Chapter 86

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

The clock song in the silent room as Lucas sat quietly inside the room with Richard and one of his higher-ups. Richard's nose finally stopped bleeding as he had bandages covering it, but his eyes began to slowly swell as heavy purplish rings began to form under his eyes. He stared daggers at Lucas in an attempt to cause him to burst into flames before his eyes, but nothing happened. Lucas on the other hand just sat there lost in his own thoughts and feelings.

"Mr. Homes?" The woman dressed in a heavy business suit barely looked up at Lucas as she went over the report that was gathered. "You seemed to have caused a lot of problems today."

Lucas just sat there silently as he already knew the odds where stacked against him. He knew arguing back would be pointless, since she already made up her mind and her and Richard was working together. All he could do was sit there and wait for her to get her speech over with.

"Destruction of property, disrupting the work force with foul/inappropriate language, assault, along with hospital payments for injuries. You are looking at a hefty fee here. And I'm sure a young man like you already has to worry about debt from college, correct?" She spoke a calm but malice voice. Her pen resting in her fingers as she looked up at Lucas, before she felt Richard's hand rest on her lap. A smile slowly began to rest on her lips.

"While we can pursue this with Lawyers and take every penny from you, Mr. Dixon, through his gracious power, wants to offer you another solution," She told Lucas as if he was getting the best offer of his life. Without thinking, she closed her legs and began to move them while Richard's hand was still rested there.

"Which is?" Lucas asked barely looking up as his hand rested on his lip. While his voice seemed sheepish, his emotions were drawn away.

"You continue to work for us. All the money you would receive from your paychecks will be immediately taken to make sure, Mr. Dixon gets the proper care to fix his injuries. You will also be asked to work double the amount as everyone else does. Also doing the demands of Richard to fully finalize your debt to him. With all this in mind, your debt should be completed within a few years as long as you comply, and don't make a mistake." She finished.

When she fully explained it out, she slid a folder over to Lucas. Her and Richard watched as Lucas raised up the folder to read over the contract. A deep sinister smile came over their face as their plan was full proof and knew the boy had nothing to counter or avoid their deal.

"So it's a damn if I do, damn if I don't?" Lucas calmly said as he looked back at both of them.

"If you look at it this way, this will keep us from suing you. Unless you want to try your hand a court." The woman told him with a slight giggle."It's for the interest of everyone, you sigh the contract.

"I see. I guess I don't have a choice," Lucas calm said before placing the folder backdown on the table, and slide it back over to them. "If only I had something that could help me fight back or turn the tables."

"You can try, but we highly doubt you could provide enough evidence to do so." She said cackling a little.

"But let's speak hypothetical for a moment," Lucas said straightening up his posture to them and crossing his legs. When he raised his head his eyes focused on the two in front of him. "What if someone had gathered evidence for a moment similar to this. Evidence like...Oh, I don't know. Video, audio, and witness testimony? Gathering all that over a two month and counting basis. Could that be enough evidence?" He said in a calm voice.

His eyes watched as both of their faces grew to be very concerned. He saw Richard looked over to his helper to know if they could do anything or come up with a counter.

"Well..Mr. Homes that would be highly impossible," She nervously studdered as tried to keep her cool. She felt Richard removed his hand along with a nervous sweat come down her face. "That would be breaking laws of our state and highly inappropriate of you to invade personal information. That would beg the question of how did you gather the information as well."

"You would be right." Lucas said raising a hand in defeat. He could see a wave of relief come over both of them for a moment. "Too bad, we are not a two party state."

The moment those words left his mouth the room went silent for a moment as a wave of shock came over them both. Anger began to flash in Richard's eyes as he couldn't believe this.

"Oar line on." Richard said as his words came out sounding different since his nose was broken. Pain shot throughout his body after speaking. "Howl?"

"What he's trying to say is 'how would you require this data.' " The woman asked looking to plug a hole in his argument.

"Simple. Do you remember that office getaway when I first joined and was trying to do my best to show how useful I was? You told me to stay at the office to set up all the cameras for our floor. 'Show your worth and do me proud.' Was your words when you left me to do the work?" Lucas said leaning forward a little. A slight chuckle left his mouth as he remembered how desperate he was to do his best.

"I was so gullible to see you were taking advantage of me," Lucas trailed off. With a sigh, he continued. "It took me a whole weekend to set them up and to get the system going. When you and everyone got back, I tried to tell you but you laughed in my face and started to belittle me in front of them. I tried to tell you again and again, but you just continued to laugh. So I just walked away and forgot about it. But the camera's kept going and was uploaded to the cloud and backed up on my device."

