Chapter 170: Second Clue & Message

His words clearly startled the people involved because each and any one of them had almost forgotten where they were, and what was the reason for all this.

They had all surrendered to their carnal desires, and pleasures, totally forgetting what they were doing there in the first place.

One could say that Eric's words were like cold water, to their lost and confused faces, as they were once again reminded of what they were playing for.

4 million $!

That was enough to return the clarity to the two men who had been having a really good time until now, as they once again returned to their places.

It was only now that they were reminded of what was going on a while ago, and they threw a look towards the women that they sold for the possibility of that money.

Both ladies were still on the ground, but one could easily tell from their appearance that they had just gone through something extraordinary.