Chapter 299: An S or an M!?

While Kaito was rolling about his pain, there was another much more surprising fact in this whole ordeal, as he had clearly climaxed inside the lady's throat.

In fact, he had climaxed precisely the moment she had bit him trying to cause him pain, and forcing him away from her throat.

As she was now coughing hard, and throwing sprinkles of his load outside her mouth, trying to regain her lost breath.

It was quite the view and quite the situation, as even Eric himself hadn't expected something like this to happen.

He still didn't believe his eyes, and his senses, as he couldn't believe that the Kaito he knew was actually not a sadist like he thought, but a damn masochist.

He didn't know how he should feel about this new discovery of his, should he feel happy that he found something to humiliate him, or angry because this bastard might be actually enjoying this.