Chapter 217: A visit from Mother-in-law

Just as he was about to lower her down, and let his monster conquer another secret cave, that would belong only to him, someone was knocking on his door.

His first thought was to continue doing what he was already doing, and then deal with the party crasher, punishing him or her for the slight distraction!

But the moment he saw who she was, his plan flew out of the window, as he couldn't afford to let her wait.

It was his stoic mother-in-law!

He didn't know what she was doing here, but he couldn't let her wait in there, could he!? Even if it meant that he would have to suffer blue balls, he had to!

With that decision made, he took her up once again, as he then let her stand beside him, as he said,

"We will have to continue this latter beauty, for now, get dressed and open the door."

Hilda was clearly dissatisfied with that woman's interference right now, but there was nothing she could do.