Chapter 77

"It's been a very long time, since I've felt this hatred towards you." Ida though to herself as she looked down at her one armed prey that pointed her pathetic sword at her. She could feel her heart pumping harder as she felt this new energy flow throughout her body.. "Sometimes, I forget why I hate you, but then I remember."

Back in the Mikadzuki Clan many years ago, a girl, wearing a darkish blue kimono, with the symbol of a spider on the back of it, was making her way through the town with a small basket on her back filled with enough clothing, she could carry. She was huffing and puffing as she was getting tired and wanted to take a break.

"It's hot," She let out as she came to a stop on the bridge as the busy people walked by and almost bummed into her. Her eyes then looked at the water that was flowing under the bridge, and a bright idea came to mind.

"I have been working a good amount of time today, so I can take a few minute break." This thought made a big smile come across her face as the slit on the bottom of her lip slightly opened. Without another word, she quickly made her way across the bridge, and began to make her way down towards the stream.

After placing the basket safely on the ground, the young girl slowly let her black exoskeleton toe barely touch the water before feeling the cold chill run throughout her body. She softly giggled at the feeling that went through her body, before dipping her full foot into it and then her other one. A relieving sigh left her mouth as she sat down on a rock and allowed the gentle current to push along her feet. She popped her fingers a little as she could feel them stinging from work earlier today.

Her smile soon became a long look as she started to allow her mind to wonder about her own future and working with her family in their business. She still haven't decided if she wanted to follow the legacy or do something completely different. Her smile soon came back as she let those thoughts pass as she closed her eyes to take in the nice day.

There was a small thump followed by the sound of a few rocks following into the water, that caught the young girl's attention. With her four eyes, she turned to see another girl that had fallen. She was wearing a dirty kimono and had short white hair. She had noticed the girl had something hidden behind her back.

"Strange. Her eyes don't match a lot of the peoples in the village." Ida asked as she pulled her feet out of the water to go and try to help her up. "Are you okay?"

The shy girl didn't say anything as she got back up herself and took a step back from her. Her eyes looked at the other with a mixture of fear and uncertainty as she took a step back. "I don't want any trouble. I just came to feed the fish." The young girl said showing a piece of bread in her hands.

"Feed...the fish?" The girl with four eyes asked slightly tilting her head to the left. "Like actually feed the fish?"

"Yeah. It's around that time when the fish come up to the surface to eat." The young girl with red eyes told her before breaking a tiny piece of bread and dropping it into the water.

The girl with fours watched in awe as a dark cloud of fish stared to rise up and greedily open their mouth to eat the bread. "Whoa!" she said stepping closer to the girl get a better look.

The red eye girl took a step back to allow the new one to get closer, and giving herself distance in order to runaway if she needed.

"That's so cool. Can you do it again?" The girl asked as she watched the fish swim around patiently waiting for more food. Her eyes then went over to the girl as she nervously looked around for a moment. "What's wrong?"

"You're talking to me? Are you not scared of me?" The red eyed girl said moving her feet in the sad. She was tensed as she was expecting the worst to come, but also sad that she would be rejected again.

"Why would I be. You look normal to me. At least you don't have four eyes and can do this," The spider girl said as she opened her mouth and the slit to reveal her tiny spider like mandibles with fangs. She saw a look of wonder and awe in the red eyed girls face as looked at her. She felt a little embarrassed and put her fangs away. "At least you look normal."

"You look normal to me. That was really cool." The red eye girl took a step forward towards the spider one.


"Mhmm."The red eyed girl nodded her head rapidly with joy. She then stopped herself as felt herself become too excited. "Sorry."

A small giggle left the four eyed girls mouth as a soft smile came across her face. "What's your name?"

"My name?" The white haired girl asked with shock and surprise. "My name is Yangu Amay." She nervously told her as she wondered if she would push her away now after hearing it.

"Ida. Ōbuu Ida." Ida told her as she gave the girl a small bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The same to you," Amay told her returning the kind gesture. "Would you like to help me feed my friends?" She asked seeing the fish start to grow impatient.


After a few minutes of feeding the fish both kids began to laugh and talk together as they wanted some of the fish jump around for the pieces of bread.

"And this one name is spot," Amay informed Ida as she pointed a single black koi fish with a white stop on its back. "He's the oldest of them all."

"Whoa. How do you know this?" Ida asked curiously. "You must have had a lot of time to know each fish."

"Yeah," Amay softly said as she tossed the last piece of bread at the fish. "When you're alone, you make new friends through different things."

"Oh." Ida said as she looked at the fish for a moment. Her mind began to drift to her own family and their business. "Yeah. I know how you feel. But things will always get better. Do you have any dreams?"

"Me?" Amay asked a little surprised.

"Yes you silly?" Ida said giggling.

"Well. This is a little weird, so don't laugh okay. My dream is to see the world more and to make a lot of friends as I go." Amay said with with a small smile as she looked at her own reflection in the water. "What about you?" She asked before turning her attention to Ida.

"I guess my goal would be to become the strongest around." Ida said clenching her fist in a ball. "That way I can protect those that need it. Too be someone looks up to."