"Show?" Richard said becoming very annoyed as a little blood started to trickle from his nose. He then looked over towards his helper who went white in the face.

"She's understanding it now." Lucas told Richard bring his attention back to him. "Those cameras recorded everything. At first I just had them set to delete, since I didn't want to know about anything or invaded people's privacy. But I changed my mind and let me say 'wow'. So I gathered what I needed between you and me. And the rest of it I didn't touch but is still there. Every. Last. Moment. "

"So you're blackmailing and extorting the company?" The woman asked Lucas with a serious look as if she caught him in the act.

"Honestly no." Lucas calmly told them even going as far as to shake his head. "I told you while you were passed out that I quit. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to leave and let you just win. You would have be right that I was a coward, so I stuck it out to get what I needed."

"Which was?"

"Revenge." Lucas said leaning back a little. "Justice for how you treat me and others, and to make sure you don't do it to anyone else. I don't mind paying back the phone, but I'm not apologizing for punching you. So do whatever you want to do, because I'm not scared of you. I should have stuck up for myself long ago, but now is a better time then any to do it." He sighed looking at them.

"So is that all." The woman said leaning forward a little as a smile came across her face. "So you have video of him and some of the things he's done. So what? If they are on the building floor or apart of our company we can confiscate it and get rid of it all. Then you loose everything over us."

"Yoo lowse Lulu." Richard said as he began to wheeze with a laughter. Just before he continued to wheeze both of them felt their phones began to ring and blow up. "Hello."

"What are you talking about? How are you watching us?" The woman said as a cold chill went throughout her whole body.

"Our stock is dropping!" Richard said in clear words as blood came from his nose.

"That's happening a lot faster then expected." Lucas coldly said as he rubbed his next and exhaled.

"What...what did you do!?" The woman yelled in a mixture of anger and worry.

"I told you I quit." Lucas told them. "So I had no reason to keep recording, so I did the next best thing. We are live, and the videos are being seen by everyone on the floor and moving downwards and spreading throughout the building.

"You what?!" Both of them said as they went a wave of emotions come over them.

In the office, Ann, Joe and Chris along with many people gather around Joe's computer.

Joe remembered when Lucas handed him the dragon flashdrive he got him for his birthday back.

"Watch it."

Lucas's voice filled his head as he remembered him saying those words. He looked over to see Ann covering her mouth in disbelief on how truly bad Richard treated him. He then turned his head to the other side to see how Chris was handling this, and he wasn't to shock to see his expression the same as his.

They all stopped as they heard Lucas voice coming from his computer as a live feed of him sitting in the office with Richard and one of the higher-ups.

"Isn't that Sharon?" Chris asked Ann as they watched every detail on the screen. "Yooo, so they were working together." Chis said in shock as he always wondered how Richard knew who to fix when they were going to complain about him.

"Look at the number of people watching." Ann pointed out as her eyes started to see the number climbing. "So this is why you seemed so calm that day." Ann thought as she remembered Lucas telling her he was fine now.

Back in the room with Lucas, Sharon, and Richard. He saw as they both realized their careers were over with as their phones continued to blow up. He didn't smile or anything as took a deep relieving breath. The weight that always carried on his back loosen up and he felt at ease.

Without another word, Lucas stood up from his chair. He slowly made his way to where Amay had placed his phone. He turned off the live stream but keep the video up, so people could still watch it. As he placed the phone in his pocket, he turned around and made his way to the door. As his hand touches the door, he stopped.

"I hope to never see you again. If I do, I will do more then just break your nose next time," Lucas told his former boss. He then opened the door to see a waiting Amay. As he closed the door and stared at her red eyes, she stared back at.

"Feels better doesn't it?" She asked him as she knew the act feeling he was going through right then and there.

A small smile came across Lucas's face as he turned his body to start walking towards the elevator. He could hear Amay following closely beside him as they walked through the office area. They heard a few people still watching the video as they continued to walk. As Lucas pressed the elevator button and it opened, they both step inside.

"So, how do you feel about getting some ice cream?" Lucas asked his partner.

"Really?" Amay asked with a big smile on her face. "That does sound nice."

"Sweet. Ice cream sounds like the perfect treat after this," He told her as a warm smile matched her. Although, he still had a lot of stuff to workout and handle, Lucas wanted to enjoy his new taste of freedom.

"I agree and I can't wait to use my free ice cream for life reward." Amay said remembering the sweet taste.

"Nah. It's on me." Lucas told her as he looked at the elevator numbers going down to the floor he worked on. He felt the elevator stop and slowly opened up to bath him in a brightlight.

"Thank you, Amay."