Chapter 231: Information, Plan, & Ideology

There was one thing that Master Takeshiba understood though, this would totally change the whole situation they were in.

In fact, even now Master Takeshiba didn't truly believe the whole story about the looming catastrophe, but that conviction changed a bit as he heard what he heard.

He would never believe that someone would do anything without having some form of interest in it. After all, there were no perfect human beings in existence, and there would never be.

But what was the reason that this guy was doing whatever he was doing!? Was it truly possible for that big catastrophe to be real?

Most importantly though, what was his interest in all this. Why was he doing something like this!?

The only thing that could run through his mind at the moment was that Eric's master was trying to replenish his forces and create an army.

  At the same time, if he was truly as strong as Eric made him be then they wouldn't be able to resist him either.