Chapter 96: Betrayal & Master Miura vs Death Soldiers

The death soldiers had been paying attention only to Master Miura and Master Ito all this time, so the moment they decided to attack they were already prepared to face their attacks.

Taking position they once again formed a formation where up to four people were going to be used as obstacles, while the others had a head-on confrontation without caring about the consequences.

They didn't mind dying to complete their goals, this was their life purpose in their mind after all. They were brainwashed so deep to think that dying for their Master's benefit was the goal of their lives.

Right now their goal was simple and clear to all of them, stop and obstruct Master Miura and Master Ito from approaching the fight or leaving the place.

Master Miura on the other hand was already expectant of their tactics, as he immediately prepared himself to first attack the guys that were supposed to pin him down on the ground.