Summon the Old Man Once Again

"Elemental Group Three, Union Burst, 20 meters to the front. Once you are done with the bombing, Murloc Group One advance and kill all the surviving magical beasts.

"Murloc Group Two, Murloc Group Three, block the magical beasts pouring out from the civilian homes to the left and right.

"Elemental Group Four, beware of the magical beasts from the back. If they come any closer, use your skills to bomb them…"

Without anyone else interfering with him, Zhang Yun had returned to his original pace in killing the monsters. He pushed forward with absolute power and went up against the stream of the magical beast horde.

Very quickly, he had covered a great distance and went far away from the platform with the soldiers and reached a nameless commercial plaza.

There was no one here, and very few magical beasts. The shops surrounding it were quite empty. Compared to all the chaos in the other places, this place was so calm that it felt like its own space.


"There shouldn't be anything troublesome coming over in a short time…


"This is the place then."

Zhang Yun waved his hands and let his followers guard the plaza. He himself pushed a wooden door that had been destroyed by some unknown magical beast and entered a small shop with a size of around 30 meters square.

The place was out of the way and not part of the main street that would head straight to the city center, so the magical beasts did not like to come over. After waiting for a while, he was then no longer in combat. His followers, who had no magical beasts to fight, were also no longer in combat.

When he was no longer bound by the conditions of being in combat, Zhang Yun immediately recalled all his followers outside other than Brother Mikoto. Only Brother Mikoto was left, and he had him guard the shop's entrance.

Shortly after, Zhang Yun entered Storage and resupplied all the items and potions that he had expended. Then, he took out all the temporary tools that he needed in order to create weapons, as well as a certain calling card.

Correct, that was the calling card of Oldman Haha that he wanted to summon but did not—Soran.

"Ahahahahaha. Young man, did you summon me?"

Name: Soran

Race: Human

Legacy: N/A

Title: N/A

Level: 1

XP: 0

HP: 302/302

SP: 60/60

Attributes: STR 3, AGI 1, CON 2, INT 4, WILL 1, CHA 2

Skills: Craft Weapons (Lv 1, can craft or forge weapons when certain conditions are met), Woodwork Specialist (Lv 1, can create any wooden tool, and increase their effectiveness.)

Class: None

Equipped: Carving Knife

Summoner: Zhang Yun

Affiliation: N/A

Overall Rating: ** (out of two stars)

[Summary: An old man with a youthful heart and who loves to laugh. Can craft many types of wooden items. If you can think of it, he can craft it, and provide these wooden items with special abilities. Of course, he is not just a mere carpenter, he is also a blacksmith. If you want to make him smith an iron weapon, he can also do that.]

In the game, players had three ways to craft weapons and items.

The first way was to gather the core materials needed in an NPC shop, spend money to buy the owner's time and have him craft the weapons.

The second way was for the players themselves to learn crafting skills. Once they managed to find the weapon materials, there was no need for them to give them to anyone. They simply needed to find a place where there were no monsters, take out the crafting sets that the system gave for free, and make their own weapons.

The third way was to summon special heroes that had crafting skills, and have them make the weapons…

As Zhang Yun's main body was just a new account and he did not even have a class yet, he would not know "Blacksmith" weapon forging skills.

He could not really find a blacksmith where he was too.

Even if he could, the blacksmith must be in shock from the magical beast horde and definitely would not be able to properly forge a weapon.

Therefore, if Zhang Yun wanted to forge an Anti-Archede Weapon, he had to choose option three and summon a hero that could forge weapons.

According to his principle of saving Diamonds, There was only one man he could choose. That was Oldman Haha, Soran. The old man that was called "One of the Seven Manufacturing Garbage."

That being said, do not think that old man Soran was just a Two-Star follower that only knew how to make wooden weapons. In truth, he was also quite a famous blacksmith according to his background. As long as one could provide a weapon's core ingredients and basic weapon schematics, he could forge a weapon for you on the spot.

The difference was, if you had Oldman Haha make a weapon, he could make a wooden weapon that only he knew how to make, and grant that wooden weapon special abilities. It would be several times stronger than any wooden weapons forged by other NPCs.

But he himself could not craft any weapons that were not from wooden materials. You needed to provide materials and schematics, and only then would he forge one for you. Furthermore, the weapon would not have any special abilities and it would just be a very normal weapon.

Using the same logic, one could also ask the other crafting followers to create a weapon. No matter what level they are and how many stars they have, they would only create a weapon that they knew how to create, and grant that weapon a unique special ability.

However, if one wanted them to create normal weapons, they would be the same as Oldman Haha. They would require materials and schematics before they could make one, and they would not add any extra special abilities to it.

Unless it was a certain Five-Star Hero that specialized in weapons. He would not be able to craft anything else and he would only know how to forge weapons, but he could make any normal weapon. He needed no schematics or tools and would be able to create a weapon for you out of thin air, and then add a bunch of different abilities to it.

As for Divine Artifacts…

The conditions to craft one of those were too stringent. Not all blacksmiths had the ability to create them.

That was why even if you could provide them with the core ingredients to craft a Divine Artifact and its schematics, they still could not create a Divine Artifact.

And you could forget about creating one out of thin air. Even that Five-Star could not do it. At most, he could meet those stringent requirements, use the materials and schematics, and forge one.

Some of the special high-level weapons also had conditions that needed to be met before being forged.

For example, a minimum level requirement, a minimum crafting level requirement, etcetera.

Those followers that could not reach the minimum requirements could not forge one, so one should just forget about it!

Therefore, with Oldman Haha's current level, even if you gave him the materials and schematics, and later taught him step-by-step, he still would not be able to forge those high-level weapons…