Chapter 207: Bet

As soon as he was going to pull the trigger though, his sight became blurry and then went totally dark, as he fell on the ground without firing the shot.

With that guy out of the way, Inuhara Muto disappeared once again, as he made his way towards the last sniper alive, knocking him out too.

With his job done, he immediately sent the signal to Eric, who was tired of playing around with the dead guys in front of him and decided to wrap things up.

In less than a minute each and every one of the guys attacking him was not only dead but had also disappeared from existence.

There was no sign of them even existing, not even a drop of blood, or thread of air, they were totally gone.

Eric quickly stored the death pill in his inventory and then started checking the dead guys' cars, and equipment, as he waited for Inuhara Muto to arrive.