Chapter 74

There was a light pop as Lucas took in a deep breath through his mouth and then exhaled through his nose. He could feel his heart beat a little faster from the mixture of anxiousness and fear. His left arm was wrapped up with part of Amay's kimono and it started to slightly shake. He took another deep breath to try and focus his nerves.

"I can do this," Lucas reassured himself. "I just have to stick to my plan."

"Are you sure about this?" Amay asked Lucas. She looked at him with a worry look not for herself but for him. "We don't have to do this and there's a good chance this could get us both killed."

"I know." Lucas said trying his best to keep a brave face. He then turned to give her a small smile. "We can't hide or run forever, but if this work....If this work, we could make it out of here alive." He told her as he was little unsure himself.

"Can you handle this."

Lucas looked forward towards the morning sunlight and seeing the light hit the trees and some of the plants. He nodded his head a little as he reassured him about this idea. His eyes then turned back to meet hers.

"We will have to see." He nervously chuckled a little.


After finding his way back towards the stream, Lucas began to make his way along the bank to try and find his way back to where it all started. He went through his plan over and over again trying to go over each little detail, but Amay words still rung in his head.

"Can you handle it?" Amay asked him in a serious tone as she started to get dress. "With this idea, you would be putting yourself in grave danger. You would be alone with her. One wrong step and she would kill you, or make you her breeding tool."

"I know." Lucas said as he tied his shoe. "But it's the only chance we got."

This part repeated in his head as he kept walking, before looking at his own reflection for a moment. He could see that his hair was a mess and he had dried blood and dirt on his face. His eyes were heavy from the stress of all of this and the lack of sleep, he hasn't gotten. For a brief moment, he could have sworn he seen his younger self and the person before all of this started, but now he barely recognized himself.

"I can do this. I feel somewhat great. I have to win." He told himself. With a small nod, Lucas rose up and continued on his path whispering to himself along the way. "I can do this. I can do this."

Time had flown past himself while he was lost in thought, because he soon found himself back where him and Amay was at with there back to the wall. He looked down at all the damage or wet things that was scattered across the ground from the ripped backpack. His eyes scanned all the bug spray cans, the map, a massive first aid that had water in it, some granola bars, a canister for water, soaked sleeping bag, a "how to make a fire" book, and other stuff that got ruined by the rain.

"Jesus. No wonder that bag was heavy. " Lucas looked down with a little amazement and worry. He could feel his stomach growling at the granola bars and his throat became suddenly dry as he saw his canteen. Without saying a word he walked over to the stuff and tried to take care of his needs. He didn't get much out of the soggy bars, but he was able to hold back his thrust. "That rain did a under on all this."

For this brief second, Lucas felt like things were normal, but knew he couldn't enjoy this. He needed to say focus. After he was finished with his water, he turned his head towards the forest were a big thing of web welcomed him.

Lucas could feel his hands shake as he started to walk towards the edge of the forest. He could see webbing all over the trees. It was as if she had created a path just for him. This sent goosebumps along with chills down his back. His body started to take a back and nearly every fiber in his body was telling him to run. The mouth of the forest seemed to loom over him with claws trying to reach down to snatch him up.

"I need to relax. I need to relax," He started to whisper to himself as he closed his eyes and started to breathe. He slowly began to calm down, and thanks to a few extra exhales, Lucas finally calmed himself down. With a calmer mind, he remembered his part of all of this.

"Remember the plan. Stay to the plan," His mind told him as he hesitantly took a step forward and began his walk down the spider's din.

As Lucas walked through the webbing covered trees, he felt his body tense up from all the webbing and smaller spiders around. He noticed while it was day time outside, it was more white and deem. The temperature was actually more warm and there ground was also more dry compared to the other part of the forest with the cave. He also noticed that the further he went in the thicker the webbing seemed to get. The hair on the back of Lucas neck soon started to rise as he heard a chilling sound.

It was her voice.

"She's singing," He told himself with surprise. To his surprise, it sounded nice but made his fear rise even more. The urge to run was still strong, but he continued onward. Until he came to an webbed archway.

Ida song while her now four appendages worked in tandem with her two hands as she was making something.

