Bane Weapon

[Prompt: Defeat the Followers of Archede (1/3)]

[Prompt: Receiving rewards… 500 GP, Diamond x20, Experience Crystal x10, Goddess' Aqua x10, Disfavored Void Fragment x30]

"Huh? Reward? So, the three bosses are calculated individually? I thought I would only get 20 Diamonds after killing all of them…"

To tell the truth, looking at the strength of that Follower of Archede, 6.3 Diamonds for each of them were indeed too little.

And now, killing one of them would yield him 20 Diamonds. That meant that three of them would give a total of 60 Diamonds. Adding up all the other rewards… That would then be much more normal.

"But compared to the quest to protect the civilians, it was still very little…" Zhang Yun mumbled to himself and then looked at the other reward, the "Disfavored Void Fragment" that he had never seen before.

"What the hell is this?"

[Disfavored Void Fragment: The core ingredients in crafting Anti-Archede Weapons.]

"Bane Weapons?

"This kind of thing actually exists?"

Bane Weapons, like normal weapons, had limits to them. They can break through these limits by consuming the same weapons to increase their level caps. They can also use Enhancing Rocks to increase their levels and attributes. They are specialized weapons used to deal with specific creatures.

In the game, there were many types of Bane Weapons. The most commonly seen were the Dragonkiller Weapons used against dragons, Holy Weapons that were used against demons and undead, as well as Critical Weapons used against creatures with high regeneration.

Compared to weapons of the same levels, their attributes may be slightly lower. But when battling creatures that the weapon was effective against, it could deal ten times the average damage of other normal weapons.

In a more direct way of putting it, if the Elementals were equipped with Anti-Archede weapons, then their Fusion Burst skills would definitely not only deal 300 damage, but it would be multiplied by several-fold.

If the Bane Weapons were good enough, they might even have some extra abilities.

For example, removing some powerful buffs from the target, or adding some debuff that was very effective against the target and making the creatures they were effective against become weaker than weak, maybe even to the point where it would be considered bullying.

"Anti-Archede Weapon? Not bad, if I could get it out earlier, Brother Mikoto should be able to fight it, and not let a second phase boss wipe the floor with him…"

Zhang Yun said casually and threw the Disfavored Void Fragment back into his Inventory, and then shifted his vision back to Brother Mikoto.

At the time, Brother Mikoto stood in the plaza with fire around him. He was holding his katana with one hand like a war god, and behind him was the gigantic body of the Follower of Archede.

It exuded a thick, purple mist as its body was quickly melting at a speed observable by the eyes. In a short five seconds, the body quickly disappeared, leaving behind only a naked man.

After that, Brother Mikoto turned around, knelt down by that man's body, and began to search him.

Zhang Yun, "?"

Zhang Yun paused a while before bursting out in laughter and said, "Ahaha! Not bad, not bad! It was quite urgent just now, so I forgot to tell him about it… I did not realize that Brother Mikoto understood me that much, and he would automatically loot a body?"

"It seems that he had learned something from me after following me for such a long time!


"That thing's original form is a man, and he is all naked and had nothing on him?

"Not even a magic item?

"What a poor man!

"Oh well!

After Zhang Yun had finished letting out his steam, he then pulled his vision back.

Since the Follower of Archede had died, and the magical beasts on that plaza had mostly been killed after a few Union Burst skills bombing the place, all the remaining ones were the weakest ones. Even if they all swarmed towards Brother Mikoto at the same time, they would not be able to defeat him when he had the "Divine Form" buff.

Therefore, Zhang Yun decided that there was no need for him to continue watching after confirming his current situation.

But it seemed that Brother Mikoto had not had enough of it just yet…

[Prompt: You had gained 450 shared XP!]

[Prompt: You had gained 670 shared XP!]

[Prompt: You had gained 515 shared XP!]

[Prompt: You had gained 416 shared XP!]

No one knew how much time had passed. When the poison mist had completely dissipated, it revealed a plaza consumed by flames.

At this time, the luminous magic had already expired. Just using those little flames on the plaza was not enough to light up the whole place, so all the soldiers could not really see what was happening there.

The officer in command quickly yelled out, "Light up the plaza!"

The wizard replied, "Understood!"

As soon as the luminous magic was fired up into the sky and lightened up the entire plaza, it revealed all the charred magical beast corpses littered around.

"What was that?!"

"They… they all died?"

The soldiers were all shocked and exchanged glances of disbelief. They then noticed that everyone's faces were also filled with the same disbelief.

Later, the soldier that discovered Brother Mikoto the earliest yelled out, "Where is that man? Did you see him? Look for him quickly!"

'That is right!'

'Where is that man?'

'He had killed all those magical beasts, where is he?'

As soon as the soldiers came back to their senses, they quickly scanned the entire plaza looking for Brother Mikoto's figure.

However, after Brother Mikoto had unleashed Celestial Conflagration and cleared up the remaining magical beasts on the plaza, he then left the place by following the clues that Zhang Yun left behind. Therefore, no matter how much they looked, they would not be able to find Brother Mikoto on the plaza…

After searching for a while, the soldiers did not notice anything. The commander then sent out a few scouting parties to look at the situation down below.

After a short while, one of the scouting parties returned first.

The captain said, "Sir, we have returned. We are also clear about what had happened down below."

The commander immediately asked, "What is happening down there? Speak!"

The captain explained, "Sir, the magical beasts on the plaza are all basically dead. There are several magical beasts that have been severely injured, but there are no threat to us with their current condition.

"All the magical beasts in the nearby streets are also dead and their corpses littered the streets. There are new groups of magical beasts approaching from afar, but they were few in numbers. Any of our parties could easily destroy them."

The commander then said with a frown, "Then, you mean that all the magical beasts that congregated here are all dead?"

The captain nodded, "Yes, sir. All dead. Only the purple wolf is missing.

"That man, he probably did not die. That is because we discovered plenty of charred magical beast corpses on the streets heading to the West. They are all fresh.

"There are also the flames that the man left behind. Unlike the flames that were almost doused on the plaza, they were very hot. Obviously, they only started recently…

"Therefore, I guess the man must have injured the purple demon wolf. It then fled West, and he was pursuing it.

"Or… He was injured by the demon wolf and headed West, and the purple Demon Wolf chased after him."

The commander lowered his head in contemplation and said, "True… Both situations are probable. But regardless of which, our side is temporarily free of danger.

"Alright, go down and take a good rest. I will call for you if there is anything else."

The captain then saluted and said, "Yes, sir!"

However, at this time, a man from another scouting party climbed up the stairs huffing and puffing. He pushed away his comrade that wanted to support him and then ran towards the commander.

He did not even salute, and fell down onto the floor and said to him despite being out of breath, "Sir… Sir… We have discovered a group of civilians… in the streets to our South…"