Chapter 67

As she looked at her old bully, cold sweat bead down her face, and grip her spine. She didn't take her eyes off of her, but could see Lucas starting to awake from her peripheral vision. A "tsk" left her mouth as this situation was bad in every single way.

"I need to buy time, so he can get up at least," Amay thought to herself as she could feel her hands become sweat and slightly shake. "I used most of my blood to heal my wounds and injuries, so I have to be smart about how I use it."She told herself as she needed to keep a mental note.

"Do you even speak our language still?"The figure spoke in her native tongue. She licked her lips while her eyes focused on her weaker target.

"What are you doing here, Ida?" Amay asked in the same tongue almost like a hiss.

"Aww. Good. At least you're not that fully disappointing. I thought that human-" Ida said with a slight giggle, but was surprised to hear Amay cut her off.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here!?" Amay snapped at her while allowing her red aura to leak off of her as she went back to her true form. She flinched when Ida just snickered at her.

"Even if you had me pinned, I would never tell something like you. Besides it would be a waste, especially when I kill you afterwards," she said while crossing her legs in her yellow and black yukata. She folded her arms and rested her head on her right hand. "It has been a very long time since I seen you, so forgive me for wanting to take my time and savor every last moment."She spoke in a sadistic way.

A cold shiver went down Amay's spine and the back of her hair was standing on the back of her nake as she felt her looking her up and down. Her hands came together and a sword made of blood began to form. She took her stance as she was not going to be bullied like when she was as a child. Yet, she could feel her own arms began to shake slightly.

"Let me ask you this then," she spoke in their tongue again. " How did you get passed Elizabeth and the mutt? Or do they know you're here?"

"Hmph. Even I'm not that foolish. As far as they know, you and that boy are still fighting that creature. I simply hid my energy low enough." She said allowing her fingers to pop. She was a little surprised that Amay was able to manipulate her blood, but she knew it wouldn't do anything to her. "t's just us all alone in this big forest, Abomination of the Yangu Family."

Amay could feel that chill in her body began to grow, but she needed to remain calm. "Panicking doesn't solve a thing," she remembered a younger Elizabeth told her when she was in bad situations. Her mind then changed as she heard Lucas starting to groan.

"Ugh.....Ouch," Lucas groaned as he slowly began to came to come too. He placed a hand on his head as it started throbbing hard. His vision was still a blur, but it was enough to make out the area around him. His eyes then turned to face Amay. Although she looked like she's been through hell, he could tell something was wrong. "Is everything alright, Amay?"

"Fufufu. It seems this human boy is awake." Ida said as her smaller eyes focused on him. She then smelled the air for a moment. "Interesting. This boy's scent smell like Elizabeth, her dog, and you, but it's heavy in Elizabeth. How come?"She asked curiously.

"I'm not telling you a thing," Amay snarled at her. "She must not find out." She thought to herself. "Besides I'm the one you're after, remember?"

"Amay. What's going on?" Lucas said as he tried to get to his feet. After a few stumbles and lost of balance, he finally managed to stand up. When he got to his feet, his body began to visible shake as a cold sensation went all over his body. "This feeling again," he thought to himself as he realized this exact feeling.

"Lucas...I need you to listen to my voice," Amay talked to him in a low voice. Even though she was focused on Ida, she knew she needed to keep him safe. However, she knew if he panic, he's only going to hurt himself. "Please..I need you to focus on my voice."

Lucas started to breathe heavy as he started to remember that night and those three people. His body began to stiffen and his hands started to shake. While he could hear Amay's voice, it started to become muffled and distorted. All he could hear was the voice in his head telling him to turn around and see what this feeling was coming from. So he slowly did.

"Oh. So he's joining in," Ida said as she watched Lucas suddenly turned around. All four of her eyes landed straight on him and she began to look him up and down. She could see the fear had consumed the boy. She also saw his face and his eyes and a somewhat familiar feeling to them. "Aww. He's all scared. I love men that are like this. It makes them so much easier." There was this mixture of lust and excitement in her voice.

Lucas began to breath heavy and rapidly, as he stared up at the half seen woman with spider like appendages coming from her back. When he made direct eye contact with her two abnormal big eyes, he couldn't help but look away from her. He could feel tears forming in his eyes.

"This can't be happening. Not again. Not again," He began to mutter as the world around him began to start shaking. He closed his eyes as he just wanted this all to fade away and for himself to just disappear. "I can't do this. I can't do this, again." He told himself as he badly wanted to crawl into a ball.

"Stay behind me," Amay voice rung through like a wave of relief and calming sweeping away his clouded thoughts. "I will protect you from her."

Her words allowed Lucas to focus enough to open his eyes and look at this girl no taller then him with a sword made from her blood, standing in between him and this woman. "Amay..." The words left his mouth as he felt nothing but shame and guilt for what she was doing.

"Listen to me, Lucas. I need you to run when I tell you to." Amay said in a serious low voice. She had came to the conclusion that this was the best chance they had.

"Wha-What are you saying Amay? What about you?" Lucas said speaking up.

"Focus!" Her voice spoke up fully sending a chill down his spine. "We are in a position were both of us can't run away. I will stay and hold her off. You just run and don't stop until you get to Elizabeth." Amay told him in a serious voice.

"But.." The only word to leave Lucas mouth, before Amay cut him off.

"We don't have time for this. Just run when I give the word," Amay told him with a heavy heart. She hated it had to come to this and she knew there was a good chance she could die, but at least she can fulfill Elizabeth final order to her. She took a deep breath, coming to terms with this chance.

"Do you understand?"