Lucas was taken a little back as he came into the heart of her den to find Ida sitting on a massive spiraling web. It was nearly the size of a regular school bus with a hight that nearly touched the treeline, but was hidden thanks to all the leaves and trees themselves.

He watched in utter terror as she sat there with no injuries on her in a white yukata. Her four eyes focused on her work in her hands and appendages that rapidly moved to cover something up.

Ida finished singing at the same time her hands and appendages came to a stop. "I was wondering when you will come crawling back to me, or if I needed to start hunting you down." She stated as a sinister giggle left her mouth.

Her eyes then looked around him as she didn't see the other one. She pulled back and brought her hand to her mouth as if trying to hold back her laughter. She tried to compose herself, while she placed the object on the web next to her. She placed her right hand her her cheek and folded her arms.

"Tell me, my little fly. Did that trash die painfully?" A sick smile formed across Ida face thinking about it. "Did she call out for her father or mother? Or did she even call out of her sisters? Was it painful for her?" She began to pull her head back a little as a moan left her mouth. Her eyes closed for a brief second, before she glared at Lucas.

A chill went down Lucas spine as his legs felt like jelly Keeping himself up was nearly impossible, but he was able to. His teeth began to chatter as he could visible be see shaking. "She...She just screamed." Lucas answered. He saw it in her eyes that she wanted an answer and a small pause.

"Ugh." Ida said sounding and looking disappointed. "Why do I even try to have hope that curse would do anything surprising. Even when she's dead, she's a disappointment. Nothing will always be nothing." She finished with a slight shrug. She was dead that was all that mattered to her. Her eyes then landed on her prize that came straight to her. She licked her lips a little.

"I guess it's time to make this reward even sweeter with some nectar," Ida said as she used her appendages to lift herself off of her web and onto the ground. She slowly began to made her way to Lucas.

"Wait. Wait!" Lucas screamed in a begging panic. He soon found himself on his hands and knees. "Please!"

A long sigh left Ida's mouth as she stopped at the cowarding boy. "Fine." Ida said as she crossed her arms.

"Before you take me and do whatever you plan, I must know why you are doing this and how did you find us?" Lucas asked as his head was facing towards the ground. He could hear a sharp sigh come form Ida as she thought about it.

"Fine. I want to saver this. For each question, you remove a piece of clothing." Ida said with a sadistic smirk.

"No that's not what I meant!" Lucas said raising his head up with tears in his eyes.

"If I wanted to, I could take you right now, but I'm willing to play this little game. Unless you want me too?" She said moving closer.

"No. No." Lucas said scooting back from her.

"Then let's start playing."

"Okay. Okay."

Lucas slowly began to lift up his shirt when he heard Ida's voice again.

"Ah. Ah. Aah." She said in a sing-song voice. Her fingers then pointed at Lucas pants. "Those first."

Lucas didn't argue back as he began to shake as tears began to fall from his eyes. He slowly undid his pants, and just as he was about to pull them down Ida did it instead. He could see the twisted look in her eyes as she was getting off to this.

"How did you find us?" Lucas asked his first question as he tried to cover himself.

A sick titter left her mouth as she looked at the suffering she was causing the boy. It was enough to get her going. "Very well. I found out about you through an unknown person that said that trash would be here in this forest two days ago. So, I came here 3 days for the initial meet time and bided my time. You were just icing on the cake."She told him licking her lips again.

"Next question." She told him this time her eyes looked at Lucas boxers.

Without thinking Lucas, covered himself and began to take a step back. He fell to the ground and before he knew it Ida was face to face with him. He immediately froze up as he looked into her massive eyes.

"You played around long enough and I'm tired of this game of cat and mouse. Either you stay still or else." Ida told him in a threatening voice.

Lucas just froze there as she threatened him. He could feel one of her hands move down his stomach as she used her other hand to bring him in closer for a rough kiss.

As he felt her invade his mouth and touch his body cold chills went down Lucas spine and made him violently tremble with fear. But a single thought when through his mind.

"I need to give her the signal." Lucas thought as a pair of red eyes glowed from behind Ida.