"Whoa, yours is a lot cooler then mine." Amay said bitterly smiling as she was happy for Ida. She then felt a hand on her shoulder and look to see Ida's soft cheerful smile.

"You're goal is cool as well. I hope you achieve it and that it comes true for you." Ida told Amay giving her hope.

"You think I can." Amay said feeling a little embarrassed but very inspired. She watched as Ida gave her a nod, and a big small came across her face. "Well. I hope you become the strongest being around. I know you can do it."

"Thank you. Here," Ida said holding out her pinkie finger to Amay. She watched as the other girl looked at her finger curiously. "Pass me your finger."

"Oh okay." Amay nervously complied with the spider-girl. Her pinkie touched Ida and wrapped around it. "What are we doing?" She asked wanting to be filled in.

"We are making a friend pack. That way we both will achieve our goals together." Ida explained as a big smile came across her face.

"Whoa.." Amay said with her mouth slightly dropping with surprise. She quickly closed her mouth and smiled as well at her friend. Her tense body started loosen up as she found someone she could let her guard down around. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Ida said as she pulled her finger away while Amay's lingered for a few more seconds. She then blinked for a good moment realizing she still had a task to do. So, she quickly hopped to her feet and cleaned off her dress and went back to her basket. "I'm sorry, but I forgot I still had something very important to do."

"Oh." Amay said slightly disappointed, but fully understanding. She felt a nervous sensation grow in her stomach as she felt a single question start to bubble up. "Will I see you tomorrow?" Her question finally slipped out.

"Sure. Same time. Same place." Ida said as she placed the basket on her back. "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow and I will bring extra bread." Amay happily said. She watched as her new friend left back up the heal as she looked down at the clear water at her reflection. "I have a friend now." She told herself becoming a little misty eyed.

Later that night, Ida sat with her family for dinner and discussing about different things. While her family went over their business, Ida was lost in thought about her new friend, and the thought of tomorrow. It became a apparent, she wasn't paying attention as her mother had to slightly kick her leg.

"Huh," Ida let out as her eyes focused back in and she looked around the dining room at all her family members. "Yes?"

"There we are," her father said with a chuckle. "Thank you for joining us again."

"I'm sorry." Ida said lowering her head slightly.

"What's going on?" Her mouth asked her. "First you were extremely late with your delivery and now you're not focus during our talks. Did something happened today?"

"Well.." Ida let out as she felt all their eyes on her. She began to slowly mix her spoon in her supper. "I kinda made a friend today."

"Oh? " Her mother asked quite intrigued as she took a bite of her dinner.

"Congratulations, sweetie." Her father said giving her a big smile. "What are they like? What's there name? How did you two meet?"

"We met under a bridge, where she came to feed the fish. One thing lead to another and we became friends," She happily explained. "I want to meet her tomorrow is that, alright?" Ida asked looking towards her mother.

"That depends...How long will it take you to complete your chores?" Her mother asked looking at her young daughter with a small smile.

"Not long at all mother. I swear I will get them done nice and quickly tomorrow. Pleeease," Ida eagerly began to beg her mother. She could her hear a soft chuckle as she was about to take about bite.

"Very well then," her mother told her as she placed her spoon back in the bowl to gather another bite. "What's the name of your little friend anyway?" She curiously asked.

"Her name is Amay." Ida said. As those words left her mouth, the room went deathly silent. This drew her attention as her mother was shocked and her father looked more concerned for her mother.

"What's her family name and what color are her eyes?" Her mother commanded as the spoon in her hand began to slightly shake.

"Everything alright, mother?" Ida asked as this was the first time actually seeing her mother tense up with fear.

"What is the name of her family and what color are her eyes?" She asked again. This time a bit of anger and fear could be heard behind it.

"Her family is the Yangu and her eyes are red."

As soon as she said those words, Ida's mom dropped the spoon causing a small thing of her supper to hit the table and make a mess. Ida noticed her mom's hand was visibly shaking and her face seemly went pale. It was as if that name held so much power behind it.

"Ma'am? Is -"

"You are not allowed to be friends with that child. Do I make myself clear?" Ida mother bluntly told her.

" come.." Ida asked slowly in shock and wanted clarification.

"You can not be friends with that...that demon." Ida's mother said putting her foot completely down.

"Oh...okay." Ida didn't have a say in the argument, so she just agreed. Her chest felt a little sad from the guilt of not seeing her new friend again. "May I ask home come?" She said looking at her mother.

"Not until you are older to fully understand why." She answered her daughter. "Now eat and go to bed." Her voice was enough to make Ida scared.

"Yes ma'am." Ida said in a devastated voice as she sat there and did what her mother told her.

"At the time, I was destroyed that I could be your friend." Ida narrated. "That was before I learned the horrible truth. "

Around 3 am in the morning, Ida had awaken due to a low rumbling sound. As she opened her eyes fully, she could heard two people quietly arguing. She didn't say anything else and got to her feet to find her parents. While walking on the floor, and getting close to their bedroom she stopped at her parents fully taking.

"I'm afraid if that little girl finds out what happened and why she's so different, she would kill the whole village," Her mother said.

