Chapter 61

"Aww. Here we go," Elizabeth said as she looked at all the different types of washing power in stock. After her moment with Amay, she had taken a shower and was wearing some more laid-back clothing. She and Lucas had a tradition of stocking up on supplies for the house when things were getting low.

"Hey mom. Look. This one is on sale." Lucas pointed out the white jug to her. "And since we are a rewards member, we can do the bundle."

"Good eye. Now let's grab 12 of them." Elizabeth said crouching low to start passing her son 6 of the white and 6 of the blue. After placing them in the cart, Elizabeth began to push it as they made their way to the air fresher aisle. She hummed a little as she did enjoy these moments with her son.

"Hey mom?" Lucas asked as he followed behind her.

"Yes, sweetheart?" She asked while still looking forward.

"How did you stumble into all of this?" Lucas nervously asked her. "You know the magic, Demi-humans and all that. What was it like for you." He said as they came to a stop.

For a brief moment, Elizabeth stopped as if she was thinking of what to say. She then reached up and grabbed two air canisters and looked at the different names. "Hawaii Bloom or Apple Cinnamon? Or do you think she would like Cherry Vanilla?" She said acting like she didn't hear his question.

"I don't know." Lucas let out a sigh as he realized what she was doing. "Mom. I'm serious. I want to know a little more about you." He said moving closer to her with the basket.

Elizabeth let out a long sigh as she dropped all three packets of the canister in the basket. She didn't look at Lucas as her face became nearly blank with a frown on her face. For a brief moment, she saw her own childhood flash before her eyes. She saw figures in cloaks, candles, and her own screams of pain. She then blinked back to the current moment.

"I was very young when I found out about all of it," Elizabeth said while pulling the basket.

Lucas could hear the tone in her voice change. She went from very happy to monotoned and serious. "I think I crossed a line." He told himself as he continued to follow her.

"Back then. There was panic, chaos, and war. Everyone was keeping secrets, and wanting to keep the other one out of trouble." Elizabeth said taking the basket and stopping by to pick up trashbags, and toilet paper. "I was chosen to be a sort of peacekeeper and aid to my group. Until things took a darker turn."

"Oh." Lucas let out as he didn't know what to say to her. "Was it hard?"

"No job is easy, sweetheart," Elizabeth said while moving over to another aisle as she picked out lightbulbs. She remembered some of the hard decisions she ran into and the hate she got from different sides. "But yes."

"Did you have any moments you wanted to quit and walk away?" Lucas asks as he handed her a floor mat to change the bathroom color. He felt like he was making her uncomfortable with his questions, but he wanted to know for his own self more then anything.

As she grabbed a gallon of milk and some bread, Elizabeth thought about his question. She remembered all the friends that she lost, how many people she had to put down, all the pain she caused when she had to make tough choices, and the many times she nearly broke down.

"A few times. Peanut butter or the mixed one? " She said looking over at her son for a moment.

"Mixed," Lucas said leaning against the basket. He swallowed a little as he knew the question he was gonna ask was the hardest. "Did you have know...kill?" He asked in a low whisper.

Elizabeth paused. Although she was fully looking at her son, she was still able to lock eye contact with him.

"Oh shit," Lucas thought to himself. As his eyes met hers, he could see the light disappear from them. They seemed almost lifeless. A chill went down his spine while at the same time, his body instinctively took a step back from her. He could feel himself starting to panic, but her soothing voice seemly calmed him and scared him.

"Do you really want to know?"

"...."Lucas found his words escaping him while is immediately looked away from his mother. He then felt her gently tap him on his head. His eyes then met her kind and gently ones and a feeling of relief filled his body.

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to." Elizabeth told him in a gently voice as she turned back around. She slowly then began to pull the basket with her as she grabbed some candy. "When you are ready and once you understand, then I will tell you the answer." She added as she pulled into check out.

"I guess I'm not." Lucas mumble to himself as he did feel guilty for asking him mom that question.

As Lucas followed behind his mom, he couldn't shake that feeling of the look in her eyes. It was his first time seeing his mom give him a look like that and it honestly scared him. He couldn't help but feel the woman, he grew up to know his mom, was just an act. Even now as he listens to her talk to the cashier, he wondered which face she was using. This began to make him think how far back was she pretending to be who she was.

"Who really are you?" He thought to himself as he looked up at his mom laughing with the cashier. "Is she really a nice person or a cold blooded monster? Is anyone else I know like that? God, how did I not notice this a lot earlier?" His mind began to race a lot as he began to question the woman he was with.

"Lucas!" Elizabeth voice rung out as she saw her son fully lost in thought. She watched as he zoned back in and looked around confused. "Are you alright?" She asked in a very concerned voice.

"Uh. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry," Lucas said putting a hand on his head. He didn't realize that he got lost in his thoughts for a good moment. His face suddenly became red at how embarrassing this was.

"You sure, sweetheart?" She asked giving him her full attention.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about food." He lied to her face as he let out a awkward chuckle.

"Oh okay. We can grab food after this," She said still worried yet bought into his lie. "Now help me with the bags."

After loading up the car and getting everything off of the list, Elizabeth had taken Lucas to a local fast-food restaurant to sit down and eat. Lucas gotten a regular burgar and fires with a shake, while Elizabeth just got some fries and a small shake. Even while eating, he felt so weird stilling across from his mom.

"LuLu," Elizabeth spoke up first. "You seem a little off. What's wrong sweetheart? Please tell me," She begged him.

"It's noth-"

"Bullshit," she cut him off. She knew he was lying she could clearly see something was bothering him. "Be honest with me. Please.?"

A sigh left his mouth as he realize he couldn't lie to her. "I feel like I don't know you. The more I learn about you or if I ask certain questions. It feels like you are not who you claim to be." Lucas explained a little. He barely could even make eye contact with her. "How do I know you really are the person that raised me? How do I know you actually aren't pretending?"

"Oh sweetheart," Elizabeth said feeling a little hurt. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped as she couldn't find the write words. She did it one more time, before sinking into her seat a little. "You know I love you, and would never do anything to hurt you. I'm so sorry you feel this way."

"I'm sorry as well, mom. It just feels like you are not telling me everything." Lucas told her more.

"Do you still trust me?" Elizabeth asked a little worried.

Lucas went silent for a moment as he thought about it. Even, he had to admit she has been teaching him everything he needs to know so far. She also hasn't told him anything wrong yet. "I do trust you, mom. I just want you to trust me as well. No more acts. Please?" He said sticking out his hand to her.

Elizabeth took her son's hand and looked him in his eyes. While she did see her young child sitting in front of her, she could also see how much he has changed. She then sighed as she met his hand and began to rub his knuckles.

"I trust you, sweetheart." Elizabeth said giving him a soft smile. "I promise no more lies." She said as she held her other hand under the table and began to break the Nanny device Henrietta gave her. It felt like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders.

"Thanks, mom." Lucas said feeling a little better.

"No. Thank you, sweetheart," She said. "How about when we get home and for the next few days, I teach you one of my spells?" She said slipping the broken device into her pocket.

"I would love that." Lucas said pulling his arm back to take a sip of his shake. "Do you think you can teach me a spell that could change my height?"

"That all depends on the author," Elizabeth softly giggled.

"I hope so," Lucas chuckled. "But I can't wait to learn from you."