Chapter 300: You Can’t Trust Women

It should have been, but the moment he looked at the video he was able to immediately pinpoint the location for the third level.

But that didn't make him happy in the least, in fact, that made him extremely angry, enraged, and furious.

Whoever was forcing him to play this wretched game, clearly had a lot of information about him, and every woman he was closely related to.

It seemed like it started from the least important to him, until the most important woman in his life, and that was something that was making him furious.

Certainly 4 million dollars was a big sum, but was it worth it to lose everything he had only so he could win that amount of money?

Was it worthy for him to completely burn his life, just because he wanted to earn that money? He was in a truly complicated situation right now and had quite the mixed feelings.