Chapter 73

As the rain started to settle down, a pair of hazel eyes looked towards the forest. Even since that sudden rise in power and how it felt similar to her young brother, Martha couldn't stop wondering and thinking about him. She sat at the table with a dim light being the only light source to illuminate the area around her. A long exhale left her mouth as her eyes wondered if he's safe and warm.

She felt a light and warm touch on her head that calmly brought her worries down. Her eyes were pulled away from the dark gloomy forest to her mother with a worried look on her face.

"You're still worried about that sudden burst of power?" Elizabeth asked Martha as she started to rub daughter's untamed her. Ever since they got here, she hasn't been too worried about her managing her hair. She actually loved how wild it looked at times. Yet, her attention was focused on her uneased child.

"It felt like his," Martha confessed with a little worry in her voice. "It was so sudden. I do hope he's alright."

Elizabeth's pink lips frowned as a worry sensation began to set in. She could feel her chest began to beat a little faster as her own mind began to play bad scenarios that could happen to her baby. However, she took a deep breath and calmed her ownself. She looked down at Martha with a light smile.

"If it makes you feel any better, we can head out by morning light. It shouldn't take us long to reach them." Elizabeth offered her daughter.

Martha looked at her for a moment and then back outside. She thought about wanting to give her brother more time to try and handle the mission that was given to him and Amay, but that sudden burst of power did worry her enough to not to drop it. With a long sigh, she gave her mother a simple nod.

"I would like that," Martha said in a bitter voice. She didn't know why but she felt a guilty sensation from this. She know it was the right decision, but it felt wrong. "Why do I feel this way?" She questioned herself.

Elizabeth could hear it in Martha's voice. The sudden bitternes and sadness. "What's wrong, sweetie? Do you not want that?" Elizabeth said sitting down next to her. She gently placed a hand on her daughter's hand. "Remember what I told you."

"Yes ma'am," Martha said listening to her mother. She took a deep breath as she focused. "I want to go and check on Lucas and Amay, but I don't want us to interfere. I would rather us just watch them and see what they do." She confessed to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was both proud and touched about how much she cared for her brother. She let out a soft sigh followed by a giggle as she playfully brought Martha closer to her and started to kiss her forehead repeatedly.

"Momma. Stop it." Martha began to groan as her face turned red with embarrassment. She started to giggle and laugh as she felt Elizabeth starting to tickle her side. This caused her to wiggle and squirm as she didn't like to be tickle, but she was trapped.

"Ahh. My big strong baby doesn't like to be tickle and loved by her mama?" Elizabeth playfully teased. A big smile came across her face continued her assault.

"No..Please stop.." Martha said through laughter as tears formed in her eyes. She finally tried to get Elizabeth's hands away; however, each time she tried Elizabeth would slap her hands away while still tickling her. It got to the point were her hands and her mothers were slapping each others back and forward with tickles in between. It all came to an end when she raised up her hands in defeat. "I submit. You win."Martha finally gave in.

Elizabeth playfully giggled as she brought Martha in for a hug. "Thank you for telling me how you feel. We can just spy on them and see how they do." She reassured her daughter. She combed her hair out of her daughter's face and held her tightly.

"Thank you mama," Martha said tightly holding Elizabeth back.

A low chuckle came from Elizabeth as she held her daughter for a moment. "We will leave at first light. I'm sure Lucas is fine as long as Amay is with him, he should be in good hands." Elizabeth told her daughter trying to calm her and her daughter's nerves. "I hope they are alright."

Back at the cave.

As the flames flicked, some giggling and chuckles filled the cave as Lucas and Amay cuddled together. Amay was laying on Lucas side were his uninjured arm was and had her head resting on his chest. They both felt sweaty and somewhat sticky, but laid there taking in the full effects of what they did.

"That.....that was interesting. Fun but a little weird," Lucas was the first one to speak up. He felt tired, but not quite sleepy. His mind was still blown away about the full experience and felt a little guilty behind it. "Are you're not gonna get pregnant?" He concerningly asked.

"It was nice. A lot more then I expected." Amay said not looking up at him. She could feel his arm resting on her waist as she moved closer to him. She couldn't help laughing at his last question as he was still asking. "I'm certain. You really have to learn more about us Demi-Humans. We are a little more complicated then you humans." She teased at him.

"Okay than." Lucas asked pushing the worry to the back of his mind as he tried to relax and just enjoy her company. He then began to chuckle slightly as an idea came across his mind.

"Are you going to tell me?" Amay said looking up at him.

"Sorry just remembered how you gave me crap for not kissing a girl and being a virgin. But I kissed you and lost my virginity to you." He started to chuckle. "Just kinda ironic."

"I have no idea what your talking about," Amay said giggling as well. "Besides this was just two friends trying to stay warm."

"So we are friends?" Lucas asked looking down at her.

"Maybe." She said in a sing-song voice before giggling she then looked away from a moment. "I actually would like that. I feel like I can trust you with some things."

"I see. " Her words made Lucas a little happy to know that he gained her trust. His smile soon turned into a somewhat serious expression. "I'm sorry, Amay."

"If it's about me dying and you freezing up, just drop it." Amay told him with a irritated sigh. "Don't ruin this nice moment."

"No. No. About your past." Lucas said slightly raising you to look at her. "I have been in a situation like yours, but obviously not as bad. What I'm saying is that, if you ever want to talk about anything or feel alone. I'm here for you at anytime. You're not alone in this." He sloppily tried to explain.

Amay heard his words and looked at him for a moment. She looked away from him for a second and felt her lip quiver a little. She just let out a sigh. "Just give me time. I will think about it."

"Of course. " Lucas immediately said while mentally kicking his own butt.

"Can we get back to cuddling?" She asked him while pushing him back onto the ground and getting back into her comfortable spot on him. She didn't look back up at him as she just zoned out thinking about her own self, what they did, and what's going to come next.

"Smooth move, Jackass." He told himself. He didn't say anything else as they laid there lost in their own thoughts.

After a few hours and the fire had died, Lucas laid there wide awake. He didn't know when Amay fell asleep, but she still kept her blooding pumping faster so he was provided with a heat source. He let out a long sigh as he looked at his damaged arm.

"She might have forgiven me," Lucas thought as he could feel his arm slightly shaking even though it was perfectly still. The images of Ida touching him, Amay being impaled, her telling him to live her, them running away, her falling on her wound, being ensnared, her forcing herself onto him, and then Amay dying before his eyes, began to play on loop. Lucas clenched his damaged hand reminding himself of this pain. "I can't forgive myself. I have to become stronger."

As he brought his hand down, he looked at the sleeping girl on him and softly smiled.

"I'm not getting any sleep soon with this possible concussion, so I better come up with a plan." Lucas whispered knowing that Ida would be on their trail again tomorrow. "I promise that I will protect you instead of the reverse." He thought to himself.