A cold chill went down Ida's back as she stood there silently listening.

"Don't be ridiculous, sweetie. She's just a child." Her father told his love. He watched as she shook her head violently.

"You don't understand. During the second nation War, the Buraddo Mūn Clan were a Fierce race. The soldiers and woman inherented most of the power from their Goddess at the time and she lived up to it. If she had not disappeared they would have taken over the whole nation," Ida mother explained. She held herself for a moment remembering the stories of how that goddess ruled and how horrifying the stories were we she sent her armies to war.

"If that child has some of that blood running through her body, she's just a waiting time bomb until she finds out and try to lash out at those around her. By gracious power of the Divine Serpant, let's hope she's not a full blooded one. But from what I heard, the wife of the Lord of the Yangu Family, was a long removed descendant of that clan." Ida's mom fully explained not fully sure what to think.

"The best case for everyone is to just kill the child off, before she realizes what a monster she can become. Or pray that it's more of a look then what we fear." She shook her head and sighed. "I just don't want my...our daughter around that. If it is what we feared."

"I agree with you. I-" His voice trailed off as heard creaking.

Ida face was full of fear as she realized she had stepped on a creaky floor panel. She could hear her father getting out of bed and made his way to her. So she quickly and quietly made her way back to her room and pretend to be a sleep. Her body tensed as her father opened the door to look in on her.

"Damn floorboards," He exhaled in a low whisper.

Ida just looked at the wall with a horrified look on her face as she realized Amay could have killed her at any moment if she wanted to. Yet deep down a sick feeling began to grow.

"Learning all that last night made me realize and more aware of a lot of things as the morning came," Present Ida said. "When I worked, I noticed that a lot of people hard her name in there mouth nearly each sentence. It was always about what she could do and her power as one of those Buraddo members. So I decided to do the next best thing and waited. "

As a young Ida watched the stream of fishes, she could hear the exhausted voice of someone approaching before stopping. It was her. She could see the girl in her same attire as yesterday with that white hair and damned red eyes. She also noticed her having two things of bread in her hands.

"You came?" Amay said a little shock, but very happy. "I got you your own thing of bread." She said getting closer to idea.

Ida felt sick to her stomach at how casual she sounded. It was as if she was mocking her with her powers and her presence.

"Does she think I'm less then her?" This was one of a few though that rain through her mind. She then felt the girl presence as she sat extremely close to her. Without saying a word, Ida scooted away just barely giving herself an inch.

"Here you go. I didn't know what flavor you wanted to give them, so I just got-" Amay began to explain, but watched as Ida snacked the bread from her, and through the whole thing into the water. She watched as the fish swarmed around the bread nearly trying to killin themselves for a piece of it.

Amay went silent for a moment as she could feel the anger coming off of the girl next to here. She then swallowed as she looked at the girl trying to be hopeful that it was just a bad mood. "Is there something wrong, friend?"

"Don't call me your friend." Ida growled at Amay. "When where you going to tell me you were more powerful then me?"

"I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean," Amay honestly telling her.

"Liar!" Ida said turning her attention to Amay fully. "You're more powerful then me yet you talk down to me like I'm below you. How long were you going to hold off on telling me?"

"But I'm not," Amay tried to tell her. Her happy smile turned into a frown as she realized Ida was like all the rest now.

"Show me," Ida commanded as she stood up and looked towards Amay looking down at her.

"Show you what?" Amay asked starting to feel uneasy around Ida. She slowly started to pull herself away as Ida stepped a little closer.

"Show me this power people fear within you. I want to see what they are talking about." Ida said as she stepped closer to her now lesser. Her eyes became blank as she made the first move.

A small struggle happened as Ida tried to wrestle Amay to the ground. After a few blows between them and with Ida showing she was more physically strong, Amay was pinned to the ground with Ida holding her down with her legs.

They both locked eyes with each other for a second. Amay saw the blank expression in Ida , while Ida saw the fear in Amay's. A smile crept across Ida's face as she looked down at the hopeless girl.

"Now show me why everyone is afraid of you," Ida told her with a sick laugh.

"I. Don't. Know. Why." Amay tried to tell her as she tried to move or push her off. Tears filled her eyes as she was so scared.

Ida expression went blank as her she looked at the crying child for a moment. Then she realized it right then and there. "She's telling the truth." Ida said as she looked down at her. Her hands and body began to shake as she gritted her teeth nearly drawing blood. She began to breath in heavily as she felt her rage began to build.

"You....You're a fake!" Ida yelled as she pulled her right hand back and hit Amay in her mouth hard.

Both her and Amay went silent in disbelief at what just happened. Amay tears began to fall as her face began to sting from pain. A small trickle of blood, began to come from her mouth. Ida on the other hand went silent as a small came across her face, so she grabbed Amay by her dirty kimono and began to punch her again.

"That feeling I felt was definitely something on that day. I felt justified as if I realized something. If she was labeled a monster and didn't have the power, then I was going to prove to everyone that she wasn't one, but in fact she was a fake. A liar...A weaking..A Nothing to her."