Chapter 216: Dominance

As immediately the great sword was engulfed by a warm and moist thing, that seemed to be trying to suck out the 'holy power' from it.

Being cushioned amidst those cotton-like melons, and then being licked and covered in hot saliva, as it was being sucked out like that, Eric could feel like his resistance was diminishing really quick.

If she kept going like that, then perhaps he wouldn't be able to hold on for long, and then would end up supplying her with his 'holy power'.

Not that it would make a big difference, it was just that he didn't want to lose this little game of dominance they were playing.

He needed to give her a good lesson about who was the Master, and who was the servant in between them and couldn't allow her to have the lead.

For that reason, he closed his eyes and tried to force himself into meditation, and clear his mind from the extra burning thoughts, that were sending him towards the edge.