Chapter 232: Idiots & Information

After such a tiring day, and the bomb he dropped on his father-in-law, Eric thought that this was enough for today, so he just went straight home to relax.

Sometimes when you want to just relax thought, life won't allow you to do so. As, as soon as he came out of the company, flies started following behind him immediately.

These idiots weren't even trying to hide themselves, as they were coming right at him, doing everything to pull his attention.

Seeing that these guys wouldn't give up no matter how much Eric tried to lose them, he decided to just find someplace and take care of them.

Too many things had happened today, and it was really tiring for him to deal with every kind of shit coming his way.

And these guys even had a spectacular sense of time, as they would always appear as he had his head on Hilda's thighs, trying to take a rest.