Chapter 85

A long sigh left Lucas's mouth he looked at his computer screen. His thoughts began to wonder from finishing a document from a client or going ahead and putting in his two week notice to leave. From the computer screen he saw Amay on his phone and using his earbuds to music. While her head began to dance to the beat of the song, Lucas's vision flashed from seeing her badly hurt to her looking normal. He rubbed his eyes trying to focus on his main task at hand.

"Maybe I should wait awhile before I quit. But I still want to earn my own money. Yet what if someone like Ida finds me here?" Lucas contemplated with himself. His eyes moved over to his drawer with all the work he's gathered over the two months. "Maybe I'm overthinking things."

Just as Lucas tried to push everything out of his mind, the phone began to ring. Without thinking Lucas, picked it up and took a deep breath.

"Thanking you for calling how may I-" Lucas repeated the intro, before suddenly being cut off by a woman's shrieking voice. She began to bombarded Lucas with harsh words fully unleashing her fury at him.

"Ma'am I-"

"Can you-"

"How can I-"

"No, ma'am if you let me-"

Each time Lucas tried to get a weird in the woman just became louder at the same time her insults began to cut deeper into Lucas confidence and personal life. He just slightly sat there taking each word. His body began to zone out as her voice became a high pitch screech. He slowly pulled the phone away from his ear and quietly placed it back in its holder.

Lucas's eyes became misty as he sat back in his chair for a moment before wiping his eyes. Before he could move on or push the negative thoughts out his phone rung again. After clearing his throat, Lucas picked up the phone and answered.

"Hello?" Lucas asked as his voice creaked from him holding back his emotions. A chill went down Lucas spine as the woman laughed at him.

"You think you can hang up on me, you piece of shit. I can have your job with just one call. Do you hear me? I will have you fired for hanging up on me." The woman spoke as she continued to laugh. She began her assault on Lucas again as he was just frozen.

While playing the game on Lucas phone and listening to music, Amay paused for a moment as she felt Lucas energy began to seep out. She turned her head to see a visible shaken Lucas as he held the phone tightly to his ear. She tilted her head a little as she wasn't sure if he was alright or not.


Amay voice was drowned out as Lucas eyes began to visible shake. He started to breathe heavy while at the same time his grip began to crack the phone.

"Her laughter." Lucas thought to himself as he focused solely on the laughter and started to get flashbacks. "It's her laughter." He mumbled in a panicked voice.

The woman's voice faded as Lucas pulled the phone away from his ear. He looked at the phone, while his hand continued to squeeze it. Fear should in Lucas eyes as the voice that began to play soon turned to Ida as she reminded him of everything she did. His eyes began to fail him as he saw her black tongue come out of one of the hole on the phone.

"Stay away from me!" Lucas loudly spoke as he slammed the phone back to its holster. The handset of the phone and the entire body broke from the force Lucas used. The phone laid in pieces on his desk with his fist still in the middle holding part of it.

Lucas blinked for a moment as pain shot throughout his hand as he pulled it back. He looked down at his hand to see his scars had opened up, although no pieces of the phone had cut him.

"Are you okay?" Amay asked Lucas as she put his phone down. She could feel and see all the eyes of every in the office look towards Lucas.

Lucas closed his eyes as he tried to calm down as he could hear everyone began to whisper and look his way. His body began to shake as he looked down and placed his hand on his desk.

"I need to calm down. I need to calm down." Lucas muttered to himself as he felt chills go throughout his body. "They're staring at you. They're talking about you. I need to get it together." He said as he began to breath heavy.

Ann, Joe, and Chris were about to get up to check on Lucas, but they heard a door slam as a voice began to yell towards Lucas. Everyone in the off either stood up to watch or silent pretend to work while listening to what would happen next.

"Where is he?" Richard said as he waddled to Lucas's cubicle. His face was a deep red, almost like a tomato, as he huffed and puffed towards his target. His eyes looked up at everyone and watched as they heads ducked back down to get back to work. When he finally made it to Lucas he saw the boy shivering in his chair and not looking at him.

"Momma boy, why is my best clients telling me you didn't help them and started yelling at them. Now she's thinking about breaking our deal if you aren't handled." Richard told Lucas.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." Lucas said in a defeated voice as he tried to gather himself. He still didn't look at Richard. "I'll pay for the damage."

"That's not gonna do." Richard said as his anger scowl turned into a sinister smile. "She was a very important client. And it's going to be a pain to try and keep her around. She wants to fire you, but your work is very useful. And it would be a shame for me to loose my favorite punching bag. So how about a deal?"

Lucas went silent as he felt his body tense. "Sir please."

"I want you to; miss your lunch of a few mouths, handle all the back log and do the work of all my favorite workers, come into my office ever morning a kiss my boots, and tell me how worthless you are." Richard said crossing his hands. A devilish small came across his face as he told the boy all his commands.

Lucas could feel all his muscles hold him back as the chains around his body became tighter and tighter. He just sighed. "Yes sir."

"Oh. That reminds me. A little birdie told me that you met quite the catch. I have to admit I never thought a spineless doormat stuck on his mother's tit would find a nice piece of ass." Richard said as he began to think of Amay from how one of his lacks describe her.

The hair on the back of Lucas's neck stood up. Lucas body loosen up as the chains that once held him down, now began to fall. His shoulders rolled back as he straightened up in his chair.

"I'm going to need you to break up with her and pass her to David. He's been bored with his side piece and he deserves a new toy. After he's done, maybe I should take a piece...."Richard said as he began to think about the things he could do with her.

Amay gritted her teeth in anger as her eyes focused on the disgusting man. "You fat piece of..." her voice trailed off as she watched a chill went over her as a figure stood in front of her. For a slip moment, she actually felt scared of the person she barely recognized.

"What did you say?" Lucas said in a calm and cold voice.

Richard felt a cold chill went throughout his body as the thought of all the things he was gonna do to Amay faded. His eyes went up the body of the barely recognizable boy. The once timid Lucas that he picked on every chance he got was not the same figure that stood before him with such hatred and anger. There was a look in his eyes that shock him to his core and even made him take a step back.

"Well I-" Richard got out before he felt his face cave him.

Richard's face especially his nose connected with Lucas's fist in mere seconds of him getting out those words. Outside of feeling straight pain from his nose breaking and the impact, he felt all the two years of held back emotions and anger of Lucas. Lucas punch was the only thing that filled the offensive leaving it a deafening silence. The people, who decided to watch, looked on in shock, along with Amay, Ann, Joe and Chris, at what they just witnessed.

Lucas carried so much force behind his punch that Richard head pulled back. This causing the heavily out of shape man, entire body to hit the ground and roll back into the cubicle wall across from Lucas. Richard was laid on his ass with blood gushing out of his nose. His eyes looked around the room as everything became disoriented and spinning.

"You're....fuck." He muttered as he slumped back unconscious.

Lucas right hand shook as he squeezed it and closed his eyes. He took a look deep breath while everyone around him looked around in disbelief at what that just witnessed.

"Holy Shit." Chis said taking the words right out of Ann and Joe's agape mouth.

"Lu..cas?" Amay said a little shocked and worried. She didn't know why but this person before her wasn't the same person she came to work with. "Lucas?" She thought to herself.

Lucas looked down at the now unconscious bleeding, before exhaling. He only said two words to him.

"I quit."