Chapter 208: Torture & Implosion

With that said, he turned towards his four targets, and said with a calm and clear voice,

"Probably this is just a loss of time, but none of you guys is smart enough to start talking right away, so he doesn't have to suffer right!?"

These guys were professional mercenaries, professional killers who had gone through a lot of terrible situations to end up where they had.

Each and every one of them had gone through their fair share of terrible tortures, and pain in order to become what they were today.

Certainly, they weren't going to give up in front of a kid, right? 

Even though they were still shocked at being caught, and the fact that there wasn't any sign of the previous fight taking place, still, how bad can this young man be, right!?

So even though they all had a bad premonition about this, none of them showed any signs of wanting to collaborate or open their mouth.