Chapter 47

"Thanks for coming with me," Lucas told Amay as they were walking on the trail through the forest. "You know you didn't have to," he said as he looked over to see her keeping pace.

A small yawn came from Amay's mouth as she placed her hands on the back of her pinkish red hair. "Don't mention it. Besides it gets me out of the house," Amay said. "Where are we going anyway?"

"Well, since I don't have much going on today. I'm going to visit Mrs. Turner." Lucas said with a small smile. "I told her I would a while back, but everything kinda hit the fan," he chuckled a little.

"Interesting," Amay said as her eyes looked up at Lucas for a moment. "Hopefully, she's not a problem." she casual spoke. As she continued to walk, she noticed Lucas had come to a sudden stop. She turned to face him and saw a worried look in his face. This caused her to tilt her head slightly.

Lucas hesitated for a moment as he could feel his heart sink a little. He then took in a sharp bit of air, before slowly exhaling. "What if she's a problem? Are you kill her?" he confronted her.

"If she's a threat to you, then yes." She coldly told him. "My main job as your partner is to keep you safe. That's what Lizzy entrusted me to do. Is there something wrong with that?" she said crossing her arms at him.

"Look, I get you are kinda like my bodyguard and I do appreciate that a lot. But do you have to kill her if she's bad?" Lucas said as he tried not to look Amay in her eyes. He could feel her stare become stronger at him.

She then snickered for a moment. "You're joking, right?" Amay asks him. She leaned forward a little waiting for him to start laughing, but the realization became ture when she looked him in his face. "By the Serpents, you're serious."

Lucas closed his eyes as he stood up. "I just don't have to kill every person that seems to be a threat. You can't do that. It's wrong." Lucas opened his eyes as he took a step forward to make his case.

"Alright then." Amay said as she too took a step forward to him. "Let me ask you this then. That night when you tried to save me with that crowbar. What if you didn't miss and hit him in a spot that could have killed him. Would that have been wrong?" She said taking another step.

"I mean....not-" Lucas was about to say before Amay cut him off

"Another situation. What if either me, your mom, or sister are in a situation where we were about to be taken advantage of, and the only way to stop them was too kill them. Or what if they killed your mother in cold blood? Would you not want to kill them as well?" Amay said taking another step forward. "What about in a war?"

"Those are all different!" Lucas raised his voice at her to get her to stop. He was feeling overwhelmed with her "what ifs". "It's still wrong no matter how you look at it." he said sticking to his gut.

"It's only if you allow it," Amay said seeing the fear and worry in his eyes. She then let out a sigh. "Look. I understand where you are coming from. As a children, we are all taught that. However, there are a lot of things that you can't just slap a band-aid on or put away. You will have to kill at some point. Whether it be a human, Demi-humans, friend or monster. You will do it to insure you protect either yourself or the people you care about."

"But...I don't want it to come to that. Killing doesn't have to be an answer." He told her.

"You really are a kind person," she silently thought to herself. Amay then took another step and placed a hand on Lucas's chest. She then looked up at him with a frown. "No one does. Killing is not the answer, but it is a answer. If killing one person could save a thousand of lives would you do it?" She ask him, before turning back around.

Lucas thought about what she told him. When he looked into her eyes, he could see what he assumed was some guilt to it or a numbness to the idea. He watched as she walks a few feet ahead of him in her full dress that hid her chest scar. He could feel the questions began to burn at him.

"Why do you do it?" He shouted towards her.

This question caused Amay to stop in her tracks and look down for a moment. She never thought about the question like that. "Why do I?" She began to ask herself. She then felt it in her heart and mind, before turning back to him.

"I do it for survival and to protect those are close to me," she answered. "Life's not easy. You will find yourself doing things that feel wrong, but they justify the end goal." Amay continued.

"I see." Lucas replied back as he silently caught up to Amay to lead the way. "Do you regret some of them?" He found the words slipping out of his mouth.

"Not really. After a point you become numb to it. It's a price you pay at times." She answered in a low voice. "I'm sure you have a lot of things you regret as well." Her red snake like eyes looked over towards his direction.

"Yeah." Lucas replied in a low tone as he thought about his own mistakes. He thought about the times he allowed people to walk all over him, allowing his boss to verbally abuse him, falling for a catfish, and may other things. "I do." He finished with a sigh.

"Every fish is the same deep down," Amay said out loud with a small giggle.

"Huh?" Lucas let out as he turned his attention back to Amay again.

"I'm sorry my uncle, whenever he stopped by the village, would take me fishing. I would catch baby fish, while he always caught these massive monster size fish." Amay explained and used her hands to motion how big the fish were. "I swear one could eat while I'm like this and still have room for more. Anyway, I would always get sad and cry about it."

"Pfft. You crying? Nah." Lucas teased at her before chuckling.

"Shut up. You're ruining it," Amay said trying to hold back her laughter. "As I cried, he would tell me. "Flower Bud. No matter how different these fish look, they are the same deep down. Just like us and everyone in the village. We are all the same deep down." She finished with a genuine smile on her face.

"Your uncle sounds like a very wise man." Lucas told her as he could see how happy she was when she told him the story.

"He really was. He was always so caring for me and was one of my only true friends. He was a really nice man. Kind of a drunk, but he always made sure I was alright and protected me." Amay said wiping a tear of joy from her eye. She missed him badly, and hopped he was alright.

"Maybe you could introduce me to him, when you ever decide to go visit." Lucas said as he actually wanted to meet him.

"Maybe. I would like to see him at some point, but for now I'm good." Amay said as her smile lessened thinking about her home. She didn't really consider her village a home but more of a prison. The way she left was do to Elizabeth being her key. "Maybe." she said again unsure if she really wanted to go back or not.

"We could talk about it another day," Lucas reassured her by placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah. That would be nice," she said. She could feel her worries began to fall away as Lucas placed his hand on her shoulder. "Thank you."

"Anytime. We should be there soon," he told her while looking straight forward.

Amay didn't say nothing as she would occasionally look up at Lucas and softly smiled at him. "You are kind hearted." She thought to herself as she turned her attention to the forest around them and the path that never seemed to end. This didn't bother her as it felt nice to be doing something on such a beautiful day like this.

Lucas eyes looked over towards Amay and a small smile came across his face. "Today is a beautiful day. And it feels nice being out with her," Lucas thought to himself as he found himself enjoying his times with Amay. She always seemed to make him think more about certain things, while also enjoying the small things in life.