Instant Evaporation

"Ice Breath!" Cold air radiated from the Ice Elemental, and separately directed towards the Storm Eagle and the Tunneling Worm King. It was like a rushing mist, instantly drowning them within it.

It was very lucky. Both bosses did not resist its Frozen status effect, and an icy mist quickly emanated from their body as a thin layer of frost quickly formed. They were frozen in place.

Zhang Yun took this chance and said, "Fire Elemental, Lightning Elemental, use your skills and kill that bird first!"

Pillar of Flames!

Lightning Web!

The two elementals used their magic at the same time, and the violent elements crashed at the Storm Eagle, but it did not cause too much of an effect.

Even if he included the Ice Elemental's damage, the damage they caused did not surpass 100. It was far less when compared to the damage dealt to the Twilight Wolf.

"High magic resistance?"

Zhang Yun immediately changed his order and said, "All Elementals, change your targets. Attack the worm first, forget about the bird!"

The three elementals quickly changed direction and aimed at the giant worm that was stuck on the ground. They focused their attacks on it, with each attack carrying magic damage.

This time, the damage was much higher. It was even more effective than it was on the Twilight Wolf. Just normal attacks had caused over 150 points of damage. If they bombarded it using skills, they should be able to deal more than 250, or even 300 points of damage.

'Heh! This guy's body really is soft! While normal attacks do little damage to it, it couldn't handle magical attacks at all! It's like paper and fire, the fire would instantly consume it!'

"I'm sorry, but you will have to die here first!" Zhang Yun waved his hand, ordering the elementals to continue their attacks. As soon as their skills' cooldowns had passed, they immediately used their skills on the giant worm.

Immediately, the Elementals unleashed their powers on it. Regardless if it was a powerful skill or a weak skill, they all unleashed their skills on it. The burst had immediately reduced the worm's hit points by the thousands.

Because of the worm's soft flesh, the effectiveness of status effects such as Frozen would be greatly increased. Therefore, when the Storm Eagle managed to break out of its Frozen status, the giant worm was still frozen in place.

The Storm Eagle let out an angry screech. It flapped its giant wings and flew back into the sky, and then swooped down towards the Ice Elemental that froze it.

"Ice Breath!" The Ice Elemental who had been commanded to save its skill once again unleashed a frigid breath, and the Storm Eagle that was on its way down was immediately frozen midair before it came crashing down into the ground. The 400+ damage that it had received immediately jumped out from its head.

"Skills can't touch you but a simple crash dealt over 400 damage? That's fine," Zhang Yun could not help but fret.

He then turned and ordered the others, "Continue to attack the worm. Other than the Ice Elemental, don't save your skills. Use everything you have, and quickly kill the weakest one!"

Once they had heard of their orders, the elementals increased their rate of fire, and attacked the worm like a storm, and dealt over one-thousand damage.

At this time, the Tunneling Worm King was finally freed of its Frozen status. It let out a long howl, and its body had shrunk by one-third. It was obvious that the elementals' non-stop attacks had almost killed it.

It was thinking of retreating, and it immediately shrunk back into its tunnel. It planned to retreat using the tunnel that it had already dug and escape this horrible battlefield.

However, after seeing the Tunneling Worm King's superior burrowing speed, Zhang Yun knew that it would attempt to escape eventually. Therefore, he had already prepared how to handle it when the time comes.

"Escaping? I'm sorry, but I've already blocked your tunnels!" Zhang Yun smiled coldly and waved with his left hand, and the Earth Elemental that had been hiding underground revealed itself.

Earth Elemental… Elemental Creature. Its skills allow it to manipulate the earth, and turn it into spikes for an attack, or form walls to defend.

Just like the Ice Elemental and Fire Elemental, the Earth Elemental was a Three-Star Calling Card and had the same affiliation, and had the same buff mechanics when those from the same affiliation were present, as well as unique mechanics for buffing damage between their skills.

At the same time, it was also a character that focused on magic attacks. While it was only level 1, it could cause high damage to creatures with low magic resistance.

In the early part of the game, most monsters and bosses had physical resistance and did not have high magic resistance. Therefore, most players' DPS (damage per second) would be from these light balls of different colors. Using them to defeat enemies that were beyond their levels.

However, their weaknesses were quite obvious. If they encountered any creatures with high magic resistance, not only would their skills deal little damage, the effects of their crowd-control skills would be greatly reduced. They would become more useless than a one-star mook with a focus on physical attacks.

Similarly, they were also very weak. If enemies managed to get close enough, they would be able to finish them off in one hit whether they were using physical or magic attacks as long as the level difference was not too great.

If they encountered creatures with AoE (area of effect) skills, then they would become even more worthless. One use of the opponent's skill could immediately kill all the elementals that were present.

Therefore, there was no need to summon a lot of the elementals since they were not worth the resources to strengthen. They were only suitable for newbie summoners to fight monsters from the early stages of the game. When the time came, they would have to be phased out.

Originally, Zhang Yun had only wanted to summon the Ice Elemental and Earth Elemental, having them fight the Worm King and the ambushing monster together with the Murloc party.

The Ice Elemental would be focused on freezing and slowing to limit the high speed of the ambushing monster—the Twilight Wolf—as well as freezing the Worm King the moment it unborrowed and attacked so that they could focus their attacks on it.

The Earth Elemental would be responsible for protecting himself, using its ability to manipulate the earth to seal the Worm King's tunnel, and stopping it from escaping at a critical time.

As for why Zhang Yun would think of using the Earth Elemental to block its escape route… That was because when the Worm King appeared, there was not a lot of soil that accompanied it. At the same time, there were not a lot of warnings before it broke through the Earth, and it also did not spend a lot of time, meaning that it did not dig through the earth in real-time, it had already dug out the tunnel, and was simply waiting to ambush underground.

That meant that its burrowing was not that quick after all. At least, it could not create a tunnel in a second.

Then, all he needed to do was to send the Earth Elemental underground when it was stuck out of the ground and seal all the tunnels that it had prepared, that should be enough to either stop it from escaping or prolong the time needed for it to escape, then they could surround it and beat it to death.

The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry, however. Zhang Yun did not expect that the Twilight Wolf and the Worm King would appear together and brought along a third friend, the Storm Eagle.

If he merely summoned the Earth Elemental and Ice Elemental, he was worried that it would not be enough. Therefore, he summoned the other Elementals from the same affiliation to form a set, to greatly increase their abilities…

And reality had shown that Zhang Yun was right to do so.

It was because he had summoned two more Elementals that he could maintain his DPS to quickly damage the Worm King, and cause it to be terrified and run.

And because the Worm King wanted to run, it was now like a cat trapped in a box, becoming a soft pile of flesh underground thanks to the Earth Elemental sealing off its escape route.

All he needed to do was to use this chance and dump in several of the elementals' magic skills. Then, he would be able to maximize the efficiency of how the elements were fusing together. That would allow them to deal damage several times over what they normally could…


"The chance is now!

"All elements, throw your magic into the tunnel!

"Kill it!"

Instantly, fire, ice, lightning, and earth magics were all poured into the tunnel, and fused with each other in the small space below. In the end, it formed a violent energy vortex and collided with the Earth King that had nowhere to run.



The Worm King instantly evaporated!!!