"Aww. You're standing in the way of this weak human. You must have some feels for this little toy." Ida said in a mocking tone.

"No. I'm just not allowing you to hurt this useless human. I'm the one you want, remember?" Amay told her while gripping her blade tightly. "I have to keep her attention on me." She told herself. Another chill went down her spine, when she heard Ida starting to coo into a sick giggle.

"What's so funny?" Amay said feeling tensed now.

"Oh. Nothing. Well actually there is." She said in a sick tone as she gently bite down on one finger. "Do you remember that time you got that stupid toy from that, fool? And you refused to let me have it?"

"What are you.."Amay was about to say something and remembered.

When she had gotten this unique doll from her uncle to keep as a friend, Ida and a few other children came to her to take it. The moment Amay refused to hand it over, they jumped her and took the doll. They held her down as Ida ripped and destroyed the doll right before her eyes. A cold chill went throughout her body as two word left her mouth. She took her eyes off of Ida for a split second to tell Lucas those two words.

"Run. Now!"

Yet, those words landed on deaf ears as Ida was on the ground the moment Amay turned her head.

Time seemed to have slowed down to a snails pace, as seconds became mere moments. As Amay realized that she was there and turned to give her attention back to the attack, Ida had made her first move. She used one of her spider appendages to smack Amay away.

Amay used her sword to block the attack, but her blade shattered like glass from the blow. The appendage struck her right arms badly dislocating it, and lifting Amay off the ground and flying deep into the forest barely missing a tree.

Lucas had barely recognized what just happened in the mere seconds that passed. He looked at the spot Amay was just at, but now she's gone. The only person left with him was this spider-woman. The initial shock barely left him as he felt a cold hand touch the side of his face. This sent chills down his entire body and made him freeze in place as he slowly moved his eyes to look at the hand belonged too.

Her arm looked like it was covered in some black armor that was infused with her actual skin. He noticed it was hard, yet very smooth and felt like the tips of her fingers were cutting his face. His eyes then went down her arm to see the rest of it was covered in an attire similar to Amay's, but it looked to be made of a different material. He noticed that the colors were also different. She was wearing a nearly solid black with yellow patterns that seemed to be strings and miniature spiders. This all lead to a massive spider design going across her mostly exposed cleavage. Her chest seemed to share the same thing as her arm, but it was more along her shoulder blades and neck.

"You like what you see?" She asked Lucas noticing his eyes were on her chest.

Her voice while enticing to Lucas and made him even more scared. It was a trap and he knew it no matter how alluring it was. His eyes then went up to her face. She looked like a woman of asian decent with a visible slit on her bottom lip to chin. Her lips were black with a visible green liquid slightly covering them. He then made his way to her eyes. She had two solid black dots that rested above her cheeks. Where normal people eyes should be, instead two massive sunken in eyes were there. There were no visible pupils in the black voids, but Lucas could tell she was looking at him with both sets.

If this situation wasn't a life of death one, Lucas would say she was cute in a odd way, but this paralyzed him with even more fear. He could feel her place another hand on his face keeping his attention fully on her. He watched as for a solid second, she took a deep breathe taken in his scent.

"I see now." She said in her native tongue that Lucas noticed sounded like Amay's when she got mad or slipped into it. Ida then giggle as her hand went too touch his chest. She could feel him jump from her touch, but it only made her giggle increase. "You're the rumored child of Elizabeth Homes. Yes. You will make a perfect breeding tool." She told him as she tried to lean in closer to kiss him.

Lucas physically tired to pull his head away as tears began to run down his face. He couldn't move his body and he began to visible shake in fear. "I don't want this. This can't be happening." Lucas voice muttered as he barely could speak.

Ida held his face in place as she saw him pulling away. "Oooo. You're still able to move and fight back. As exciting as that is, I need you to stay still so you don't touch my fangs. No need for you killing yourself before the real fun begans." She told him keeping his face steady. She continued to move towards his face sticking out her slimy black tongue.

"Someone help me. Someone...anyone..please" Lucas thought to himself as he closed his eyes as he didn't want to see this.

Just before Ida could touch his lip, an object was thrown at her. This hit her in one of her spider legs she used to lift her entire body off of the ground. Ida turned around hissing at the figure that hit her, and to her surprise it was a bloodied Amay.

"Get your filthy mouth away from him." She said in a tired voice. Her right arm was still badly hurt and bleeding. The kimono she was wearing had holes and rips in it. While her hair was a mess and nearly pinkish-white, she was still wanting to fight. She held up her left hand and a blood sword was starting to form.

"I told you. I'm your-" Amay's voice trailed off as she felt something go straight through her stomach. Blood began to leak from her wound and come from her mouth.

"You are nothing and will always be nothing," Ida snarled at Amay as she had stabbed her with spider appendage. She then pulled her appendage out of her and as she saw Amay's body start to go limp and fall forward, she stabbed in deeper into the girl. As Amay screamed, a wave of pleasure went throughout her body. She was getting a sick joy out of it.

Lucas was in disbelief at what he just saw. This caused him to fall to his knees out of pure shock.

"Amay.... No..." He muttered as he watched this woman started to repeatedly stab into Amay. His body began to shake more as he could feel his bubbling sensation in him start to grow more and more.

"Do something...Come on more...Do something....She's going to die if you don't do something."Lucas inner voice began to speak. The dark color in his eyes began to brighten up as Lucas could feel a snap in his body.

"Amay!" He roared in anguish as his aura consumed his body and he got back to his feet. "I must help her. " He told himself as his fist began to glow white with his his aura and energy began to crackle.