The True Battle

"Ah… And here I thought I could save some resources… What a waste…"

When Zhang Yun saw the Worm King killed, he did not laugh at all. Instead, he was expressing pain and sorrow.

Before he could sigh a few more times, the Storm Eagle managed to free itself from the Frozen status effect again. It extended its wings and flew high up into the sky, leaving behind a few feathers.

After being frozen twice, the bird also wanted to retreat just like the Worm King.

If it was frozen once again, it probably would die here…

But it obviously thought too much about it. The Ice Elemental's Frozen status effect was not effective 100% of the time. After being used a few times, its success rate would greatly decrease.

That included the Slow status effects that would appear after it failed to affect its target with Frozen. It would also be affected by the number of times it was used. The first time, it would reduce speed by 70%. The second time, it might reduce to 40%. The more one used it, the weaker its effect.

In truth, even Zhang Yun was not sure why the Storm Eagle would be frozen continuously.

According to the effectiveness of the Ice Elemental's Level 1 skill, the chances that high level and high magic resistance creatures like it would be frozen was around 20%. 10% for the second time, and maybe even less than 5% for the third time.

With such a low success rate and being frozen twice, could it be that it had extremely bad luck?

He could only say that…

Bad luck had no cure…

Therefore, he would not challenge luck too…

Someone had to kill him first before he would roll from the pool!

The Storm Eagle was very fearful. It did not dare to actively attack, but it did not leave as well. It flew up high in the sky, observing the battlefield while gliding in circles.

Zhang Yun stopped caring about it and immediately told the Elementals to support the Murlocs and attack the Twilight Wolf.

As long as it could kill this one boss, then he could deal with the remaining Storm Eagle however he liked.

He finally understood now. The bird was a simpleton with large muscles. It had the physical attributes of a boss. It was a flying creature with high magic resistance and high mobility. The Murlocs' normal attacks could not even deal more than 100 damage. There was nothing for it to be afraid of, but it did not have the mind of a boss. A simple Frozen had terrified it.

The Worm King was also terrified, but that was because it was completely helpless. What else could it do? A few skills and its HP bar was almost empty. Nobody would stay in that kind of situation.

Look at the Twilight Wolf! It had been restrained for such a long time, and it did not show any fear. In fact, the more it suffered, the stronger its struggle. It even wounded several Murlocs that did not manage to dodge away.

As for the Murloc Commander that was at the forefront, its whole body was filled with scars and it had only half as much HP left as it suppressed the giant wolf.

In less than three seconds, the wolf would be able to free itself from the Commander's restraint and then begin its counterattack.

'It's going to be alright. The elementals are there. As long as they're lucky, and the wolf's affected by another round of status effects…'

Zhang Yun was just thinking to himself when the Twilight Wolf that was being restrained suddenly burst out a powerful energy wave and threw the Murloc Commander off of it. It then quickly stood up and rushed towards the Elementals without any hesitation.

Zhang Yun yelled out in surprise, "What the hell?!"

The elementals could not even use their magic, and the Twilight Wolf had already reached them. It lashed out with its claws that were sharp like blades and immediately killed the Ice Elemental and Lightning Elemental.

It turned around as it endured a skill from the Fire Elemental and then did the same thing. Its claw swiped downward through the Elemental's body and it exploded into sparks of light.

"Howl!" The Twilight Wolf immediately howled after killing the three elementals that had ambushed it, as if sneering at Zhang Yun for not knowing his place.

After howling, it lowered its head and stared at Zhang Yun with murderous intent. At the same time, a green light began to appear around it, and the wounds by the Murlocs began to slowly heal themselves. Green numbers rapidly jumped out of its head.

"It has its own healing skills?!

"This beast…

"It obviously had the power to push away the Murloc Commander, but it pretended to be powerless…

"It was trying to lure the elementals to get closer so that it could take them by surprise…"

After a short realization, Zhang Yun took in a deep breath and looked at the Twilight Wolf calmy,

"Heh. It was entirely my fault. I have stood at the apex for too long, and I have been overconfident. I have severely underestimated your abilities.

"My apologies.

"For this joke of a plan.

"A boss like you, having your own pride… If that is the case, please allow me to have a real battle with you in earnest!

"Allow me to show you the true power of a Hero from another world!"


Alright, it was because all his elementals had died, and all his Murlocs had few HP left. If Zhang Yun did not summon anything new, he would be tortured by the Twilight Wolf next, and give up his only life in this other world.

Of course, Zhang Yun did not lie as well. He had been on the apex for several years, and the battles he fought were normally against legendary bosses with levels in the hundreds. Therefore, when he was facing a mere level 20 creature, he was not at high alert.

In the beginning, when he was exploring the island, he also did not make any big plans. He only wanted to summon several minions to first explore the place.

If all the creatures on the island were low-level monsters, he would then use the minions that he first summoned to finish mapping the island.

If there were any dangers on the island, he would observe them from the shadows. Then, summon appropriately strong minions depending on how powerful they were so that he could avoid spending resources unnecessarily.

Even if he were ambushed by powerful enemies, there was no need for Zhang Yun to be so worried since they could not kill him without the system prompting him first.

All he needed to do was to choose several powerful followers beforehand and place them into his inventory, he could then use a short amount of time to summon the followers and counter the enemies…

The other situation was where the enemy could kill him at the same time the system prompt appeared, and before he could react.

Facing these kinds of enemies, Zhang Yun could not have defended against it other than summoning a five-star defense-type Hero to protect him. Only then would he be able to survive such an ambush.

However, instead of spending Diamonds to maintain a Hero that might not be able to protect him, he would rather use the Resurrection Tokens to handle the fight and then summon a Hero that was suitable for the situation to kill it and save the number of Diamonds needed.

That was why even if this was the real world, Zhang Yun did not need to be anxious and he had no need to summon all the powerful members of his previous party as if he wanted to conquer the world.

Using what was needed when it was needed. No more, no less. That was the path of the hoarder…

Zhang Yun opened his inventory and took out a golden Calling Card. He threw it out and summoned the creature that was sealed within.

After what the Twilight Wolf had done just now, it had shown that it was not a specialized creature with clear strengths and weaknesses like the Tunneling Worm King, nor was it a coward like the Storm Eagle that was terrified after being affected by status effects twice.

It was a powerful, intelligent Boss with the heart of a king! A true Boss!

If he did not treat it seriously, he would be at the end of a beating stick. And then, he would lose a large number of resources.

Therefore, Zhang Yun did not summon his normal followers with low combat capabilities but called out a powerful creature that could fight against it one on one.

Such a creature was referred to in the game as…

"The Poor Man's God of War!"