Chapter 97: Wrath & Death Law

The problem was that now he had only a little bit more than 2 minutes left to deal with his most hated and most dangerous opponent, Eric!

All this time he had been totally concentrated on the enemies in front of him, killing and creating a bloodbath to survive their deadly attacks.

He hadn't been able to think about Eric even for a moment, but now that the small fries were finished, it was time for him to go towards the big burger.

Turning his head towards the battlefield a moment ago he was unable to see Eric in there anymore, as all that was left in that place were limbs, corpses, and blood.

For a moment, fear that Eric had run away, and escaped flashed in his mind, which made him scowl like an injured beast.

He only had 2 minutes to find and kill Eric before he lost that power in his body because after that he would be weaker than an unborn child.