Chapter 171: Wrong guesses & Punishments

The tyrannical bi*tch was left stranded in the middle, on one side it was her mother, and her message through her decision, on the other hand, was her stingy father, and the man she liked.

It was right, in her mind the fact that those two people sold her like pimps were gone, as she was now thinking that her man would protect her from now on.

Eric could clearly notice this, but he had decided to deal with her only after hearing her decision, one could say that her entire position and treatment would depend on this decision.

Finally, it looked like one part of her prevailed over the other, as she finally made a decision and said,

"Kisaki Haoru!"

These two words were enough to express her standing, and position, as she had decided to side with her man in this.

The masked man showed no expression outside, as he just continued to observe her a little more, apparently, his goodwill had been wasted on her.