No Way, I Have Competition for Laying Eggs

At the Peacock Mountain.

The mountain was not originally called Peacock Mountain.

However, ever since Peacock Saintess lived there, it was renamed the Peacock Mountain.

The mountain did not look like what it used to be. The Peacock Saintess ordered the Demons to renovate the area. They connected the hills so it looked like a laid Peacock from afar. It was regal and beautiful.

The mountain was very recognizable. Peacock Saintess was a show-off. Therefore, the place was extremely famous, too.

Meanwhile, in the mountains.

A Five-Color Sacred Light shined. Immortal powers circled at the center of the light. Spiritual Qi was misty and floating in the air. It looked like a paradise.

A hill appeared amongst the green trees and thick bushes.

Streams and waterfalls splashed in the mountain.