Brother Mikoto

Mikot, Three-Star Follower. As his CV(Character Voice) had once voiced a similar character in a very popular anime, he was called Brother Mikoto in the game by players.

Despite being a Three-Star, he was as powerful as a Five-Star. He also had a unique buff and is considered to be the main party member for most newbies. He could perhaps even be called a necessity.

At the same time, due to his unique storyline and good-looking face, he had also attracted a large number of fans and started his own line of products.

Despite all the five-stars at the later part of the game, and no longer being able to be the main member in a party, Brother Mikoto would still be useful thanks to his unique buff, becoming a utility tool for more powerful members.

With such treatment, players once thought that he might even be the developer's favorite… Indeed, after the rank-increasing and hero-specific weapon mechanics had appeared, Brother Mikoto had become the first batch of heroes to be able to take advantage of the system.

He suddenly received the ability to increase his rank to six-star and was the first one to have a hero-specific weapon. All his attributes had greatly increased, his buff had also been increased and was almost at the level of Tier-0 gods.

While this change had gained the support of all the fans for Brother Mikoto, it had also been lambasted by some. That was because while Brother Mikoto was a Three-Star, not everyone was able to get him.

Some people just did not have the luck naturally and could not get him no matter how much they tried.

However, they also refused to spend money to buy the gift pack and choose Brother Mikoto directly.

Due to the pressure, the developer released an event where they would give away Brother Mikoto. Everyone that had finished the event would be able to get Brother Mikoto's Calling Card.

Zhang Yun was also able to get Brother Mikoto at this time.

However, as he had finished the main story quests, he did not feel any pressure while playing the event. He did not summon Brother Mikoto and saved his card as part of his collection in the Storage.

"In truth, if they had given you out earlier, I wouldn't be able to summon you now.


"The path of the hoarder will eventually lead to victory…"

Zhang Yun sighed, and took out all the materials that he had prepared from his inventory, and threw them into the sky. Together with the golden light that shone together with the Calling Card, invisible energy swept through the ground and pushed the Twilight Wolf away.

Brother Mikoto walked out from the golden light with his long, white hair.

"Have you…

"Seen my cat?"

Name: Mikot

Race: Human

Legacy: N/A

Class: N/A

Title: He Who Lives with Nature (Meld with nature, all attributes temporarily increase by 10% when within a forest)

Level: 20

Experience Points (XP): 120

Health Points (HP): 7,210/7,210

Stamina Points (SP): 2,310/2,310

Attributes: STR 26, AGI 20, CON 18, INT 15, WILL 8, CHA 10

Unassigned Attribute Points: 0

Skills: Blazing Sword Technique (Lv Max, Only Skill, Changes will be made to all class skills)


Class: Samurai

Class Level: 1

Class Attributes: Str 10, Agi 7, Will 5

Ex Skill: Slightly increase own physical attack (Increase physical attack by 30%)

Class Skill:

Blazing Sword - Pyre (Lv1, Covers the weapon with fire from one's body. All damage becomes fire damage. Duration of 20 seconds.)

Blazing Sword - Destroy the Evil Spirit (Lv1, Deals fire damage to enemies in front of you. When you hit an enemy, it triggers the [Challenged] effect. During the [Challenged] status, Attack is increased and skills become more powerful. The [Challenged] status can stack twice. Its effect ends after a certain amount of time.)

Blazing Sword - Light of the Heart (Lv1, You scream, and your attack speed increases by 10% for 20 seconds.)

Gift of Nature (Lv Max, Conjure the will of nature and remove all the buffs within yourself, and then transfer said buffs to everyone within 5 meters, regardless of allies or enemies.)


Equipment: Scarlet Blade - Smoldering Inferno (Hero-Specific Weapon, Forgeable, Attack +100, HP +100)

Summoner: Zhang Yun

Affiliation: None

Overall Rating: *** (out of six stars)

[Summary: A swordsman that received the will of nature through meditation. When he is no longer holding back, his power is like that of a coming calamity. As he has a powerful will, he will not use the power of nature that is within him. He is traveling trying to find his beloved cat and didn't want to do anything that has nothing to do with finding his cat. However, he will still clear out all that troubles him, and is willing to help those who are willing to help him find his cat.]

Zhang Yun then pointed to the Twilight Wolf and said, "Brother Mikoto, see that boss over there? I'll leave it to you!"

Brother Mikoto slowly answered him, "Alright…"

Zhang Yun did not need to command him, nor did he need to ask the other Murlocs to support him. For someone like Brother Mikoto, the Poor Man's God of War that has high intelligence, he only needed him to attack at will.

With his power, it was an easy task to defeat a boss at his level. Even if it was very fast.

Not to mention, Zhang Yun had bought insurance, and used a rare resource to increase Brother Mikoto's level to level 20, and raised his stats by several dozen points.

"Howl!" When the Twilight Wolf noticed Brother Mikoto's appearance, it could sense danger in the air. It immediately growled and then pounced towards Brother Mikoto like a violent wind.

It was a powerful strike.

The Twilight Wolf's sharp claws slashed through Brother Mikoto's body!

However, a giant miss appeared in the air. That was because Brother Mikoto crouched down on the final moment and avoided the Twilight Wolf's claw by a hair's breadth.

"Blazing Sword, Light of the Heart!


[Mikot activated the skill "Blazing Sword - Light of the Heart", attack speed increased by 10%.]

All of a sudden, Brother Mikoto unsheathed his Scarlet Blade - Smoldering Inferno, and he opened his eyes like a lion awakened from its sleep.

"Blazing Sword - Destroy the Evil Spirit!"

As the fire came out of Brother Mikoto's body, it quickly covered the katana that was flashing a cold light, and then it struck at the Twilight Wolf's body with unparalleled momentum.


As the katana struck its body, flames sparked. The Twilight Wolf flew unto the ground as it cried painfully, red-colored numbers reaching four digits appeared on its head.

"Heh! You are unable to withstand the power of flames? Then, you have already lost," Brother Mikoto looked at the Twilight Wolf fallen onto the ground. He held the blade with both his hands, and a blazing flame was unleashed from his palm.

"Blazing Sword – Pyre!"

He advanced forward in big steps, and the katana covered with burning flame slashed across the air like a meteor falling from space, and crashed into the Twilight Wolf's body.

The Twilight Wolf rolled over and stood up, opening its bloody jaws, and jumped towards Brother Mikoto's head.

"I say, you have already lost. There is no need to resist…" Brother Mikoto's body suddenly twisted away, and avoided the Twilight Wolf's bite. At the same time, the katana in his hand turned at a weird angle and slammed onto the Twilight Wolf without losing momentum.



And then, when the flames consumed the wolf's head, it had lost another 200 HP.

Brother Mikoto did not stop and slashed the Twilight Wolf a few more times with his katana, and then unleashed another round of Blazing Sword - Destroy the Evil Spirit as soon as its cooldown had passed, increasing his [Challenged] status to level 2.

In that instant, his attack had greatly increased. His next Destroy the Evil Spirit skill would have new changes, dealing even more damage.

"It ends."

Brother Mikoto sighed as he raised the katana that was consumed by flames. He was like the grim reaper preparing to reap a soul and slashed at the Twilight Wolf's head.

"Return to Nature's embrace!"