Chapter 98: Closure of the night!

He couldn't believe his eyes for a moment! He knew that that energy wasn't something to be taken lightly, but he still didn't expect such a thing.

It was beyond everything he had imagined, after all in one thought, he had just destroyed the hand of a powerful Master to whom he couldn't even see his level.

Just thinking about it made him really excited about what the future held for him. But first things first, he had to deal with the duo in front of him.

They were still running around with one of them dodging all the crazy attacks of the others with the only wish of survival.

Master Miura was still acting like a wild beast, attacking Master Ito without even caring about his life, he wanted to kill him as soon as possible.

His animalistic instincts were roaring at him, that if he didn't kill this guy and the others soon then he would be worse than a dead man.