Chapter 52

"Are you sure about this? We can still turn back if you want too." Lucas said as he looked down at Amay. His clothes and hers littered the floor leading up to Lucas's bed. As they looked at each other, their hearts were beating fast as they both knew what was about to happen. Lucas hovered above Amay looking at her in all her beauty. He could see her eyes slightly glowing like endless red oceans while her pupils pulsating ever so slightly with her heart.

"I just want to make sure you're alright with this. At any moment you feel uncomfortable, we can stop." He told her as he looked away from her alluring gaze. He was having second thoughts about all of this, but part of him wanted to do it. He could feel his hands began to quiver a little as he could feel the butterflies in his stomach fly. He then felt something warm touch his face dragging him back into her gaze.

"You're always so nervous," Amay teased while looking up at him. She could feel her own heart beating at a million miles. Yet, looking at him with what light was possible, and gently touching his body from a month of training beginning to show, brought a calmness to her body. She felt the same as he did, but with him she felt safe. "Just live a little." she whispered to him as she leaned upward to share a kiss.

"Okay." Lucas said as their lips connected to share in another kiss. He slowly leaned down to kiss her own on the bed. He broke their kiss to slowly kiss her neck. Before he could, he could smell her hair, and slowly began sniffing it. "She smells like a flower." He thought to himself before continuing to kiss her neck and give it a gently nibble. He heard a soft moan leave Amay's mouth as she held onto him.

As wave after wave of pain and pleasure flooded her body, Amay held on Lucas tighter and tighter until his skin began to break. She couldn't help but look to her left at the darkest part of the room and saw a pair of eyes looking at her. While her body was moving with the pleasure, the figure slowly faded away. A smile crept across her face as she felt so relieved from her burdens, and wanted to enjoy this moment.

"I wanted this." Amay told herself as she gripped onto Lucas tighter as she reverted back to her true looks. Tears began to fall from her eyes as her smile faded and turned into a frown trying to hold back her tears. "But why...Why isn't it making me feel better." She thought to herself as she began to visibly shake. Her moans of pleasure quickly began to shift into cries of sorrow.

When Lucas look down at her face, he immediately stopped and got off of her. "Whoa. Are you alright? Did I hurt?" Lucas said moving closer to her and lifting her up a little. Amay didn't say anything as she began to cry onto Lucas chest. He didn't know why she was crying, but he just held her. "It's okay. It's okay. I got you." He reassure her as he placed his injured back against the wall and held her.

Amay didn't say anything but continued to cry into his chest as she started to visible shake more. "What is wrong with me? Why am I like this? Why won't it go away?" She thought to herself as she cried even harder.

As the morning light hit Lucas face, he let out a groan as his back was starting to kill him. He thought he would wake up to Amay still in his arms, but she was already up before him. He watched as she put on her underwears and used one arm to cover her chest. She didn't speak nor looked his way as she sat there for a moment. Lucas tried to sit up a little more, but found his body constantly hurting. His eyes went wide as he remembered last night clearly.

"Hey are you alright? You seemed..."

"Nothing happened last night," Amay said in a cold monotoned voice as she tried to push her hair behind her head. She didn't look his direction, but looked straight forward.

Lucas felt a cold sensation come over his body from her words. "I don't understand. Are you alright?" He said leaning towards her. He did touch her but wanted her to look at him. "Can we talk about it?"

"There's nothing to talk about." Amay repeat to him. She could feel and hear him getting closer to her and she gripped the side of the bed.

"Clearly. There's a lot of things to talk about here. So please." Lucas said as he tried to touch her shoulder.

Amay coldly slapped his hand away. As she finally turned to face him, her right hand moved faster then Lucas could pick up and held a blade to his throat. "Last night didn't happen." She told him one last time.

Lucas swallowed hard as he felt the blade on his neck. He could feel it slightly poking his adam's apple. This scared him, but when looked in her eyes it hurt him a little. Her once life filled eyes where now gone. The only thing left was just sadness. She had visible bags under her eyes along with tear marks. "Amay," he said in a sad tone.

"Just..." She said for a moment before pulling her blade away. "Nothing happened. Please." She begged him in a defeated voice as her bade went back into blood that flowed back into her hand.

Lucas didn't say anything and just looked away. He felt his chest and stomach as he heard her get up and leave out of the room. His body cringed when she closed the door without saying a word. A sigh left Lucas mouth as he sat on the bed. He was still naked and just lost in thought about all of this. Different thoughts of Amay began to flash in his mind. From when she smiled, to how she looked after they kissed, to her expression when they did it. Those thoughts quickly switched to when she was scared, her being mad, and last night.

"Fuck." He said as he shook his head and then placed a hand on his head. He felt so confused about everything that happened last night. "I'm such a fucking idiot," he said as he kicked his own self. He felt as if it was his own fault she felt like this. Though of how he should have said no to began with.

"I should have said no. I feel disgusted with myself for going along with her." He told himself as he regretted not listening to his inner voice. "What the hell do I do now?" Lucas thought again. He then looked at the time and realized that he was late for work.

As soon as her room door was closed Amay slumped her back against the door and held her head in her right hand.

"Stupid.....Stupid....I'm so fucking stupid." She told herself and as she gripped her head tightly before leaning it against the door. "You slept with a Human. You idiot. You allowed yourself to sleep with one of them. Why?" her inner voice spoke to her.

Her mind began to play different thoughts about Lucas. How kind he was, how he didn't see her as a monster no matter what she did, how he was patient with her, and whenever he put his foot down with her he made sure to hurt her. Her mind then went over to when he kissed her. His lips were rough but soft on that day. She thoughts then went to last night.

"He's gently and careful." She said finding herself touching her on lips and tracing her the path of were he kissed her. She found herself touching the spot on her neck he nibbled and sucked on her neck, and then down to her breast. Her handed frozen when she realized what she was doing. Her face turned red as she slammed her hand on the ground.

"Damnit," she said to herself. She then turned her thoughts to that thing. She remembered it popping up when she was little and wasn't that bad. However, now it's getting worse. "It's getting stronger and closer." Amay said as she felt as if she could hear its eery voice calling to her. She put her head in her lap as she felt so trapped. It was as if the room was getting smaller around her.

A light knock came to her door and caused Amay to slightly jump. She didn't say a word as the voice from behind it spoke.

"Amay. It's me. I'm going into work." Lucas said with a sigh. He didn't know if she wanted to go or not, but he knew she needed her space. "I'll pick up something to eat on my way home, okay?" He said waiting to hear at least a answer from her.

Amay just sat there on the back of the door looking back and forward as if trying to figure out what to do. She then heard him sigh as he left away from her door. When the front door shut and locked, she realized she was now alone in the house with herself.