey Jay?" Jay takes a turn and hums. "Can you possibly help me get a bike?" Jay chuckles. "Of course. That's actually where we're going." Destiny nods and smiles. "Thanks." Jay nods and takes a turn. Jay honks his horn. "Learn to fucking drive you idiot!" Brandon chuckles and puts his hand on Destiny's shoulder. "Don't worry. He's always been like this. Since I met him." Destiny nods. Jay turns into a parking lot and parks in a spot. In the store. "See anything you like?" Destiny looks around. "Ou I like this one." The sales person comes over and snickers. "You wouldn't be able to afford this bike. You'd be better with this." The man points to a mini bike. Destiny looks sad. He then laughs. Jay grabs Destiny's hand gently. "Is this the one you want?" Destiny nods. Jay nods. "Okay. Go with Brandon to pick out a helmet." Destiny looks at the man and then at Jay. He nods and points to the helmets with his head. Brandon takes Destiny's hand and pulls him towards the helmet section of the store. "Your friend isn't able to buy anything from this store. Just this little mini bike. Maybe." He laughs. Jay smiles. "Oh really? You really think so? What if their very good and very very angry friend was paying?" The man scoffs. "You couldn't afford anything in here either. These cost more than your crappy rental car out there I saw you park." Destiny comes over with Brandon. "You pick out a helmet?" Destiny nods and hands it to Jay. Along with other stuff he wanted. Jay hands Brandon his keys. "Take Destiny to the car and wait for me." Brandon doesn't hesitate and does as told. "Come." Destiny lets Brandon drag him out of the store. Jay switches the sign from open to closed. "Hey you can't do that!" The man goes to flip  the sign again but Jay throws him across the room after putting the stuff in his hands down. Jay pays for everything and puts them in a bag. "You can't just use my equipment without permission." Jay turns back and gets in the mans face. "You mean MY DAD'S equipment. And yes I can. Now I want this bike delivered to my friends address by the 15th. This is the address." Jay rips a piece of paper out of his note book and puts the paper on the register. "I'll be having a conversation with my dad when I get home tonight about your future here." The man scoffs. "I don't work for your 'father'. I work for a man named Lyle James Luthor." Jay smiles. "I know. He's my father idiot." "He doesn't have any kids." Jay takes out his phone and goes to his contacts. He hits call on his dad. It rings. On the third ring.

"Hey bud. Where are you right now?" "I'm at the motorcycle store you own down by the mall. Very very angry though." "Why? What's going on?"

Jay puts his phone on speaker.

"Your employee Jeff here is being very very rude. I don't even want to repeat what he said to me and Destiny. I'm beyond livid. Can I punish him?" "In whatever way you see fit son. He's been warned on multiple occasions. I'm sorry." "Okay dad. Thank you." "Ciao bud." "Ciao dad."

Jay hangs up and puts his phone back in his pocket. "Look. I can give you a discount on whatever you want in the store. Free." Jay shakes his head. "No thanks. Bike. To the address by the 15th. If not then. Well." Jay smiles. Brandon and Destiny hear a loud scream. Jay hands the bag he had in his hand to Destiny. He takes it. Jay does up his seatbelt and drives off. Back at Destiny's. "The bike should be delivered by the 15th. If not then just text me and I'll get Root to sort it out." Destiny nods and kisses Jay on the cheek. "Thank you. See you. Bye Brandon." "Bye." Destiny gets out and goes into his house. Jay drives off once Brandon sits up in the passenger seat and has his seatbelt on. "Where to now?" Jay makes a turn. Jay stays quiet. Brandon puts his hand on Jay's leg. "Jay." Jay hums. "Are you okay?" Jay makes a turn. "Fine." Jay stops and gets out. Brandon follows. Jay browses through the shelves and then grabs what he wants. "You want anything?" "Really?" Jay nods. "Nothing too crazy though." Brandon nods and grabs a few coolers. "This okay?" Jay nods and puts the stuff on the counter. "Go wait in the car." Brandon nods. "ID please." Jay takes out his wallet and hands over his licence card." The woman looks at it and nods. "That'll be $80.85 please." Jay hands over a $100 bill. "Keep the change." The woman takes the bill. "Thank you." Jay nods. "Thank you. Have a good evening." "You too sir." Jay leaves after grabbing the bag off the counter. Brandon takes the bag as Jay gets in. Later at home. Jay laughs. "Dude. I said one sip." Brandon smiles. He then lays down on the bed backwards. "Hey Jay?" Jay takes a huge gulp of the bourbon and hums after swallowing. "What did you mean about the thing with Root?" Jay smiles and takes another swig of bourbon and swallows it. He hands the bottle to Brandon. He takes a sip. "He lives here now. He moved here after he and I went to a show about two weeks after I came." "Why?" Brandon takes a swig of bourbon and then gives the bottle to Jay. Jay shrugs after swallowing a gulp of bourbon. "He never told me why. I'm assuming for a change of scenery and whatnot." Brandon nods. "Start fresh." Jay nods. "Maybe. He did say he went to a program for his issues." Brandon flips over onto his stomach. "Jay." Jay hums and looks over to Brandon. He watches Brandon pull his pants and underwear down just far enough to show his ass. "Come fuck me." Jay chuckles and places the bottle of bourbon on the table. Jay gets on the bed and hovers above Brandon. Jay and Brandon both moan. "Fuck." Jay finishes in Brandon's ass as his phone vibrates. Brandon grabs it off the nightstand and hands it to Jay.

Aiden: Hey…

Jay: Hey bud. What's wrong?

Aiden: I kind of did something

Jay: What did you do?

Aiden: Promise you won't get mad?

Jay: Depends. What did you do?

Aiden: No I can't tell you. Sorry to have bothered you

Jay: Dude! Just spit it out. Well. You know what I mean

Aiden: Okay okay. So. Um. I kinda broke your PS5

Jay: 😂 That was it?

Aiden: I also kind of slept with Alex

Jay: Oh. Hmm

Aiden: You mad?

Jay: About the PS5, not really cuz I can just buy another one

Aiden: What about the other thing?

Jay: I don't know how I feel about it. I gotta go

Aiden: Wait. Please. At least let me explain

Jay: No thank you. Have a good night

Jay plugs in his phone and goes to sleep after doing his nightly routine. Brandon does the same.