Should Be Able To?


"A group of civilians? How many? Where exactly are they?"

"There… is a total of…" The soldier ran as fast as he could and did not rest at all, so he had no more strength to speak at all by this time.

The commander quickly said, "Do not worry, rest for a while. Report to me after you can speak!"

"Yes, sir..." The soldier panted.

After a short time, the soldier could finally speak normally and he quickly reported, "Sir… We have found a large group of civilians… about a hundred of them… on the southern street heading towards Kitra Tavern.

"They are hiding in some homes there, and there are no traces of any large group of magical beasts on the way there, but there were still some magical beasts wandering around… If they directly came over here, they would definitely attract the magical beasts around them to attack.

"Those with classes among them had been fighting continuously from the docks. Now, they might be out of stamina already, and they won't be able to bring so many people going through these streets…"

When he heard that, the commander cut him off and said, "Alright, I understand. There is no need for you to say anything anymore, rest well. Alpha, form three squads and escort them here.

"The magical beast horde just now had been decimated by that man. Now is a good time to escort them back here before a new group of magical beasts arrives…"



In the Kingdom of Alberia, the lives of civilians were very important. Unless it was a situation similar to when Brother Mikoto had a horde behind him and there was nothing they could do about it, all the soldiers as well as officers would prioritize helping the civilians.

That was because everyone here had their own faiths. Plus, most of their tenets were similar to the Sea Goddess that the obese merchant believed in and focused on helping others. Basically, "helping others was helping yourself."

While saving the civilians this time had nothing much to do with them, and the civilians might not have the money to pay them back, maybe next time when their families were in danger, they might be helped by their comrades so that their lives would be saved.

Everyone here cared a lot about their family. They became soldiers not just to have food on the table and a warm bed. It was also to gain enough power to protect their families from possible dangers by standing between them…

Otherwise, why not choose an occupation that was safer and could earn more?

Even if they became woodcutters that needed no capital to start, all they needed to do was to work harder and they could safely earn money!

Since this was not a stable, peaceful era, there were wars, magical beasts, and demonic beasts all over…

Just like now, when the city was invaded by the magical beast horde, the military was the first to be on the scene and fought against the magical beasts like a meat grinder. No one knew how many people would die after this…

Therefore, when the commander knew about the civilians' situation, he immediately ordered for them to be saved. He would not think of them as trouble at all.

Even the nobilities in this kingdom would also consider the civilians when faced with danger despite there being a fair amount of them that were a waste of space. They would not abandon them at all and allowed the civilians to be killed by the enemies.

Since if the civilians were all dead, who would pay for their food, drinks, and entertainment? Who would be serving them?

If the families of the soldiers would not receive protection, who would be willing to sell their lives for them and do all the dangerous work?

The adults would at least understand such simple logic.

Being a small city, the White Sparrow Garrison's overall quality could not match the armies from the big cities, but it was still alright. As soon as the commander's orders were made, three temporary squads were formed and they all immediately headed towards where the obese merchant was waiting.

After a short while, they converged with the hundred over people, and immediately left and headed towards the platform.

Before then, Zhang Yun and Brother Mikoto had returned to the obese man's place and gave him a random reason on why they were leaving. He also used "covering their rear" as an excuse to run to the back of the group.

Of course, for safety's sake, he had left behind an elemental to spy on these people's movement to stop an even more powerful group of magical beasts from appearing and killing them all.

Once the soldiers arrived and the group of people was finally safe, only then did Zhang Yun and Brother Mikoto left together.

As for the remaining Elemental, he did not care about it anymore. It did not matter if it died or not since he could revive it as soon as he was out of battle.

Later, Zhang Yun quietly left without giving Carter and the rest of them a chance to ask him to stay. He also avoided problems such as being interrogated by the army.

As for the problems that he had to deal with afterward…

He was out of options. Facing such a powerful boss, he had to expose his own fighting capabilities. If he did not expose himself, he would not be able to get the 20 Diamonds from the boss' reward. He might even lose the diamonds from escorting that hundred over people.

Zhang Yun had considered it thoroughly. Compared to gaining the attention of the army, the 100 plus Diamonds were much more important. He would deal with whatever that came afterward. He would take the Diamonds and leave for now.

Not to mention that logically speaking, he had saved those soldiers. No matter how they did it, they would not lock him up in prison, right?

Since he would not end up in prison, it was not important. He had no need to pay it much attention then.

After he thought it through, Zhang Yun then led his followers and attacked the Magical Beast followers. He wanted to first complete the "Gate" closing quest.

The assumption was that he could complete the quest.

He should be able to?

Should be?


'Um, I don't think I can. If there is another boss guarding there…

'Fine, I should find a safe place and craft an Anti-Archede Weapon first…'