Chapter 99: New Slaves & Orders

These thoughts made him feel really happy and satisfied at the moment. Tonight had been a great night for him.

Not only had he amassed a whole lot of SP points, but also he would be able to break level 30 as soon as his body got a little upgrade.

He had gained more than 10 levels tonight which was something really good for him, and now he only had to concentrate on improving and tempering his body, to get the rest of the levels.

With these thoughts in mind, he entered the private box in his restaurant and immediately got down to work.

He wanted to make these two guys his slaves. The problem was that their levels were above the cap of levels he could do such a thing.

Most probably both of them were above level 38, as he was unable to even see their level at that moment. They were above his 8 level cap, and he was only level 29 at the moment.